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Newb And His First Build: Meta Vtt2


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Thanks guys! I only checked it out the first three days I had it. I haven't had time. I need to get some warmer gear so I can at least go out every now and then this winter to get used to the bike.

I picked up a road brother for it as well. Too good of a deal to pass up. I need warm road gear as well.





I wish it wasn't so cold out. I really want to get out there and start to practice. I only rode for maybe a practiced track stands and just riding the Meta around for half hour a day for the first three days, but on the third day I was able to hold balance much more than the first. It is still pretty bad, but I definitely saw an improvement which was pretty neat.

Edited by jamesbernatchez
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Tip: dont try trials on that roady :P. Glad to see your improving already :), those are 2 absolutely stunning bikes... Wish i could afford those :D. Everything just takes practise when your first startingout, and unfortunately can take quite long before you are hopping about nicely.

Edited by Jon Alty
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