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How Do I Fix My King?


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I have a CK rear hub and its really pissing me off. Its skipping really bad. Skipped while manualling on my today! :blink: and its not like a silly little skip. They are pretty major and feel like the chain snaps! I have actually faceplanted with this thing! It wasnt fun! Anyone got any tips of opening this up without damaging it without the really expensive tool? And has anyone got any suggestions on how to stop it from skipping like this?

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The things I do for you boy Look it.

I remember this video and it still makes me laugh when you say "its a bit of a bodge" using the wrong Allen key and using an Allen key to knock the drive rings out ha ha. The whole process is a bit of a bodge ha ha.

For me servicing a king this way is like taking an F1 car to the local garage to get it "serviced".

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For me servicing a king this way is like taking an F1 car to the local garage to get it "serviced".

I've seen/done far worse on a race car to get a job done before :-

Though I'd never suggest impacting a bearing to remove it if the same bearing is going to be put back in (though its most often the only way), I'd say the rest of is fine DIY! *looks at ISO*

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Seeing Adam completely dismantle my King with the proper King tools was amazing. The tool's mega expensive but for a reason, it literally is the perfect tool for the job. Pretty nuts seeing people taking one apart without the tool afterwards, especially with how sort of delicate some of the parts are.

EDIT: Edited for belm.

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