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Stolen Bike


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wow its amazing to know that so many riders are behind me!

pretty nice to know the trials community is a close one.

I've been to the police station and gave in the details about who stole it and where he lives etc. Now all i do is wait and hope i suppose


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surely it would be a better idea to use your knowledge that police are hopeless with such matters, go round there first before giving the police your details , as if the theif turns up at the shop shop with an assault claim, you're gonna be on the list of suspects.

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Stand outside his house with a jerry can, a lighter and a brick. Knock in his door and tell him to give your bike back or the bricks going through the window followed by some nice flammable liquid. Just scare the bejesus out of him. The police do nothing about any bike crimes as its to much faff for them to do paperwork. Force or paying someone to do force is the only way.

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have you told him yet that if he doesn't get it back in the next week you'll put him in a wheelchair? give him a certain amount of time make him worry a bit, and f**k him up bad if he doesn't deliver.

can i just say that if you were to batter him then he'd most likely get you done for assault. So you gotta be careful with what you do.

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I think youve been f**king stupid about this whole ordeal.

3 months ago, you knew who had the bike and His address.

You should have gone there on day 1 with a give me my bike or give me your broken legs attitude.

Shit you could have even taken a couple of large friends for intimidation, or even dragged your dad there on day 1 to speak to his parents.

Damn if someone turned up at my door to tell me my kid has just nicked a bike the last thing on my mind would be anger towards the people at the door. Little Jnr would spend the rest of his life cowering in fear everytime I got hme from work (the way kids should be raised)

Yet you have waited 3 months, and so far shared his BEBO acount with people. f**king hell stay away from me, dont want to anger you sir.

We all know the Police will do nothing, they cant arrest you for stealing your own property back, it becomes a Civil matter and they wont touch it.

The time for action was a long time ago, now there is nothing you can do but conceed. Know you missed your time, and take it as a lesson.

Time waits for no man, that bike has porbly been stripped and distibuted around your local Parks.

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