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Does How Tight My Chain Is Effect..


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Does how tight my chain is effect the life of my freewheel at the rear? Making it short and sweet as I want to get my new freewheel on as soon as possible so I can ride in the very near future. I'm lost without my bike you see. >_<



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You'd have to run your chain stupidly tight to make it effect the freewheel.

I'd say no it wouldn't make a different.

Not true, and its easy done with snail cams that have notchs in to have your chain over tight. Youll ruin a acs in no time with a tight chain and other freewheels will hold up for alot longer but eventually the bearings will die if you have you chain to tight and ride with it like that.

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Not true, and its easy done with snail cams that have notchs in to have your chain over tight. Youll ruin a acs in no time with a tight chain and other freewheels will hold up for alot longer but eventually the bearings will die if you have you chain to tight and ride with it like that.

Yeah, but surely the force of a pedal stroke incrases the force on the freewheel compared to the chain just being tight?

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Yeah, but surely the force of a pedal stroke incrases the force on the freewheel compared to the chain just being tight?

But having your chain tight rapes the bearing as your pulling the outer case which has the teeth on over. Your putting all the pressure on one side and this just eats at the bearings and then they just die and long with it your freewheel. There is big forces in a pedal kick but there not acting on the bearing really more on the rachet and pawls. A tight chain beggers up your bearings which will then lead to other parts of it dieing.

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Also if the chain is tight that tension plus the tension you add pedal kicking will be seen by the freewheel and the axle/BB/crank. It will shorten the life of all these parts. When setting a chain tension, the chain should be just short of taut, so everything should spin around easily. Some freewheel/crank setups have a significant eccentricity though, so check the chain tension over a full rotation of the hub/crank to make sure there are no tight spots.

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