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Saving money.

I'm at college, and get a pretty small income, which I tend to spend on the usual train tickets/drinks etc. I have massive difficulty saving any money...

All I can really think of is setting up a separate bank account, purely for saving, that I'll only dip into for something to 'treat myself' as it were or if I absolutely have to.

Just wondered if anybody had any genius ways of saving?

On another, but still relevant, note - summer jobs? Any good ideas where/how? Would be much appreciated too.

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ISA's are quite good. Can save up to £3600 tax free in any tax year and it's good to see how much of that you can stash away. Also if you go for an account without a cash card it makes it much harder to 'dip in' when you feel like it.

How old are you? Summer jobs wise, in Southampton quite a lot of people drive new cars and vans from the ships to storage facilities around the city and vice versa. They pay over £10 an hour but you obviously have to have a driving license...

If that's not possible I spent a summer stacking shelves at Asda on night shift. Money was good and you didn't have to fanny around with customers. Mind numbing for sure but if all you want is easy money it doesn't come much easier!

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Cut down on stuff you don't need, drink before you go out, walk the extra 50 meters to Sainsburys rather than Co-op, buy second hand bike parts, transfer all your money to a high interest account... Usual things like that.

Theres no making your £50 turn into £100 after a week, and no way you can make quick easy money otherwise everyone would be doing it.

Get a job doing somethign menial, that'll help.

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impenetrable money box.

been saving for a week and i have 35 squid in mine.

only problem is, its more of a long term thing as, when its smashed, its useless. not much good if you need to buy train tickets now and then..

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I just draw out how much i want to save, then give it in cash to my mother (hoping that she doesnt screw me over with any miscalculations) and will only give it to me if its something i really need or want to do so i dont go wasting it.

She basically she acts like a bank but tells me to f**k off when i try to get money

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As you know Im currently living as a recluse, in an attempt to afford car insurace..

Just dicapline yourself, dont consider buying hydroxx twos with koxx forks and stuf like that :P Ride a ghetto-ish bike :)

Ride abingdon more (woooooooooooo!!!1!!111)

ermmm get a job, fo sho if you work 3 days a week like im currently doing youl get a good £100+ a week, get that payed into one of those savings acounts where it takes like 3 days to withdraw cash and youl probably accumulate a fair bit, espesically if its high interest... Then just live off your EMA...

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ISA's are a really good idea, as said before. I opened one last year and have saved £2k inheritance in it, and as much as I can from my part-time job meaning I've got about £5k in it now which is stupidly good for me.

I'm one of those people who has difficulty saving too but having a book which you don't have a debit card for makes it much harder to spend your dosh, plus it's a nice feeling being able to read through it and know how much you've saved up! I'm spending £1k of it on a holiday this summer but it'll be awesome and worth the spending.

Try to put away like 50% of what you get paid a week or month in to it and then although you'll be fairly 'skint' for buying drinks, in a few months you'll have a good kitty to buy something you want! :) Ps, Mine's with Yorkshire Building Society and they're pretty good, high interest etc.

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Yea I always give money I want to save to my mum and she hides it somewhere. (No not there you sick gits)

I've got one of those tins which you can only open once which I keep money inside, thats been collecting for ages.

A good tip is try to keep money out of the bank, whenever I have money in there I think; "Hmmn could draw a tenner out and get a few sweets", but that money sits in my wallet and gradually gets spent, then the whole cycle happens again.

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I've got a savings account and a current account at Abbey, but both on the same card. It means that I can put money from my savings account into my current account and withdraw it from any cashpoint/pay for stuff using my card, but I can't touch the stuff in my savings account unless I go to an Abbey ATM and transfer some money to the current account. It works pretty well for the 'little temptations' (Like getting a tenner out to get a drink from a shop, or whatever), so it might be worth giving a go? Just speak to your bank about it.

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