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Thinking Of Getting A 24 Inch


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I was waning to get a 24 inch trials bike since i only ride street, i like the BMX style added to trials on the 24 inch bikes, but is it worth getting one. I still want to be able to do trials moves like pedal kicks sidehops and so on... so would it be really hard on a 24 inch? but i also want to be able to do BMX moves footjam tailwhips, 180s and barspins... are the frames a good compromise between the 2 bikes? Any help would be appreciated.

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I got an Inspired fourplay in spring for just that, and I must say that it does work well for trial moves and bmx moves. BUT I'm no pro and can't say if one of the two styles (or even both) are more difficult on a 24" bike because I never had a different trial bike and I only started riding trials in spring. Well I guess as I learned pretty fast (well kinda :P) it can't be too difficult ;)

Hope this helped

Btw, try to find some bikes so that you can compare!

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A short stock or mod would equally be at home on the streets

In a way, but I didn't really find it to be the case - mods just don't roll very well at all, and there's a definite difference in feeling between 24" and 26" in terms of how flicky they are. Ali's new Hex feels very similar to my Fourplay when you ride around, but I can definitely tell the difference when you start throwing it around more. I'd fully say that mods aren't really suited to doing BMXy type stuff just because of the tyre choices. The only way they'll feel vaguely similar is if you run your tyres super hard so they don't feel too squirmy when you carve into spins, but then they feel a bit dead for trialsy stuff. That was what I found with mine both this time round and years ago when I originally tried doing spins and stuff like that on my old old proto Onza frames.

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Well apart from the tailwhips and bar spins, they would be bloody impossible to do with a massive stem.

more getting at that his type of riding is...errmm...how do I put it politely.......odd?

He cranks into nearly every spin, probably the reason why he doesn't get a bmx as you would actually have to put some effort in then.

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more getting at that his type of riding is...errmm...how do I put it politely.......odd?

He cranks into nearly every spin, probably the reason why he doesn't get a bmx as you would actually have to put some effort in then.

Yeh he really needs a haircut aswell maybe then he will be able to do proper trials moves instead of doing bmx stuff on a mod (no offense to the guy but come on!).

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Plus there's a whole world out there that isn't made up of nice, smooth street - one of the things I love about my Inspired is that if I want to I can ride natural stuff on it and still have fun. Finding naturally created setups to do BMXy style moves on is a load of fun, and something I don't really think smaller wheels with slick tyres on is all that great for (otherwise I'd just use my BMX ;)).

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Plus there's a whole world out there that isn't made up of nice, smooth street - one of the things I love about my Inspired is that if I want to I can ride natural stuff on it and still have fun. Finding naturally created setups to do BMXy style moves on is a load of fun, and something I don't really think smaller wheels with slick tyres on is all that great for (otherwise I'd just use my BMX ;)).

Same with me, i love riding natural stuff on my Effect and to do more streety moves on the rocks its hard but fun. I've never really tried bmxing, obviously it helps alot with spins and such it would proberly be a good idea to get a wee bmx for practicing moves that i can't do on my 24inch.

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