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Loose Crank Arm


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Hey guys, ive just purchased The Stigs Adamant A1, alls good but the none driveside crank arm has movement asif the crank bolt isnt tight enough, but when i tighten it as much as i can it still moves.

The movement is side to side ( to and away from frame ) mainly with slight up and down.

Ive asked Thestig on msn and he said tighten it right up, i cant tighten it any more, also the black plastic bit on the crank bolt is missing that side, would that make any difference ??

Was wondering if i could take crank arm off and place a washer on ? or do i need new crank bolts ?

The cranks are Echo cnc on isis bb not sure what make bb.

Any help would be appreciated thankyou :)

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Is the crank arm pushing up against the bb (the end of the spline)?

Even if the spline is worn on the cranks so much that it wobbles which is unlikely, the crank still shouldn't wobble in the way your describing as it will be clamped up against the BB.

I would say there's something wrong with the crank bolt not clamping up properly, but first of all take the crank bolt out of the other side and swap the bolts around, see if it happens on the other side. Otherwise whack a spacer on the BB spline to see if that clamps it up properly.

The black cap being missing isn't a problem.

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On the ISIS BB i'm using, which is the Echo TR one, they are supplied with a little thin washer ring for each side of the axle. Basically it' meant to slide on and have the cranks press against it. Without it, my cranks don't stay on tight. Look on Tartybikes and you'll see the little washer rings i'm talking about. Also, try and get new bolts, and put blue loctite on it... it'll make it a damn stiff and squeaky process if you want to ever extract the bolt, but in the mean time it completely eliminates the chance of the bolts vibrating loose.

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Ok took crank arm off, but i cant find a washer to fit there all too small :(

Anyway while crank was off i cleaned it all up, and on the bolt it looked like a squashed on washer, or atleast some broken bits of metal like it was a splattered washer if you know what i mean ?

Anyway i took that crap off and cleaned everything up put arm back on, tightened bolt real tight couple of hammer whacks :P its now tighter than before but still has slight movement.

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To clarify, is this isis bb or square taper?

If its square its possible the crank arm is worn, thus needing a new crank/cranks. If its isis, there should be a spacer between the "butt" at the end of the splines and the crank when its tight, as thats the way there designed to be, if theres no washer obviously you will be left with a gap, so yea, as I think was previously mentioned try and find a washer to go over the bb before the crank goes on. If that fails it would be worth trying to find a washer with an internal diameter larger than the bottom bracket axel, and put it between the crank and the crank bolt (obviously it needs an external diamter smaller than the counter sunk hole in the crank) this should allow the bolt to push the crank further onto the axel.

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Hey guys, ive just purchased The Stigs Adamant A1, alls good but the none driveside crank arm has movement asif the crank bolt isnt tight enough, but when i tighten it as much as i can it still moves.

The movement is side to side ( to and away from frame ) mainly with slight up and down.

Ive asked Thestig on msn and he said tighten it right up, i cant tighten it any more, also the black plastic bit on the crank bolt is missing that side, would that make any difference ??

Was wondering if i could take crank arm off and place a washer on ? or do i need new crank bolts ?

The cranks are Echo cnc on isis bb not sure what make bb.

Any help would be appreciated thankyou :)

The black "plastic" bit makes all the difference , it stops the crank coming loose :mellow:

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If the black plastic bit does indeed stop it coming loose, then does it also help snug up the fit nice and tight so no movement ?

Also could i fix with a washer or should i buy new crank bolts ?

Sorry I was joking man, but you asked for it big style!

Think about it !

Is a bit of plastic going hold some cranks on your BB axle with your body weight and leverage bearing down on it???

The real answer is : either your crank arms are damaged or BB or both.

Go to shop , buy new ones.

Sorry but im being straight.

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get some pics up, it doesnt sound like the crank splines are worn from the fact theres a gap. but then i dont use a small thin washer on any of my isis set ups and they all work fine. sounds like the bolt or either of the threads are bottoming out somewhere along the line. check the threads in the bb to see if theyre damaged, try a few different bolts.

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Drive side is perfect, BB is solid but the wierd thing is when the bolt is tight the arm moves, asif the bolt is tight to the BB end but the part of the BB in the crank arm is too long, thus giving that tiny bit space and movement.

I've got to go out today but when i get back later i'm gona take it off and take some pics of it all so it will help you to try and help me lol..

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