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How To Pay Some One For An Item The Safe Way?

mod luke

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cheap small safe items best to use paypal. or if you know them bank transfer.

on anything larger or more expencive : wheels frames brakes ect.. its worth meeting so you can take a proper look, otherwise you will just have to get loads of pics and trust the seller.

although most pepole wont try and pull the wool over your eyes, who knows if you try that the buyer may be a mentalist and come get you :o ( i know i have been out to find a seller once when being sold a lemon i got my refund )

the number one thing i would look out for on 2nd hand trials kit

cracked or bent frames/forks

un true wheels or loose spokes.

leaking brakes.

cranks with the tapers damaged.

over one year old handlebars (manufactuers say replace every year)

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Since the validation system was scrapped (best thing about this forum IMO), I've noticed a massive rise in the number of scummy wankers conning people or just being generally shit about posting stuff off.

My top tips, either deal with someone you already know, or someone you have a mutual friend with. I've only been scammed once, and that was by Pete Wright. Got my money back though because I threatened to order a few tonnes of sand to his house. (Or something to that effect).

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