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Danfoss - BANNED

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Glad you like the blog (well, blogs!).

The TartyBikes blog is just a template as far as I know - I let Ads sort that one out. There are some pretty stripped-out templates available through Blogspot anyway, and their new 'Designer' thing makes tweaking it pretty easy too.

The Clean blog's a bit of a weird one though. I had to basically just guess my way through that, as I didn't want any text showing on the site, didn't want any padding on anything, and basically just wanted to have an "Older posts" and "Newer posts" button and that was it. The majority of it was done originally in the Designer, but then I switched to the HTML editor and just hacked the shit out of it. I don't know how viewable the coding is for the Clean blog, but I really hope no-one with any web design skillz checks it out 'cos they'll rip me :P

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Glad you like the blog (well, blogs!).

The TartyBikes blog is just a template as far as I know - I let Ads sort that one out. There are some pretty stripped-out templates available through Blogspot anyway, and their new 'Designer' thing makes tweaking it pretty easy too.

The Clean blog's a bit of a weird one though. I had to basically just guess my way through that, as I didn't want any text showing on the site, didn't want any padding on anything, and basically just wanted to have an "Older posts" and "Newer posts" button and that was it. The majority of it was done originally in the Designer, but then I switched to the HTML editor and just hacked the shit out of it. I don't know how viewable the coding is for the Clean blog, but I really hope no-one with any web design skillz checks it out 'cos they'll rip me :P

I'll play with it some more. The hand writen stuff, is that hand writen then scanned in?

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Aye very true but in todays world hand writing is a thing of the past. I avoid at it all costs

Handwriting may be a thing of the past, but individuality isn't so it works bloody well over at Clean in my opinion...

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Yea, if it wasn't so niche I'd be all over the text as images side of things for SEO and/or ad targeting (either incoming or future hosted) but I would imagine the 'fashion over function', to steal Adams phrase, will actually add far more targeted traffic than text itself will. I'm sure it's subconsciously one of the reasons that Clean is in my Google Reader rather than just looking out here for updates...

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Aye very true but in todays world hand writing is a thing of the past. I avoid at it all costs

WRONG! Really think about it, how can it be a thing of the past? It's not like a portable music medium - it's not going to be superseded like the minidisc my CD, CD by mp3 etc. Western language might be fairly easy to communicate through typed letters but it's not so easy way out East so calligraphy and so on is still very important there.

Some of my favourite illustrators hand write text on their images rather than using type created on a computer for that 'uniqueness' reason - think about illustration itself..... Why physically draw when you can open up Photoshop and dick about all day having never picked up a pencil? It's just not how it is. Our handwriting, drawing and other forms of human inputted communication allow us to differentiate ourselves from one another - something no typeface can do.

When ever i use hand drawn letters in my personal or professional design work i never even consider using one of the many very good 'handwriting fonts' as i think it's just a stupid, contradictory idea. I write or illustrate every letter as there are many intrinsic differences when we write, no 'E' will ever be exactly the same for example, whereas if you used a handwriting font, that's exactly what you'd get.

It ain't convenient sure - but it most certainly isn't dead.

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