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I have a directed question, hence i think i'll get away with asking it, rather than a generic "what pads do i want?"

My rims have a light to light/medium grind and i intend to always only use this amount of grind. I have been using maggie reds which i used prior to the grind and after a day of riding, they have worn down by 1mm, hence i need new pads

Having read pad reviews, CNC heatsinks seem to be very good, though are prone to snapping the cylinder? Or so i gather... but also koxx yellows appear very good. For the rear brake, which of these 2 should i get? Im not considering any other pad for the rear, as these seem perfect. Also, whats the difference between the CNC heatsink pad compounds available, besides the price? is it red for lighter grind, green for heavier?

Finally, for the front brake, i like a bit of modulation so heatsinks are out of the question. Will koxx yellows bite too much? if so, which is more suited to allow modulation? (slightly open question, apologies) I also dont want to replace pads every week like i would do with the ridiculous stock maggie pads.

Might also be worth mentioning im using denguras

Edited by Tobias
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CNC Heatsinks snap denguras so dont use them, nothing stopping you using the snowy or blueberry pads in plastic backings though :)

Im using CNC reds on a medium grind (now worn so need to use tar) and with a fresh grind theyre awesome, its a tryall rim though so doesnt hold the grind too well :(

Modulation on the front brake? Get a disk, 203 mono trial works for me :D

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I Only have an answer for the front brake question here, due to the fact that i would only use PLAZ pads on the rear.

So, on the front I have a completely dead grind with zoo pads, it's a pretty poor set up to be honest.

But i used to run coust pads on that same grind and the modulation was great with really good bite.


EDIT: I used both of those pads in plastic backings.

Edited by Benjaminge
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So is that a no to even using koxx yellows on the rear? I would like to keep my denguras opposed to using a disc, i am finding the current setup allows a nice modulation, though obviously the pads are wearing down within a week! Need a pad capable of modulation up front :)

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Well, i wouldn't go entirely by the pad reviews given. If your going to find the best pad you will just have to try loads for yourself. There's no easy way round it unless your not picky of-course. It does tend to be personal preference.

The Heatsink Greens you talk of are the Coust pads. These are all weather, last ages and are generally amazing. However in the dry they sometimes loose power, i think they do like a clean surface best. (non dusty environment)

Heatsink Reds tend to require a fresh grind fairly frequently but don't offer wet weather performance. They last a long time too which is a bonus. That's the main thing that stands out about them.

If you've got a light sharp grind on the front i doubt your get much modulation from any pad. Unless they are Magura Blacks :P A smooth rim with a Koxx pads i hear works really well.

I know you don't want to hear it but Plazmatic CRMs are really good. I think the reason for the bad review people give them sometimes is that they don't honk or squeal loudly. It's kind of a funny noise.

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I am not concerned with the noise - if they squak, fine. If not, all is still OK :)

the grind is not at all sharp, its a first grind which is light, possibly light/medium, depending on how people may view it. I am not after the perfect pad, just ones which get the job done :)

Maggie blacks - do they wear fast on a light grind? reds certainly do :( any other comments on koss yellows for the rear?


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Maggie blacks - do they wear fast on a light grind? reds certainly do :( any other comments on koss yellows for the rear?

I know you already know its another pad topic but have you tryed reading all the reviews? Im sure nobody would advise maggie reds or black unless you plan on covering your rim in a shit load of tar... On the rear i would always advise a harsher grind... why not? Trials rims are made to deal with it by now, especially rims like the Echo's. On the rear i would really only adivse - Heatsink Reds, Plaz'z thats about it. Ive owned them all in and out on CNC'ed backings but i usually stick to the CNC'ed backings just prefer the more rigid feel.

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Though with denguras, i cant :(

I didnt read all pad reviews, only select few. Tar is too much hassle, guess ill stay away from maggies.

Wouldnt just a hard compound allow a nicer modulation, as they will offer worse performance? What is a hard compound available which doesnt require tar?

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Ino someone who used plaz on the front and it gave great modulation and hold once it had locked.

For the rear its a mine field as so many people say these are the best ive used and then someone found them to preform different on another rim and then someone else is loving other pads. I would just buy some and take a chance almost. The pads though that are generally thought as being good are. rockpad blues, plazmatic, cnc backings and coust material, cnc backings and heatsink red material.

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Ino someone who used plaz on the front and it gave great modulation and hold once it had locked.

For the rear its a mine field as so many people say these are the best ive used and then someone found them to preform different on another rim and then someone else is loving other pads. I would just buy some and take a chance almost. The pads though that are generally thought as being good are. rockpad blues, plazmatic, cnc backings and coust material, cnc backings and heatsink red material.

For example, i can never see CRMs having much modulation. I've used the pad on all sorts of setups. Going straight through Mags, Vs, Us on chrome, black and grind variations. Also two different mates had Plaz & Ceramic rims. The outcome, no modulation. But his modulation is probably different to mine.

Also wasn't some kid just using the words modulation and bite in the same sentence? :S

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well my opinion for the rear would be cnc backings and plaz material! holds very nice and not as loud noise as coust! which can become annoying.

also the cnc backings wont do anything to slaves unless youdrag your brake whilst riding, as this causes alot of friction which it cant handle.

hope i helped woody!

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i tend to drag frequently, when just messing about. Will that be a problem with cnc'd backs? I dont really want to bother with changing material over, far too much effort :P

Dragging your brake may be why your pad life isnt holding out to long? or go disk then you dont have to change pads for ages! no more messing about with brakes then!

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What was your setup to establish them being the worst pads ever? Also, i like the look of the denguras :P too much trouble changing them for a disc. I think the pads i have currently got are just generally awful, even though i drag - no pad should last the length that mine do!

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What was your setup to establish them being the worst pads ever? Also, i like the look of the denguras :P too much trouble changing them for a disc. I think the pads i have currently got are just generally awful, even though i drag - no pad should last the length that mine do!

I had them on a:

Magura '04 with water bleed, Koxx Levelboss.

Ground Onza Ronnie, smooth Onza Ronnie, Harsh as f**k ground Onza Ronnie, nothing worked.

Went from Coust pads (original ones) that worked well to the yellows that were shocking, then to plaz CRMS that were amazing, all on the same set up.

The one time in using a Magura I flipped out over the back due to my brake slipping.

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so you werent happy with the koxx pads, therefore they might possibly be good up front for me? From all of your comments i think i should either use plaz blues or heatsink plastic reds, probably not much between them so ill get whichever seem more appealing at the time of order, with koxx yellows up front :P

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