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Can't Peddal Kick Help


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Hey guys just after some advice i can hope on my back wheel all day but i cant seem to pedal kick i cant seem to let go of the brake if you get me am i starting wrong i have watched the vids on you tube but still get the same prob i'm thinking its a mental block ??? has anyone else had this prob and how did you over come it ?????

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I've recently learnt it too as I struggled for ages... I found it clicked as soon as I practiced doing it on 2 wheels on the flat which helps with timings... Then when you have that dialled just apply it on the back wheel... Stick at it, it's taken me ages too but it just clicked all of a sudden!

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the way i started was brakeless, it sounds stupid, but instead of rocking onto you're back wheel using the brake, try rocking and getting you're wheel up with pressure on the pedals.

when you get to taht point hit the pedals and hop ( not to hard ) when you land the wheel may roll out underneath you so it would be good to start on grass to save broken a broken ass.

Anyway after you manage the hop part try and land with you're brake on then go for another hop, after a while you should be able to get 1-3 hops but not keep going, its all about getting you're own personal point of balence, and when you do you will just get better and better. I hope this helped, Zac

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you say you can backhop, so thats a decent start, have you found your balance point on the bike? when your on the back wheel and feel relatively stable let go of the brake, and press lightly on your good foot (which ever one you naturally have at the front) so you do a little wheelie. if the front end drops to quickly, lean back more/pull back on the bars harder as you kick/pedal harder (you'll have to mix and max these variables to suite) if the bike goes to vertical you'll want to feather/lock up the back brake to adjust it forward. ultimatley no amount of explanation will top a few solid afternoons of practice somewhere with a soft landing. find some local riders to give you a few pointers too...

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I had the exact same problem when i was learning to peddal kick. what i tried was pulling my front brake then rocking onto my front wheel and without using the back brake get up on the back wheel and kick the peddals slightly whilst doing a mini hop. after you can do 2 of those in a row try introducing the back brake. i found that i phisically cannot have 2 fingers on my rear brake so i tried 1 finger. that worked for me just give it ago but thats how me and my friends learnt peddal kicks and now we can hop quite nice gaps.

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Yeah, to pedal kick you have to use 1 finger on the brake so make sure your doing that! If you can back hop, when your on the back wheel practice just hopping on the spot a few times till balanced and then just lean slightly forward and give a slight kick with your stong foot. You may not get air but even if you just wheelie and brake repeatedly you can add the jump in.

Alternatively start by rocking from front to back wheel only coming about 1cm off the ground either end and then when balanced next time you rock backwards, give a kick on the pedal. Thats how i learnt, then you just take the technique forward and do it from stationary, then when you can do that, try from rolling!

Hope this helps, Jack

hey, just saw that you said you have trouble taking your finger off the brake - i would recommend that get hopping on the back wheel and then practice taking the front brake on and off in time with when you hop. Then start doing it with the back, this way if you do it wrong you wont end up hittin the deck! Doing larger hops when you start on the back brake will help as you'll have more time to get re-apply the brake =)

Edited by o0jack0o
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I've recently learnt it too as I struggled for ages... I found it clicked as soon as I practiced doing it on 2 wheels on the flat which helps with timings... Then when you have that dialled just apply it on the back wheel... Stick at it, it's taken me ages too but it just clicked all of a sudden!

Like said, one way to eventually learn to pedal kick is to learn to pedal into the rear wheel hopping position from 2 wheels. Just add a little pop as you get near the balance point to get the rear off the ground, then apply the brakes before you land.

The other way to progress towards pedal kicking is to learn how to level out your cranks as you're hopping on the rear wheel. That is sometimes you're hopping on the rear and your cranks ratchet backwards. To fix this, as you hop up you let go of your rear brake and pedal forward a bit so the cranks level out then reapply the brake before the rear wheel touches down again.

Learning to do either of these things should get you used to the mechanics involved and onto pedal kicks pretty quick. Biggest tip to pedal kicking is to let the front drop down first before doing the kick.

Edited by bip
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