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My Crank Arm

mr ailsbury

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God damn it!

My prehistoric bike has screwed up again :(

My Try-all bottom bracket has a crack in it so I tried to take the crank arm off to have a closer look but it won't budge, we've tried brute force (which resulted in freewheel to knuckle rape) to get it off but the bolts a little bit rounded, not much, but enough that when you put enough force on it the allen key slips out...

Anybody got any idea's?

Also, I'm going to be needing a new bottom bracket obviously lol so what would you guys reccomend? I thought I might go for another Try-all because its stood p to some grief over its time. (had it for 2 years roughly so not a bad life.)

spank you for any advice :)

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Right, since I've just had to take my crank arm off which was similar to this, I'll explain in what i did.

Firstly I flooded the area on the bolts and around with wd40 and left it for a couple of hours. Then, when i came back, i superglued my allen key into the bolt and stuck a big pole on the end of the allen key. Make sure you get someone to hold the frame though!

Not sure how much of your bolt is rounded though.. If superglue fails, loc-tite it in.

Anyway, give that a go.

Good luck,


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Just out of curiosity, how can you see a crack in your BB with the cranks on?

especially with a Try-all BB as they have green spacers that cover the axle.

its the green bit thats got a crack in, the green spacer is nackered anyways where i did it up too tight and squashed it a bit as well lol

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I don't know if things have changed much since I last rode trials but I use a crank puller to take crank arms off.


I assume your axle is a ISIS type, if not there are tools for pulling square taper arms off, the only differnce is the size of the bit that sits on the end of the axle to give the tool its 'pulling' force.

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Crank pullers are fantastic, but not much use when the bolt is stick on the Axle.

The best method for getting rounded Allen KEys out is to use a Male Torx Bit.

FOr 8 mm you will need T50 or T55 depending on how rounded it is.

All you need to do is tap the Torx bit into the bolt, and undo.


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Crank pullers are fantastic, but not much use when the bolt is stick on the Axle.

The best method for getting rounded Allen KEys out is to use a Male Torx Bit.

FOr 8 mm you will need T50 or T55 depending on how rounded it is.

All you need to do is tap the Torx bit into the bolt, and undo.


You've got me there on a slight technicality like....

Yea anyway I was just offering a tip for when the bolt is removed :-

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