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Traveling And Working Abroad Thread


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I'm an Australian that has been here coming up to 5 yrs which then allows me to apply for a British passport. The Aus economy is picking as is engineering which i'm also qualified in. Let me know if you have any specific questions and i'll try to help. I'm in a bit of different situation as i'm here on ancestry (insert convict jokes here). Visa's require all sorts of things but are normally very unspecific. ie proof of funds has no value as such but you need to prove you can support yourself, not depend on the government. Not sure what the situation is at the moment but depending on what skill set you have you are limited to which part of the country you can settle in initially. Eg if you're a bricklayer you wouldn't be able to start in Sydney. You should be right with engineering though.

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I'm an Australian that has been here coming up to 5 yrs which then allows me to apply for a British passport. The Aus economy is picking as is engineering which i'm also qualified in. Let me know if you have any specific questions and i'll try to help. I'm in a bit of different situation as i'm here on ancestry (insert convict jokes here). Visa's require all sorts of things but are normally very unspecific. ie proof of funds has no value as such but you need to prove you can support yourself, not depend on the government. Not sure what the situation is at the moment but depending on what skill set you have you are limited to which part of the country you can settle in initially. Eg if you're a bricklayer you wouldn't be able to start in Sydney. You should be right with engineering though.

well if i went on a working holiday i wouldnt be too bothered if i didnt get something to do with gas or fires really. But thats useful to know about only being able to go certain places initially. Where would you recommend the best place to be to get me a bit of work (any work) and also meet alot of people, be able to party but also be able chill out n have some alone time.....i want it all lol, makes me sound like a right spoon.

You could do a camp america programme in the summer. I did it last year, was such a blast, best summer by far, then went travelling around afterwards, including a dip into mexico.

ive thought about camp america but i dont have specific skills that they require. I very much doubt they want me to teach kids how to fit fires or do gas tightness tests lol! Do i need skills? or whats the crack with it all?

thanks again everyone

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People have mentioned fruit picking. You'll meet loads of people but it's not going to be where the action is (partying etc). The Bondi area is backpacker central if you want to party. Not sure about picking up casual work there etc. Would be a pretty good base if you don't mind hanging out with mostly Brits and you could go up and down the east coast which most backpackers do. If you have enough coin i'd look into getting a cheap car and going from hostel to hostel. If you advertise at the hostels you can split costs with other travellers etc. Great way to see the place. Fuel and living is cheap compared to here. Even with the crap exchange rate your pound will stretch rather well. You're not going to get everything you ask for at the one place. Imagine if someone asked you the same question about the UK, where would you recommend?

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some one knock on 'pashlylips' from the forum he stayed out there working to live (glorified holiday) for i think 18 months or so, maybe 2 years i'm not sure.

pinged through new zealand as well. he'd be pretty helpful to you lot i reckon.

i am also tempted by canadialand, finsh my civil engineering degree in may but don't think it'd be any good over there, as its all imperial and backwards still :@

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Why the hell do people want to hear from me? And for the guy that asked about applying for a Canadaian visa, read what Ive already put... GOOGLE BUNAC AND CLICK ON THERE WORKING HOLIDAY IN CANADA LINK. Its the only way to get one independently (sp). Pretty much all the info from Oz seems correct, i'll even put up the link to the direct information and website so you can read through it. If you have any other questions, ring there embassy I guess!

Just some more storys from me! Started off the week with finding an extra $200 in my account so went out on locals night in Banff and got loose as a goose, the clubs are complete toss here but my god when your drunk does dancing to Britney Spears make for a fun time. Easiest place to pick up Ive ever been aswell pretty much, and due to the fact that pretty much all of them are snowboarders/skiiers/generally cool its pretty much a game of spot the ugly chick, which is a dam rare game for where Im from! Monday was a pretty hectic recovery as i had to work at 6.30am but whatever, she was worth it.

Headed to Vancouver on the Tuesday night, luckily slept the whole way so a 12 hour bus ride turned into a 30 minute bus ride, pretty much the best thing ever. From there I made my way to my friends place just outside of the centre and went to a payphone to call her (long distance charges apply in Canada and on many phones you cant actually call long distance unless you have it enables when you buy it), only to realise that its going straight to answer phone. f**k, this isnt like Skye, I reckon shes either lost her phone or the battery is dead, so I leave an answer phone message calling her a fanny and letting her know how much of one. I realise as I hang up, that this is f**king useless in the scheme of things so I call her back and say that I'm sitting in the Starbucks across the road from the Sky Train station. One cup of a bloody awesome Mocha later I see a car rolling around the corner that I reckon is for sure her car, I pick all my shit and run for the door, she hops out of the car in the middle of the road and jumps out screaming, pretty excited then haha. After the usual greetings and hugging I figure out that actually she didnt get my message at all, she just showed up on a pure chance because she had a rough time that I was going to show and reckoned if she chilled in Starbucks watching the exit she would be able to catch me, ha with that sort of luck, these next 4 days are going to be hectic.

Pretty much the next 4 days are one big blur of chilling with old friends on the water front, staring out over into the ocean looking at the cloud streaked mountains and getting crunk at night and heading out into lthe clubs(which in Van are awesome!) partying with the new, the old and the homeless (if you go to Vancouver you will understand this straight away).

What Im pretty much trying to tell you, is that on these "Working Holidays" you meet lifelong friends, make a gazillion new buddies and get to party with the best of them. Vancouver was the best 4 days I've had in a while and even though the city is awesome its being in that place with awesome people that makes it.I havnt even told you about the drive back yet! f**k driving through the rockies, in a blizzard, on summer tyres in a people carrier, worst experience ever. I guess this is my point; everything I've done here pretty much are experiences of a life time. Shut up about talking about it, just get on the website and get it organised, dosnt matter where. Just do it.

I will give you the links for Canada and Oz aswell, your all stupid or lazy bastards for not being able to find these, took me 1 minute for both.

Canada: http://www.bunac.org/UK/workcanada/

Oz: http://www.immi.gov.au/visawizard/#vw=%23a_results

If you want any more info about Canada just ask, but seriously read through that. If you want me to finish that story (drunken ramblings, $15 all you can eat sushi, $3 all you can eat breakfast, and a whole load of idiocy), let me know!


Edited by Willy
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Getting into Aus seems to be quite difficult..At least on a permant/work basis for more than 12 months. It's something I'm looking into at the minute.

Mate its called a working holiday visa, quite possibly the easiest working visa you will ever apply for. If you have a trade or a skill which is in demand you can then apply for residency or if your a lucky bugger (like a couple of mates) you can get sponsored by your employer-your then laughing!

Im now going to blabber on like a nob as i am hating living in england at the moment and dreaming of going away again soon.

I've been back in the country for a year now after my two year trip when i finished school. I spent most of my time in Australia (18monthish) i also done 2 months in new zealand (south island-f***ing sick!!), Indonesia and Malaysia.

Where do i start.... I was 18 and hating mylife after failing my A-levels. BOOM Ticket to australia i think! Saved up 2000 working in a macy ds :$ then jogged on malaysia for a couple of weeks followed by sydney.... Sydney is quite possibly the most amazing city in the world! As soon as i got there i made a faital error, i thought i was a millionaire because of the amazing exchange rate.... $5000 (£2000) isn't going to last you a lifetime if you dont have a job and your buying rounds willynilly for randomers in clubs.... Me being true to my british roots (disgusting drinker) ended up spending £2000 in 4 weeks!!! AND I DIDNT HAVE A JOB! The great think about somewhere like australia is theres temp workers needed everywhere (if you look hard enough). So for the first 6 months i was there i was stuck in sydney saving bunse so i could do the eastcoast, I was mainly doing labouring/landscaping anything that was going. If you have labouring experience or any for of manual trade get a green card as soon as you get there (you need this to work on a site) manual labour really well out there and ozzys are soooo lazy-its cruisy!

Eastcoast was crazy! If im honest it was quite touristy, its full of brits and germans-not too much of a culture shock. More of an Australian better version of Ibiza.. but its awesome and there are some amaizng places (witsundays/byron bay/fraser island)

After here i needed to extend my working holiday visa so i done the dreaded fruit picking. Funilly enough i really didn't mind the fruit picking, it was the real australia (a bit wolf creek). Also i managed to loose over 2 stone and save loads of money. Its quite fun meeting people fruit picking as well as not all the people there are strickly there to extend there visa... most of them were the party animals that spent all their money when they got to the country, so even if you are stuck in the middle of knowhere you make the most of what you can!!! Here i stupidly got a girlfriend and got a battered old camper van and drove into the middle of australia, then on up to the north and then down the westcoast. If you do get a chance to see the teritorys/westcoast only do it in a camper. Even though mine did breakdown in quite possibly the biggest hill billy town you ever did see doing it by van is the only way! Bloody brilliant! And dont be a mug and rent one of the s**t wicked campers-they make every last penny out of you! When i got down to perth i worked on an apple farm, now this was good money! I somehow managed to get farm picking record with this french bloke, we picked 21 half tone bins at $45 a bin in one day!!! I was taking home over 1200 a week- Nice little saving fund for New Zealand!

New Zealand was amazing! I did not work over there but New Zealand do give you 2 years automatically and again it is very easy (i nearly did myself). I have a friend over there at the moment who is really enjoying it, though is incredibly skint! Wages are really bad there compared to Australia. I only done the south island as the word is its the better half! It was absolutley incredible, i cant speek highly enough of the amazing country and incredible people. Also its the place for skydive/bungy or just about anything extreme-its pure wildness! I still have dreams about Queenstown- I WANT TO RETIRE THERE!

I finally got back to Sydney and ended up working in a call centre for a share registry (fairly bigtime for a skint backpakcer). If you have admin experience expect to earn between 17-25 dollars an hour depending on experience. If you dont have experience lie as i did... everyone can work a computer and fax machine....


-Go on your own (its a bit nerve racking at 1st, but you are then your own boss of your trip! You can wake up in the morning and say f**k it i mishing it somewhere else...Also its so much more fun meeting new people.)

-Book a round the world ticket (as it will eventually work out cheaper) but dont be a fool and make a ridiculous planned trip. Travelling is all about the random/wildness inlife- go a bit mental!

-Dont get a girlfriend when your over there (travelling means slagging your life up)

-Dont be a complete mug and book through 'real gap' or anything like that! License to print money! Just book your own flights and do it all yourself, will be a lot better-trust me!

-Oh! Dink lots and lots of GOON (you will understand when you get there)

Sorry for blabbing on.... Hope this helps. Hope you have a f***ing wild time man! (Y)

Edited by pashleylips
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People have mentioned fruit picking. You'll meet loads of people but it's not going to be where the action is (partying etc). The Bondi area is backpacker central if you want to party. Not sure about picking up casual work there etc. Would be a pretty good base if you don't mind hanging out with mostly Brits and you could go up and down the east coast which most backpackers do. If you have enough coin i'd look into getting a cheap car and going from hostel to hostel. If you advertise at the hostels you can split costs with other travellers etc. Great way to see the place. Fuel and living is cheap compared to here. Even with the crap exchange rate your pound will stretch rather well. You're not going to get everything you ask for at the one place. Imagine if someone asked you the same question about the UK, where would you recommend?

Bondi's awesome but full of brits! I lived in manly for 3 months (a beach a lot like bondi) it was awesome. Much more australian and full of incredible women... Im talking about the neighbours and home and away women that you never ever see in australia!

Also I have to disagree on the car for eastcoast.... greyhound it $300-thats what £150ish? To get from Syndey to Cairns with as many stops as you want, increible money (dont oz experience bus it). Also it means you can get lashed and sleep on the bus th next morning-ideal! And you dont have to worry about anything breaking down.

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random question,

if i apply for a 12 month working visa in australia, is the 12 months valid from the time i get accepted or from when i enter australia?

reason i ask is, id like to apply for it now and just have it ready if i decide to just fook off.


Edited by arw_86
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Its not a random question, its a lazy question...

If your serious about doing it I think you need to have a proper read through the website!


You have to pay for the visa so I really don't see any point in applying for a working visa if you're not sure if you will be going or not?!?!

From the limited information I know about you the one you need is explained on this page

Working Holiday Visa (Subclass 417)

If you are granted this visa you can:

-enter Australia within 12 months of grant

-stay up to 12 months

-leave and re-enter Australia any number of times while the visa is valid

-work in Australia for up to 6 months with each employer

-study for up to 4 months

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havin just got back from a 10 day holiday in canada, most of which was spent trying to pull hot australians who worked in resort, and failing, I so want to go and have a go at it(living out there, not the australians), turns out bunac are doin a presentation 12 miles from my house next week too.

You said its expensive with Bunac?? I only see costs of around £300 + insurance + flights. is this right, or do they sting you for more later on??

Ive now got to work out if I want to trade a semi well payed, fairly secure job, with a multinational company, that Ive got money on shares in, which is set to make me a lot when it matures, a good pension system and a great working environment. for a couple of years of absolute debauchery and fun.

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Ive now got to work out if I want to trade a semi well payed, fairly secure job, with a multinational company, that Ive got money on shares in, which is set to make me a lot when it matures, a good pension system and a great working environment. for a couple of years of absolute debauchery and fun.
Tough call. You're only young, go for it :P

If they are multinational do they have jobs available in Australia?

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In a word, no, as in they do have workers out there(although its mainly europe and asia), but my job only exists within the company in the uk, and even transferring to different departments, which right now nigh on impossible, wouldntn give me a chance unless I moved up the ladder several steps very quickly.

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A friend of mine who I used to work with is currently in Aus with his girlfriend. They've been there for nearly two years now and are home soon due to their visa running out.

He emailed me last night after talking a bit about thinking of going to aus.

He said:

As for coming to Australia, I'd say hell yes, do it. It’s taught me more about myself then anywhere and I'm going to miss the freedom of the open road so, so much. It’s also a photographers dream.

Moneys good with minimum wage being about $18.00 which converts to an impressive 9.00 Pounds an hour. Don’t get drawn into the backpacker crowd though because their all idiots riding Mummies credit card and have to pack an extra bag just to fit the hair straighteners.

My top advice for you is this.


Cheap, rusty hunk o' shit. Whatever. If you have that your ok. Patrols cheap Ford and Holden’s (The Australian GM Motors) have fantastic fuel economy and you can go anywhere. Put a few dents in it? Who cares? Run it into the ground. If you just live in youth Hostels and take the buses or Greyhound coaches all you'll ever see is the inside of Irish themed bars full of fake tanned Essex girls.

Buying a van and driving around Australia has changed my life. Really. Countless adventures I'll never forget. I love our little van.

For the love of god make sure the air con works though!"

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I Just got back from 4 months in Aus last week. We went to indo for a month of surfing before we went to Aus, and had the sickest time. Camped out on the beach, stayed in sick wooden shacks, woke up in the mornings and munched some mangos off the trees, and pretty much lived in the sea, living the dream.

You meet so many people doing the same thing and its cheap as f**k in indo. Even in clubs its cheap (unlike £10 a pint singapore), in bali there was this deal 50,000 rhupia for unlimited beer for 5 hours, which is around £3.50. If your main beer diet is Bintang you cant go wrong either. You can eat meals for around 70p and stay in cheap as accomodation when you get out the touristy areas. Loads of lady boys though

In oz we started off in melbourne, got a crappy ford laser (weapon) and drove 3000 km up the coast to byron bay. We just ended up staying there for ages partying and surfing. I just ran out of money and had to come home.

So many things happened Im not even going to attempt to write them down, in indo the best police chases, moped crashes, exploring stuff in the midle of no-where, mushrooms, the old see who can get a hooker down to the lowest price game (She it was going to go there for free until I tore her down :lol: ), police giving the weed to sell to the island cheifs.

Just get on with it and go travel. I cant wait to go again

I'll be leaving England in october, going to indo again then landing in Brisbane, Ive got some cheffing work sorted out in byron bay, (Its such a sick place to be) with this ozzy chef I used to work with, going to work with him for a year or so. He's looking to sponsor me, and I think I'll try and get a ozzy passport. I really want to drive around ozzy in a van too, right around to western australia (wont be driving down to victoria again) Ive heard some amazing things about it. Maybe hit thiland or somewhere on the way back here, or maybe leave oz in october 2011/12 and go on a snow season in europe or canada.

Just try to be organised and pack light. I just had a school bag filled with clothes and medical supplies (mainly tabs for the shits) and my surf board bag, so I was trecking down cliffs with all my stuff and running rings around my mates, who had huuuge traveling back packs filled with shit they dont even need, and a surfboard bags... They really stuggled walking into the middle of nowhere. Be orgainised though, I did a piss poor job of it, I didnt even get a holiday visa for Aus, or book a flight out of indo, so had to bribe my way out of the airport. When it came to leaving indo I booked a flight to oz, then at the airport found out I needed a holiday visa, luckily Garuda Indonesia sorted one out for me for free. On the way out of oz, it terned out my flight for some reason didnt take the money out of my account, so I didnt have a ticket. Luckily I got another one then and there for the same flight...





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Pretty much the last 2 posts make me think what I've done in Canada is f**k all. I'll be saving hard this next year and will be heading for the Gold Coast asap. Many a friends place to stay there and I pretty much already have a friendship group up and running as there all pretty much home now. All I have to do then is convince a few of them to get a van with me and drive the whole coast in 3 months.

Bring it on.

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  • 2 weeks later...


does anyone know what perth is like for backpackers? is there much of a scene on the west coast or is it all happening on the east?

also im havng trouble finding out if i can do a year working visa in oz then come home to england (to see family and sort stuff) at the end of that year, can i then apply for another year working visa and head back out doing it all again? or is that my lot for life?

i love reading through this thread! makes it all sound so immense.

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does anyone know what perth is like for backpackers? is there much of a scene on the west coast or is it all happening on the east?

also im havng trouble finding out if i can do a year working visa in oz then come home to england (to see family and sort stuff) at the end of that year, can i then apply for another year working visa and head back out doing it all again? or is that my lot for life?

i love reading through this thread! makes it all sound so immense.

I think you can only get one. Or you can do the fruit picking for 3 months then you can extend it for another year.

Im planning on going to Sydney. Anyone know how hard it is to get a job there? Or if you can get a job sorted before going out?

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