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White Sky 20"


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Here is my bike with new fork and rims :D




Nowar rims

Nowar handlebars

Try-all forged stem

Trialtech bashring

Reset titan/carbon BB

Try-all rear light tyre

Maxxis light inner tube

Original Coustellier's pads

Try-all polished pedals

"Scotch" rim tape (sorry I don't know if "scotch" is the correct word ... This is the right word in french)

Tell me what you think about it :D

Bye !

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The stays are 375 which is fairly long and as far as I remember someone here said that they are very "Flexy" and you can feel them flex.

The long stey's might make a pretty good street geo with the rest of the bike but the flex surely that had to have been a bad wheel build or something? ive been on far weaker bikes and never felt flex on the chainstey.

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Personally i found the geo brilliant, they look so good as well.

I'm the person who said there flexy, which they are! was a shame really only thing that let it down.

It was very annoying not being able to set up the brake how i wanted it, but more how i could set it up not to rub when putting power through the pedals.

When you had it set up though it was such a great bike to ride!

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yeah, right....it was you. Just forgot your nick, but remember your picture.

So, and how did you find the long stays? what are the benefits? Since i personally like short stays for huge bunnyhops...

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I can't really say what the benifit of longer stays was, the bike was so light just felt great all round anyway.

My bikes usually last me a while i dont change them often so its kinda hard for me to compare it really, i get a bike adjust to it and usually like it :) if you can sort of get what i mean

i don't do bunnyhops often but they were not a problem at all on the bike then again i was used to the geo, might be different if you got on it yourself for the first time :)

The long stey's might make a pretty good street geo with the rest of the bike but the flex surely that had to have been a bad wheel build or something? ive been on far weaker bikes and never felt flex on the chainstey.

It's not about how "weak" it was, infact it lasted me 10months and only because of badly timed riding it died, the way i see it with a sub 1.3k magura frame theres only so many places to loose wieght in this case the rear end were alot of extra strenght is needed for magura frames to keep it ridgid for braking, which was evident when i compared it to my rockman akali the back end of the rockman was far heavier.

But the rockman was so stiff on the rear end i could set up my brake how i wanted(same wheel used from the sky:P) so this crossed out any suspicion of it being the wheel causing flex, you could push down on the pedals and see the amount the bb yolk swayed on the white sky

Personally i dont think you will see many more sub 1.3kg magura frames unless someone finds a way to keep the rear end stiff, this obviously isnt a problem when using discs :)

It would be interesting if Maxx has any of the same problems, i worked around the brake issue by setting up the bike in a certain way but ment i couldnt set up the rear brake perfect:)

Edited by Toby
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Tidy, how are those Coust pads treating you?

used to have coust pads on my rear brake for a while. I wasn't really pleased. I had quite some expectations because everybody was talking about them. but they didn't work that well for me. maybe I didn't set them up perfectly or whatever. now I use the tnn pads (green) which perform much better (at least in my case)

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