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Thanks fella's

noticed there is a restriction on the number of posts you can make without approval, just need to get a bit of advice from one of the admin team, in the mean time i'll browse round the site, enjoying the video section :cheers: great smiley list (Y)

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thanks for posting isitafox

bit of advice on sales ,priceing realy, i know here we go :ban: him, :dance: , but was looking to seek the advice of the admin so as not to tread on any toes, have a few bits for sale, and didn't want to be seen as just registering in order to flog stuff, i'm from a bmx background and still riding, but tried my hand at at trials last year and quickly realised my back didn't like what me brain was telling it to do :'( so got almost a full 20"bike that is not being used, got a bunch of wedge seats too (Y)

i have browsed the forum in the past but not registered ,should of done so, love watching trials and ride with a couple of local guys in one of the local skateparks on occation and their riding ability amazes me , i thought this would be the best place to advertise, the bikes are pretty specific as i'm sure you know, so it seems the ideal place to let it go, should anyone be interested? seems a shame for it not to be used if someone can make use of it,

i'm genuine if you want to believe that and will keep browsing the site , more as a silent member no doubt, if one of the admin/mods team wants to email me i'll explain a little more if i can, sorry to waffle on, also not figured out how to turn on the spellchecker yet so excuse me spelling :P

that's my post count used up for now i think?

Edited by oldtired
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Put a post up in the for sale forum, I'm sure as long as you provide full contact details and make a half decent listing you won't have a problem.

The key to selling is let people pay over paypal as a purchase, worst case ask them to add a quid or two to cover the fees at your end but at least that way the buyers have peace of mind in case a problem arose.

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