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Try-All 120.9 Freewheels


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I want to buy one new because i want to give this one to a kid here that does not have money, and i want to help him out. And i change freewheels every 6 months as well.

Im happy with the SL one, but if the Try-All never skips too and the feedback is good.. Why not trying more engagement?

Not so silly.

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The freewheel did it today while I was balancing on the rear wheel preparing for a sidehop.

I had the brakes off and held the bike just with the pedals when it happened.

And I can now say for sure that it skips and does not only click.

The skip is small, as it is a 120 freewheel, but it is there.

It didn't kill my balance, however, three degrees of crank movement is just too small for that in a relatively static move.

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Ok yes I see what your saying. It's like it's just on the very edge of the tooth and does quite locate and "skips" to the next which is very hardly any movement.

But it's always under no load?

I'm sure mind does that some times but it's so small it doesn't matter

But yea your right.

I kinda class a skip as some like crank moving a fair bit. Kinda like what happens when a chain snaps.

I suppose that it's got more potential to cause damage to the next tooth on yours.

Yea I'd stick to echo over try all

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It never happened during liftoff for a serious gap.

It occurs mostly when I prepare a move (but that may be just a statistical effect of the total usage time of the different phases of trials moves).

However, I had a few during a height-oriented coust or sidehop - where the force on the pedals is in the medium range.

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I bought mine like three months ago at the BWC in Blansko. It started skipping during the first training and has done so ever since... ^^

Though I opened mine up, before using it, and changed the thick grease for thinner oil, so I could just have failed when putting it back together :)

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