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Everything posted by Thurston

  1. Scott just kill urself now, ur one hoorna state not bad vid though, liked brodies riding but scott just stop it
  2. You're some boy for riding rafts instead of your coust. From Duff x.
  3. Nicely done brodie Wasnt all that exciting but a good watch none the less
  4. hahahaha i have sooooo much of a problem sleeping its a joke
  5. that sounds an idea i reckon im gonna put it to an auto electrician and see what they say
  6. Nah it standard, nothing added at all Was thinkin it might be the alternator but i checked that when the car was running and it gives out the right ammount of charge for it to be working
  7. Technially it would be illegal to grow i suppose but i bet you most pot smokers like me and you would just because we would get a clean fresh smoke for a start and we could argue if we got caught that at least we wernt payin money into drug dealers hands cause cannabis would be legal to smoke so growing it yourself would look so bad. Either way its a hopless possibilty and we must trek on with findin ways to get good smoke for little money, not gonna happen though so growing is the cheapest possibilty although there are alot of risks.
  8. I completely agree with that due to what ive seen in certain younger smokers but thats what the government are hoping for, so people see whatt it does to young minds nd make it completely in-accesable same with everything that brings a bit of joy to many people lives that it hasnt and wont f**k up there lives. Alchohol is by far the biggest known killer and its LEGAL unlike cannabis which is illegal right now and doesnt cause a 3rd of the damage alcohol does to people lives
  9. Batterys brand new as i thought it was that at first but it turns out not Its a 106 1.4 xsi
  10. Its a case of what your brain can handle, i smoke weed and it hasnt changed me but i know a few younger people that its changed and some people my age due to them not being able to handle it. If it was brought back to class c i would be happy but i think if they made it legal they would stop drug trafficing of cannabis because everbody that smoked it would grow for themselves and stop pumping money into drug crime related to dealers due to weed.
  11. Got a probelm Seems that my car likes to drain my battery when the car isint running and nothin is turned on I dont have a clue wat it would be, mabye the wiring loom??? any ideas boys?
  12. You have hit it on the head, if alcohol is legal and also the most potent killer in the UK then why isint cannabis showing a 12 or soo a year death rate even though as far as im aware there have never been any in hosptial death dues to cannabis but thousands for drink. I f**kIN HATE UK GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!
  13. It will never happen simple as If it did, thats like sayin ecstasy is the same as puff It isint, simple as If "E" did go to a class b then there would be a holy uproar from all the cannabis/green people in the country and it would shift back to class A quicker than jack flash, so there is no way there gonna do it. Thats my opinion and yes i have tried both and im an avade pot smoker, couldnt see the appeal to coke/pills. didnt do anything for me
  14. Thurston


    hhahahahaha id love to see how angry he was after that happend he looked a real tit although its not the pads fault, its the backing as said before
  15. Westside connection - 3 time felons
  16. Got anyone that will crack your back for you?? I know the answer at this time of night will most likely be no and if so just try and crack your back urself?? It works for me sometimes because my backs f**ked
  17. Tried sleeping on the floor? to releave the pressure on ur back? mabye not the best suggestion considering uve got an exam tomorrow but its all i could come up with at this silly hour
  18. Scott go to bed please Your posts in here are beginning to annoy me Do you ever sleep boyo?
  19. Good riding shame about the person doing it
  20. no snow up here yet really hope it snows, hasnt snowed properly up here in aaaaagggggeeeesss
  21. This man knows his stuff up again bored, cant sleep, i need to stop spending the day in bed
  22. I now like skins after watching that episode I used to hate the shite but this series looks shit hot
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