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Everything posted by anzo

  1. What the freck!! I hope hes doing it this year! Is rufus James Brown!?
  2. At Derby County website they just said 'An American Band' but it has to be someone friggin decent... Although prepare to be let down, I bet its Offspring or something, lol. That would be hilarious.
  3. Probably sold out, on Friday they sold over 10000 tickets for Derby, on average about 4 tickets per second...something like that according to RAM FM. Not bad going. Try Hyde park Seating if you can/if it exists?
  4. Right here 40 quid each
  5. Trials is, and has always been overlooked as an extreme sport. And its that title of Extreme Sport that makes it what it is. The reason it is so overlooked is because its never taken seriously, its seen as the 'freak show' and is not extreme enough for the blonde haired, die hard MX fan who shouts 'Yeah Dude!' at everything. Trials, as previously said is all about control, style and co-ordination, all of which have to be at their peak to make a good rider (to the trained eye) when anything in trials is pulled off it is like an art. To the untrained eye it is unbelievable, to the trained eye it is progression. I believe that it is a good thing that trials is an under-estimated sport, it makes it unique and is then branded as a sport that requires the rider to be near perfect. I say 'sport' but really to anyone who isn't a rider, a bike is a bike, not a sport. The practice that trials requires, is what I think makes it good. Every single trials rider is committed, no matter what, they wouldn't do it otherwise. They all have a goal to become better, even the best riders in the world which they could be better, and for the average street rider with his/her mates, they which they could be better then their mates...there are no limits. Although, the best thing about trials I'll think you'll all agree on is the riders. They all tend to be sound, its the same with mototrials and the people I have met though that. Everyone is willing to help or offer advice, its great...example of this is the bike the forum members built up for deej's missus.
  6. Anyone going to see them on the UK tour? I got my tickets for Derby (Pride Park) on Saturday. 40 quid a ticket and they're selling FAST. they sold about 10,000 on the first day, almost 7 tickets per minute! Anyone going?
  7. f**kin' ell, if your concern in life is people arguing on a forum then you have a pretty pathetic life. Yes this is a forum, meaning we will have mixed opinion, believe me, this forum would be shit if everyone liked the same thing and all the opinions were the same. To be honest, I don't give a shit on this forum, if someone does like my opinion, fair enough, I'm not going to break my back trying to force an opinion down the throat of someone who disagrees...whats the point? I'm quite new to the forum, and already I can pick out some of the forum retards who should act their age, but no one is an arrogant twat or anything like that. It's just some members can't control themselves and because someone doesn't agree with them, they have to throw an orgasm about it and ruin the thread for everyone else...but hey, thats life. If the forum bothers you to the point you make a post that sounds like a Ms. World speech for Forum Peace, you need to get out and ride more.
  8. Bike: Onza T-Pro (2005) Type: Mod Pros: pimped out, looks nice (in my opinion), nice to ride (in my opinion) Cons: Over the months I've grown a hate towards Onza components...thus replacing every single component on it. Much better now Recommend? I suppose so, if you spend a bomb on it. Its wank as standard, all the parts are cheap and shit quality compared to some of the stuff on the market. It's a nice frame...just need to look out for cracks and keep that BB TIGHT!
  9. Still got to put a gold rim on the front...whenever I can be arsed.
  10. All the Safety checks required; here As far as Standards, or law fork trucks must be inspected, I think (don't mark me on this) every 12 months. Its like an MOT for trucks, if they pass they must be marked with a 'Thorough Examination' label. This has been bought on by LOLER (Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regs) 1998 and PUWER (Provison and Use of Work Equipment Regs) 1998, they're the two legislations that generally apply to ensure that the work equipment, and the lifting equipment in the workplace is safe. Heath and Safety at Work Act 1974 may also apply here; Section 2(3) the provision of such information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety at work of his employees ---- Which basically means training to the Fork Truck driver Back to the truck testing. The truck will be inspected on; Tyre PressuresBrakesPivot pointsCondition of Operation ControlsSafety devices (reverse alarms, hazard lighting ect)Fork Chain conditionand POSSIBILY the qualifications of selected truck drivers.Theres is loads and loads to it, It just depends how far you want to go into it. Pallet Safety - Click Here (Word Document) Pallet Regulations (to meet BS) - Click Here (.pdf File!) The British Standard No. for safety of trucks is BS 5777 The British Standard No. for wooden pallets is BS 2629 Need anymore advice, PM me.
  11. There was one lad in my year, it was about year 4 or something. This Pig came in and gave us a long talk about having sweets from strangers, and then the pig invited another man in with a bag of sweets and offered them around. Everyone took one, except this lad...We took all the sweet and then the cop said 'did you know him...blah blah blah'...pointless talk really. I hated the lad though, do-gooder...willy.
  12. Ok, some firefighter or pig comes into school when you were about 6. Most exciting thing ever...of course. But do you remember doing either of these? I think the Stranger Danger one was only in Derbyshire. Teaching kids that anyone who walks past you in the street WILL kidnap you, WILL harm you and WILL rape you.
  13. Common problem, simply because they are plastic, tacky shite. Best bet is to go for the 04 lever and bodge it with a bolt. Or, get hold of a metal screw (replace the red plastic one). Do a search, millions of topics on it. My opinion is to go 2004.
  14. Just don't bother all together. Isn't worth the risk of debt AND losing the bike. Just hang around and wait for an honest buyer, you'll be glad you did.
  15. I'm having a great day, its Friday, finishing work at 1, and then going for a ride...you'd never guess what though. Some woman in Timbucktoo, her dad is a multi-millionaire and he recently died and they need somewhere to keep the money so it doesn't get taxed on or handed over to other relatives...but anyway, by chance they got my email address and I have to hold the money for them and get to keep 10%! All I have to do is give them all my details and they send the money straight over, how lucky is that!...Whos gonna be rich?
  16. you' Put T' corpse unda' patioooo?
  17. anzo

    Liam Eyre, Vid One.

    When did Liam do a demo? (At the end of the vid) Good vid, nice and local
  18. anzo

    Yay Finally 18

    Congrats. You share a bday with... Paris Hilton Michael Jordan and finally Billie Joe Armstrong (*cough*wanker*cough*) from Greenday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
  19. I'd really not try and sell it. Yes, you're going to be driving soon, but thats only lessons and they piss you off enough as it is so the bike comes in handy as a bit of stress relief. Stick with it as long as you can, don't buy a car until you need to. If you said you haven't got a job, fair enough you can sell your bike and it will cover for the lessons, but what about buying a car after that, MOT, tax, insurance, fuel? Put the car off until you have a job, I work full time and if I didn't get the money I get I'd have lots of trouble in owning a bike, taking tests/lessons, saving for a car and insurance and having a social life all at the same time, most people have to sacrifice about two of those things. Thing is with trials is that it can be your hobby and your social life, making it harder to give it up. 08457 90 90 90...ring Samaritans! lol
  20. Click This Play It. Post your percentage.
  21. Like, lol, I've not heard anyone say that on the end of a sentence in ages...although you are from Newcastle...no offence...pet.
  22. Siders, how long did that print out on your wall take? I want one in my room. How many ink cartridges did it take?
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