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Pedals: Caged Vs. Platform


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I personally prefer caged pedal, mainly because I think they are more grippy and generally feel nicer.

I've recently converted my pedals to single caged, and found they are even better. :)

Some people will argue that caged are ligther and what not, but I suppose as always its personal preference.

Edited by Dave!
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I use caged. Im no expert, but caged peals definetely grip better, and they are lighter out of the box, most of the time, but they eat your shins and knees like candy. Platforms are pretty good, i think theyre better, cause' they still grip decently, and they dont like shins as much - lol

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Caged is very good in the wet, i just rode my bmx with platforms and they were friggin slippery and it's only damp outside. Caged, same conditions, not slippery at all. I ride platforms on all my bikes (apart from my trials bike) as they generally take a beating a bit better, and work for longer.

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Platforms. Mine are slightly wider than my caged, I could put more power down the cranks and did not fell like pushing down on a twig when I had caged pedals. I find grub screw platforms have more grip as well, might have been my caged being pretty battered. But you can replace grub screws which means fresh new grips!

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Hey G, what i've learnt so far concerning pedal choice is basically what's been said above. In that a caged pedal is cheaper (£20), lighter, slightly grippier than a lower priced platform pedal but not as hardy. Imagine if your slamming them on concrete and rocks frequently, the 'teeth' will blunt or bend. Whereas a platform pedal(£20 +) is stronger in its basic design, which of course carries a slight weight penalty, but its grip is solely down to the set of pins that scew into the pedal surface to secure your feet. These pedals are seen to be a bit more hard wearing due to the fact that the pins are replaceable, as they can be knocked out with usage. A good choice of platform pedal maybe a DMR V8 (£20 - £25) rising up to a 24bicycles butterfly 2 (£85 ish). Of course, I'm no expert, but what I can tell you is the fact that either of these choices will gladly remove the front of your shin with ease! >_< It may not be a cool look, but shin guards are a wise choice for a beginner.

Also, remember that your choice of footwear plays a major role in sticking to the pedals. You can buy a choice of specialist Trials/MTB/BMX related shoes with grippier soles (yes, more expense!). Or do as I do and ride barefooted ;)

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Trialtech mag platforms with a ti axle is lighter than (nearly) all caged pedals.

A nice looking pedal indeed! My interest in this post is purely due to the fact that I'm looking to maybe upgrade my standard Onza Zoot pedals, as they are a bit worn and slippy and have kindly removed part of my left shin. Of course, I neglected to mention any Trials specific manufacturers in my previous post, Onza, Trialtech etc and we should support these companies.

As a beginner myself, with limited funds, I'm not to concerned with weight at the moment, but grip, strength and longevity. Any recommendations please?

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Caged because you can get a decent set for cheap, they won't shred your shins as much as platforms and you don't run the risk of loosing pins. :)

A nice looking pedal indeed! My interest in this post is purely due to the fact that I'm looking to maybe upgrade my standard Onza Zoot pedals, as they are a bit worn and slippy and have kindly removed part of my left shin. Of course, I neglected to mention any Trials specific manufacturers in my previous post, Onza, Trialtech etc and we should support these companies.

As a beginner myself, with limited funds, I'm not to concerned with weight at the moment, but grip, strength and longevity. Any recommendations please?

My Try-All pedals are very grippy, a lot more grippy than my old onza ones, and they are only £15!


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