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gu trials

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I'm such a pussy that I like to build up to things if possible...

Like this gap up from one rock to another, I could do it to 2 wheels pretty shitly, then tried straight to front, got that, then tried up to front and swapping to rear, got that, then decided I'd try it to rear, got that.

I failed probably... 2 out of the 5 different moves i tried.

Just a confidence thing for me, I can usually do it if I put my mind to it.

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Its definately more the latter ... as i saw Ohler ride in Bristol the other day and im pretty sure the first one doesnt apply ...

Sounds weird, but its kinda because I want to see other people do it too, by being the first and maybe inventing something - its going to creep into the norm ? (cant quite work out how to say what I mean here)

Anyway - finally doing something youve slugged your guts out trying to do is a great feeling.

what your saying rowan, is you want to be the leader of the gang......gary glitter stylee....

however, I like to be the best i can be. Im by no means an amazing rider, and i KNOW there are lots of riders out there who are better than me in all aspects of riding, however I like to challenge myself.

as an example, I am scared of rails. REALLY scared. Since i did my internal bleeding a cuople of years ago now, i always have the fear, however i want to incorporate lots of rails into my next video. Also, i like to push myself on TGS moves. I want to be able to go big, still doing the lines i crave.

I do NOT ride for anyone on here, i ride for myself, and for the banter with my friends. I also enjoy riding new places to see how other riders combat lines there. I just like riding trials.

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The fact when you want to do something big because you want to be possibly the best. And your stood on a drop gap shitting yourself whipeing your sweaty hands on your trousers whilst trying to focus but been that scared youve got a ridiculous amount of adrenaline. Then you get on back wheel and turn and your to the point where its to late to jump of pedals and only way down is to do it. And your shitting yourself but laffing inside becos its funny your scared... Then you land it and think thank f**k lol

Dairy of Abdab

Published October 2008

In a wh smith near you soon :|

But apart from that, just wanting to ride for fun is good. but thing that determines me is to become good. If im honest i dont really appreciate my riding untill im at top level. Like i look at my riding n laugh because theres riders like craig,damon, vincent, andrei so whilst there riding like they do, im shit. Thats why i push myslef so i dont have to laugh at myself lol

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