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Sam Ward

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Everything posted by Sam Ward

  1. yes, a mate went through near on 5000 last month, how i dont quite know but i can do 1000+ on a regular month
  2. your telling me you'd want paying to watch a bunch of scumbag chavs kick f**k out of each other i'd give a bollock for that
  3. new routine to get me back in the gym is quality, i ache like a mofo already but thats my fault for going back when i should have cross trainer 2 miles at bout 9 minute a mile pace 10*4 press ups 6*4 dips 3*4 pullups, wide, military, parallel and underhand these done on the olde gravitron becuase im fit and unhealthy again 10*2 situps that done mon/wed/fri and cycle about 10 miles a day weekdays diets lacking a bit mind but i can sort that soon enough but im happy with the routine
  4. try ringing ahead and asking to to deliver it as late as possible, or deliver to a nearby friends house
  5. whenever i try tracking a royal fail item it usually comes up with this parcel progress can not be checked till delivery, which is a bit of a pointless service usually tracking only works on special delivery items but for you ring them up tomorrow and ask them to double check the order details and the tracking number, play are usually quite helpfull on the phone aswell
  6. its harder than you think, i can't find a school anywhere within a 20mile radius of me
  7. has stayed at 399 reduced to 298 for me the whole time??? thats keerazyy
  8. yes im very much an old bond guy, i havent been condition by the recent films, mainly because im not a fan of them, whenever i go to grab a bond film to watch its always an old one and theyve all got crazy gadgets in them, so yes he is all about the gadgets and the girls the whole point in james bond is that he is indestructable, he always has been so why do they show a change 45 years down the line, also the normal fight scenes he does come out pretty unscathed but theres never been a fight that intense like in the big hotel at the end. you say about ice chase is unreal in the living daylights yet you think die another day, the more recent of the films, was much more far fetched than the old ones. in this new film jb is alot more reckless and is commented on many times, but you need to remember its just after he got his 00 license so in theory all the old james bond films should follow on and he turns into the bond that i know and love. to be honest im really quite confused how theyve worked out these last couple of films in reference to there positioning in the storyline as a whole. i also dont understand why theyve done it this way its a true shame ian fleming isnt here to be able to right new bond stories casino royale is the story of jb getting his his 00 license and dr no was his first official mission as a 00
  9. what an epic disapointment that was. that first car chase was all wrong, no way should it have been the first scene, it just made your expectations of the film wayyy to large the music was sheet, way to upbeat and lively, shouldve been more moody and chillaxed. the storyline was non existant and i can only assume theyre going to do a follow on from that, which following the story of casino royale being pre 00 license and quantam leading from that am i going to see a remake of dr no, james bonds first official mission, i better f**king not M was completely out of character, there was no q r, with his gadgets, he's using a pistol he upgraded to at the begining of his 00 career it was all wrong, and its the name that ruined it, had it not have been a james bond film i wouldve enjoyed it, but for that exact reason i sat through the whole film cringing every 5 minutes
  10. lets just thank f**k that its not that quentin wilson tit i saw him at the festival of speed and i really didnt like the way he spoke about anything
  11. Sam Ward


    so where was the excitement bar the last 4/5 laps i agree the end was epic and the tension was amazing. the rest of it was just same old same old
  12. aaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha thats magic
  13. im not so sure about james and hamsters being more than 5k but jezzas deffinatley was. i also do believe that the micra did fall out, i was waiting for it to happen the whole time the fire though was beffinatley bs but in all the first half was epically funny, staged and scripted but not AS obvious as last series i just hope they do more car tests which is what i enjoy most about the show, keep the challenges to 1 or 2 per series like they used to
  14. which is completely breaking tradition back in the good old day bond could have 20 consecutive fist fights, be shot at chased kidnapped and escape and still be able to order a vodka martini shaken, not stirred without a scratch or bruise the first time i ever remember bond bleeding is in tomorrow never dies when he's on the stealth ship and thats only after q said "never let them see you bleed" all this making a follow on is complete and utter tripe. i don't think casino royale was any good, in fact it took me a year to borrow the dvd and watch it, daniel craig is a shite james bond and all this making him more human and emotional is crap bring back sean connery and roger moore any day this is my own opinion of course and i cant see too many people agreeing with me and im not saying the new film isnt good, i havnt seen it. infact its probably a very good film, just not a good james bond film
  15. you didnt see "on her majesties secret service" then you know the one where he got married
  16. my guess is that it was made available straight away, otherwise he wouldnt have made any effort to bump up his feedback. looks like someone made an absolute killing tonight
  17. Sam Ward


    after what happened at spa i was actually expecting him not too win then he picked him self up over the next few races and watching the first 2 qualifying sessions i expected him to walk it. i didnt watch the final qualifying so i was surprised to find out he was fourth on the grid. then when the possibility of rain cropped up i thought thats it hes good in the rain maybe he will walk it then boom the race unfolds but i must admit it was a pretty average race, i like hamiltons daring overtake in the opening few laps and it died down after that, the only real bit of excitement was in them last few laps. ues it was impressive and ive still got doubts about what really happened with glock so that was almost a bit of an anticlimax. what do you lot make of the changes being made for next year??
  18. theres been a sudden influx of posotive feedback over the course of about 2 minutes lol
  19. theres 520 left now his feedbacks drooping by the second scam scam scam
  20. ahaha i know the feeling my mate keeps trying to get me out his gf's mates gunna be there and shes a propper heffa. i had 13 missed calls from her after he dropped me back home whilst i was on my xbox and my phone was upstairs. its ridiculous i think i might just tell her to get f**ked and kick her out of the car
  21. take it to your local kebab shop they'll know fo sho
  22. not forgetting to mention being arrested but KKK is going to be my most likely costume next year, i'll just make sure i stash the hat down my trousers when i see an ethnic majority heading my way.
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