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So You Stumble Upon A Time Machine...


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You idiots. All possibilities exist, time is where you choose your path through the different possibilities. You could go back and change the path your conciousness follows, but back in the present that possibility exists still 'to the side' of the new one. So the changes still get made, by the you in the other possibility. Duh.

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You idiots.  All possibilities exist, time is where you choose your path through the different possibilities.  You could go back and change the path your conciousness follows, but back in the present that possibility exists still 'to the side' of the new one.  So the changes still get made, by the you in the other possibility.  Duh.

But if, with every decision that has ever been made, the world goes off on a different tangent, there will be trillions of parallel universes (In fact, waaaaaay more than trillions. A number so big it's making my head hurt :ermm: ). So that's one possibility, but quite unlikely if you ask me. That theory would require a 5th dimension, as the space-time is taken up by the path we're on at the moment.

Even with that though, the "Grandfather Paradox" that Mike explained still stands. If you kill your parents, how can you be in the world at all? You can't, so how can you go back in time?

If you ask me, time travel won't ever happen (And I'll punch anyone who claims John Titor is "proof" :turned: ). Time is not the same as the other 3 dimesions we have in this universe, as it only moves in one direction, towards the future. It's nice to think time travel will happen one day, and I suppose it's always possible that new shit will come to light and time machines can be built in ways we can't even conceive. Anyway, we're getting off topic.

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I know i never get to travel in a time machine, as i said to myself i would go back to my 10th birthday, and i dont remember seeing myself there.

Time travel is possible, but you need to go faster than the speed of light, which is impossible.

Just watched the Back to the Future trilogy, ready good!.  :ermm:

You couldnt go back and look at the lotto numbers as because you were there befor the draw the numbers would be different. These poeple who got all 6 numbers, but forgot to buy the ticket, they wouldnt have won if they did because if they did buy the ticket, due to cause and effect the numbers would have been different.

You couldnt go back and kill hitler, as if you did that, you wouldnt exsist, as you would be changing the corse of time in a BIG way. You grandparents probably wont meet, so you farther was never born. The problem is now you don't exsist, so you couldnt go back in time and kill hitler.

Also if you have watched Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, theres this restaurant that is so forward in time, you can see the end of the universe. Its VERY expensive, but all you do is when you get back, is open a bank account, and put a penny in, by the time the restaurant is made, you own 2 billion pounds. So you can easiliy afford it.


I personally thought that was good and interesting to read and it actually makes sense, your right in a way, but we're on about if YOU went back in time, time would go forward and back to where you was last before you went back in time and everyone else would be the same, do the same etc, but still, your right in a way dependant on what you do if you went back in time.


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Even with that though, the "Grandfather Paradox" that Mike explained still stands. If you kill your parents, how can you be in the world at all? You can't, so how can you go back in time?

No you havn't thought about it. In the changed path that happens as a result of you not being born you don't go back. But in the other path, that still exists but is not active, you still go back and kill them.

...A number so big it's making my head hurt  ). So that's one possibility, but quite unlikely if you ask me. That theory would require a 5th dimension, as the space-time is taken up by the path we're on at the moment.

Thats what i'm talking about, a 5th dimension. And just like dimensions 1,2 and 3, it is long enough to accomodate all possibilities. It doesnt have to be infinite seeing as there are a finite number of changes that can be made along its length, to accomodate all possibilities.

One day you'll see i'm right.

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the lottery numbers would the same assuming all the other factors remained the same so basicaly you can predict what lottler numbers will be drawn but you need to know every thing ie air pressure and stuff like that i think so any way after winning the lotters got boring id eat antil i was nearly sick rewind time and do it over


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No you havn't thought about it.  In the changed path that happens as a result of you not being born you don't go back.  But in the other path, that still exists but is not active, you still go back and kill them.

One day you'll see i'm right.

Don't tell me what I have and have not done. It's a paradox, there is no answer, that's the whole point.

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Going back to the 60's would be pretty dandy, live in LA, see it all happen first hand :P

And going to see myself would be pretty mental, just to see how much a little nutcase I used to be, and take one of those little Monty bikes (Y)

Lottery Numbers too, that'd be fun.

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