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personal preference but also depends on the number of spare fingers you have! I knew a guy who had lost two on his left hand and used a solo digit to brake. Can you imagine using two finger braking with one left on the bar, risky at speed. Also depends on your levers, if you run HS11 then two finger braking is easier and probably quite useful. I have always used one finger, it always felt most natural. So, in short, whatever feels right.

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Also depends how close you have your levers set to the bar. If you have your lever almost touching the bar, you could use two, but not with lever all the way out.

To be honest, if your brakes work well, why would you need to use two?

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i found that if you have2 or more fingurs on a lever its almost impossoble to pedal kick, with one fingure it soooo much easier to releas, then lock in a instant. as people said, its harder to syncronize them. In all honisty, it dosnt matter what you use, just as long as it works and your not struggling. prefrance.

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  • 3 weeks later...

The way to make one finger braking easier, is to set your levers up so only one finger can fit one the lever comfortably and the leverage will be as good as two fingers but of course your only using one so you can hold the bars alot better!

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I use 1 finger braking all the time,

Your muscles in your hands and palms work in syncronisation.

If you use 2 fingers i assume your index and middle finger...

that would only leave your ring and PINKIE...and your thumb.

I wonder where you're gonna find the strength to throw the bike around or even hold it stable...

Your middle finger is probably the strongest finger, not only for that international language..thingy..or poking stuff...heh

So having your middle finger on the handlebar would help in holding the bike a lil more stable...

i might be wrong...

but hell yeah it boils down to personal preference....

Just my thoughts :)

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