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Future Trials Park


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hi everyone.

just been out riding and a random coppa wa watching us .

he came over and said thats amasing so i said we could do with somewhere proper to do it without getting bollocked on walls.

so he came out with... the police are getting a grant soon and would like to use some on young sports.

so he gave me a card and said if i can get enough people from around the leeds bradford area to put names and adresses down like a partition he will see what he can do about getting some rocks set out somewhere.

so if everyone from west yorkshire that would come over to the leeds area to ride can put thier NAME and ADDRESS down that would be great .

and i will ring him back if i get enough names.

msn = trials_rider@hotmail.co.uk if you need it.

thanks alot

Chris :)

Edited by trialsrider.chris
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True. If you've got to drive anywhere to get to this trials park, then you could just drive a bit further and go to one of the many awesome natural spots around! If it was going to be anything, a more 'street' setup where you can make streety kinda shit you can ride without getting kicked off would make more sense?

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True. If you've got to drive anywhere to get to this trials park, then you could just drive a bit further and go to one of the many awesome natural spots around! If it was going to be anything, a more 'street' setup where you can make streety kinda shit you can ride without getting kicked off would make more sense?

well yeah anything like that would be fine . havent aranged anithing yet so could do anithing

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I am all for this to go ahead, but if your wanting "some rocks" your already spoilt for choice!

I can see what people are saying about rocks but what other objects are there that wont get affected by the weather, especialy the british weather.

Pallets and anything wood will just rot,

and the council wont just chuck loads of concretes pipes ect.. as it will make it look more like a tip !

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I am all for this to go ahead, but if your wanting "some rocks" your already spoilt for choice!

Unfortunately all the rocks are out in the countryside, with very few on public transport routes. Not many parents are prepared to drive the under 17's out to them on an evening (or even weekends), and the very young one's couldn't go alone on public transport.

In my opinion, the more set-ups like the one suggested, with rocks in parks in towns all over the country, the better for the sport for the future.

Hope it works out for you.

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