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Whats The Difference Between The Ds And Ds Lite?


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Are they weird and different if you get them from hong kong? compared to england?

cos i cant find them for cheaper than 120 online, im sure im looking in the wrong place.


Games, get a thing called R4. You can download any game you want for the price of one retail game. If you are OK with the whole piracy thing. I have one myself, save me so much money.

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DS is the original version which you generally can;t get/wouldnt want to get anymore, is GBA game compatible

DS lite is the refined, better, smaller version, clearer, brighter screen weighs less etc, is GBA game compatible

DSi is supposed to be an improvement on this, its the same size as the lite but has a bigger screen which means you dont get the GBA compatibility, but it does have a built in camera, and a memory card slot which you can download and buy retro gameboy games for from the DSi online shop which is coming out sooish.

Generally about £100 new for the DS lite but bundles are around £120 like others have said.

Because they use carts not discs they're universally compatible, so you can play jap games on english machines etc

no reason really for ordering a foreign one though to be honest.


Edited by mr ailsbury
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DS is the original version which you generally can;t get/wouldnt want to get anymore, is GBA game compatible

DS lite is the refined, better, smaller version, clearer, brighter screen weighs less etc, is GBA game compatible

DSi is supposed to be an improvement on this, its the same size as the lite thinner than the lite but slightly bigger in every other dimension. but has a bigger screen (but same resolution) which means you dont get the GBA compatibility less battery life, no gba slot so the bottom half can be slightly thinner than DS, but it does have a built in camera, 0.3 megapixel, and a memory card slot which you can download and buy retro gameboy games for from the DSi online shop which is coming out sooish.

Generally about £100 new for the DS lite but bundles are around £120 like others have said.

Because they use carts not discs they're universally compatible, so you can play jap games on english machines etc

no reason really for ordering a foreign one though to be honest.


except DSi exclusive software will be region locked just to let you know.

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