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The End Of The Line (Channel 4 Documentary)


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So is anyone currently watching or finished watching the channel 4 documentary, "The End of the Line", which discusses the massive decline of fish within the world's waters due to our (western) fishing industry? The summary so far is that we will cause the extinction of many species and that basically very little is being done to curb this, in terms of the fishing industry itself or the governmental institutions which have the power to regulate the fishing industry. Even when the insufficient quotas are breached, no policing of the fishing industry occurs.

This seems to be yet another display of the general insanity of human beings, related to the relatively unrestrained motivations of modern capatalism which prioritise greed and hate over opposing, more healthy values and which is substantially allowed on the misconception that we are somehow above and not within the surrounding ecosystem. Perhaps also related is the delusion that in some sense we can all just continue doing what we are doing and everything will be fine, much like the consideration of global warming.

Rather than consider any of this and try to realise what our proper place is within the interconnected world, everybody seem simply to prefer distracting themselves with little pleasures here and there, attempting to create a selfish bubble of sorts. Unfortunately, although people seem to lack this insight there will be a great deal of regret when those currently without children have them, and suddenly realise what sort of the world they have created for them. I still find it a shame that most people's regrets will relate to other "family" members and not other humans in general and other species on our planet, but that seems to be the current trend.

All critcisms refer to me also. I am guilty of not making enough of an effort. I'll admit though that I simply do not know what to do, when what you're opposing wields great power in terms of a massive apathy against it. We're in a very depressing situation that requires a good portion of us to organise and oppose what's happening in terms of protecting the health of the planet. Little pleasures or healthy living for a planet as a whole?

Anyway, please discuss. I'd love to hear an argument for not caring.

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I despise fisherman. I grew up in an area where all the rich people were chavvy fisherman who effectively rape the seas. They see themselves as 'farmers of the sea' but they put absolutely nothing back. Farmers break their backs ensuring good crops and sustainability in their land and stocks- with fisherman it's just take take take and it makes me really angry.

Other things that make me mad are retarded Japanese who continue whaling under stupid 'research' banners and Chinese who think that the hands of Gorilla's etc have magical properties...

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Chinese who think that the hands of Gorilla's etc have magical properties...

They said that the blue fin fish (?), despite being the first fish to near extinction, was a fashion fish, eaten because it relates to status in some way. People are all out to cope with the world and find happiness, but attempting to get it through fish-eating-status is a pretty limited way of doing so, especially when it relates to oblivious annihilation of another species. As a species, we have the greatest capacity for compassion and love but simaltaneously, the greatest capacity for emotional retardation and deep, deep confusion.

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yeah agreed, tbf i think there is just too many people like that on earth for that kind of shit to carry on.

So many governments are all about equality and giving everyone long lives ect.. it will lead to greater overpopulation and the need to take so much from the environment that it loses the capability to sustain itself to levels that can provide for the whole population. There are examples of this in so many countries, it may not hit home really cos England doesn't suffer the effects of this because we're rich and live in favorable conditions. but The problem will only get worse... its something that will not be changed until it is too late, not alot of people are willing to do anything about it...

sounds totally immoral but about right to me

If you want to do somthing go tell people that need to hear it about what you think, a pretty big cause of things like this is just not having the right information and at the end of the day this is a trials forum aha

btw I think global warming the way 'the press' reports it pretty much bullshit eg daily mail and all that

Edited by ilikeriding
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I think the restrictions on fishing should be tightened so much more than it is now. I don't give a shit about anyone whining about loosing their jobs, and that their family had been fishing since the Romans. If they carry on the way they are now there will be no fish left to fish.

I would be quite happy not to eat any fish for the rest of my life as long as it meant fish stocks grew back to what they would have been before 1900.


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I think the restrictions on fishing should be tightened so much more than it is now. I don't give a shit about anyone whining about loosing their jobs, and that their family had been fishing since the Romans. If they carry on the way they are now there will be no fish left to fish.

I would be quite happy not to eat any fish for the rest of my life as long as it meant fish stocks grew back to what they would have been before 1900.


I agree, or possibly just make quotas one hell of a lot smaller so that fish becomes more of a once a year meal. More of a commodity in other words.

If at the end of the day we simply banned fishing across the board, fish farms would become million pound businesses over night!

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But fish is so damned tasty!

I think the problem that Ben, you hinted at is that this is just one example of a lack of global consciousness.

Over fishing's a symptom, which always have root causes that stem down to lack of consciousness. Instead of simply curbing fishing (which yes, must be a measure put into place), people who have power over this kinda thing need to look at the bigger picture and work forwards and see where improvements can really be made.

People need to eat.

People need protein.

Fish contains protein.

Therefore eat fish.

Fish grow in the sea.

Catch fish.

Lack of consciousness

Fish don't grow fast enough.

Fish run out.

Laws get put into place.

We have to deal with PETA.

Consider that list and it's structure for various other needs and solutions, and insert ignorance wherever appropriate. There are loads of options laterally down that list that don't end up with PETA - people need to understand this and explore and be given alternatives and options that will stem down to results that don't result in unethical, unsustainable, or unhealthy solutions. For example, if the negatives of overfishing were respected by everyone then perhaps people would develop other tastes and find a way of getting protein other than fish. What happens to all the fishermen you say? Well they become nut growers.

Here's to nut farmers. :cheers:

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Less fish, over population on whatever the fish eat, fish reproduce like crazy because of all the abundance of food.. Less is more, nothing to worry about.

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