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Where Will Trials Be In 10 Years?


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Hi there again,

With all the different ranges, makes and models of trials bikes at the moment it made me think of the history, and the future of trials.

Trials has been around for around thirty years now and in that time we have seen a big change in frame materials, designs and overall bike geometry and appearance. Steel turned to aluminium and the normal shape of a bicycle was forgotten as trials was in development in the 80s. It started in America and has since grown to all 4 corners of the world.

This was one of the early trials bikes, made by Raleigh and called the "Edge"


Obviously trials has progressed massively from this now with the help of some of the early riders, Ot Pi and Monty.

We now have trials bike designs that early trials designers would have never even dreamed of such as the Monty Kamel 2008:


We also now now have som many options for frame design such as BB rise, frame length, head angle and chainstay length. trials is alot easier now than it used to be! :lol:

Independant companies have been set such as manufacturers of the brake block! ( and making money I might add :) )

Frame material have also come along way from thin, box-tubed steel, to the latest U6 aluminium alloys we see today.

So where will trials be in 10,20 or even 50 years from now? Bike are constantly becoming lighter, stronger and the geo is constantly changing and improving. How will trials bicycles look in the future?????



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as you said, 30 years ago nobody could of ever guessed what trials bikes or even the generation of todays 'tricks' were going to be like.

Who knows.

The next years are unpridictable and not only in the world of trials.

I don't know why but I can imagine the next trials generation involving taps to backflips :P
that might sound stupid but 30 years ago who would of guessed that we would be side hopping 62 inches?

Good topic though I've always thought what trials would be like in a few years it will be anoying me all night now too lol

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well i never new some of that untill i read this topic and i personally found it quiet intersting. i have now read both of the topic made by saracen rob and think he deserves a validation, realy worthy both of them good work lad keep it up mate :)


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good topic.

i imagine trials riders abilities will start to level of in the next few year,there is only so much humans are capable of and i cant imagine people taping to backwheel up phone boxs or pedal gap 16ft plus.though i do believe that the bikes themselves still have scope for change,new material,build techniques etc.


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Hi there again,

With all the different ranges, makes and models of trials bikes at the moment it made me think of the history, and the future of trials.

Trials has been around for around thirty years now and in that time we have seen a big change in frame materials, designs and overall bike geometry and appearance. Steel turned to aluminium and the normal shape of a bicycle was forgotten as trials was in development in the 80s. It started in America and has since grown to all 4 corners of the world.

This was one of the early trials bikes, made by Raleigh and called the "Edge"

Obviously trials has progressed massively from this now with the help of some of the early riders, Ot Pi and Monty.

We now have trials bike designs that early trials designers would have never even dreamed of such as the Monty Kamel 2008:

We also now now have som many options for frame design such as BB rise, frame length, head angle and chainstay length. trials is alot easier now than it used to be! :lol:

Independant companies have been set such as manufacturers of the brake block! ( and making money I might add :) )

Frame material have also come along way from thin, box-tubed steel, to the latest U6 aluminium alloys we see today.

So where will trials be in 10,20 or even 50 years from now? Bike are constantly becoming lighter, stronger and the geo is constantly changing and improving. How will trials bicycles look in the future?????




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He should be.
You sir need validation

Unfortunately the mods/admin don't see everybody who is worthy of validation and can't always be sat in new members looking for people to validate. If you find someone worthy of validation, use the report button to bring them to the mods attention and put something like "worthy of validation?" in the comment box. It'll make life easier for the mods and people won't be stuck in here for so long, its a win-win situation.

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Mint post mate,

Also yeah i always wondered this... I know of a few people trying sneeky moves but i cant say anything youll have to wait..

But as said before there is only so far a human can go but i recon the bikes will have helium filled ( Like my old badminton racket)

Edited by sidehop
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Mint post mate,

Also yeah i always wondered this... I know of a few people trying sneeky moves but i cant say anything youll have to wait..

But as said before there is only so far a human can go but i recon the bikes will have helium filled ( Like my old badminton racket)

helium is said to have run out by 2012 or something like that!

gutted man!

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In 10 years time Trials will be an Olympic sport i'm sure of it.


if only !

i think the sport will advance dramatically and will be lighter, stronger parts available for sale and also alot more companies for the trials market apart from that we will only have to wait and see ;)

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I recon as material get strong and lighter and this will help to move things on but there will be a limit, there would need to be radical advancement like spring loads or gas powered rams; who knows!. Thats the problem with the future, the most stupid things could be mad to work. Also if things like like hover bikes get invented thats would be super cool and I so get one :P .

Or they could end up looking like this LOL >>>> http://indianspencer.blogspot.com/2007/05/...-of-future.html

Good topic!

Edited by E6v6i6l
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I reckon it will just get to the point where everyone will be close to the highest ever tap/gap/sidehop etc.

Its just going to get boring, creativity will be the only thing in trials that will stop it from being boring.

Its started to get like that now, there are so many riders going so big, i just find their video's so boring compared to video's made by riders like Rowan Johns and boon.

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