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Whats Your Favourite Scary Movie!?

Urban mammoth

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SAW... hehe that film is great, there are no scary films though... it's just actors and props... SAW is definately the most entertaining..

yep its quality

you could spoil it just like that couldnt you.

***walking out of the cinema (big queue)***

"i cant believe it was.................................." :)

bit short though

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We are all spoilt :) Thats the problem

We are probably the hardest generation EVER to try and scare with a film. Nothing surprises us anymore!

Lots of films can make you jump, but the reality is that, if you ask yourself, you knew it was coming!

Edited by JTM
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Candyman. That is one f**ked up film. It just never lets up, right up to and including the last minute it's harsh and brutally nasty. It's truly worthy of the horror genre.

I thought Gothika was pretty creepy to (although not even slightly in the same league as Candyman), although it's a shame they felt the urge to throw in all the "jump out of your seat" type shock moments into it. The whole premise of someone apparantly sane being thrown into a mental hospital like that was really uncomfortable watching.

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The Grudge was shite :S I thought it was a rip off of another amazing Jap film, the ring, which is superb, and the sequel is out soon :)


The sequel to Ring was released in '99. Although the Hollywood remake of Ring 2 is being released soon.

I need to rewatch Ring, I was distracted when watching it before and just didn't find it that scary, or infact good. I'm still not sure if that's because I didn't like it or because I was too distracted to follow it properly.

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The Grudge was shite :) I thought it was a rip off of another amazing Jap film, the ring, which is superb, and the sequel is out soon :P

I have got ssssooo bored of the Japanese films The Ring, The Grudge, Dark Water (water is never scary ever). They are all the same, some kid dies in some f**ked up way, that he/she wasn't meant to, so now he/she is pissed off and gonna kill people in a bizarre way!

Texas Chainsaw Massica (sp??) is great the first time you watch, very intense viewing.

For some really uncomfortable viewing thats really difficult to sit through I reccomend 'I spit on your grave' and 'cannibal holocaust' :)

Saw is decent, kinda odd, scariest thing is actually puppet though. Try 'Dead End' which is great comedy horror, so good that.

I love 'Evil Dead' and 'Tremors' but neither of those are actually scary but still amazing.

IMO the two scariest things on the planet are 'IT' (the book though NOT the film) and 'Resident Evil 2' for the playstation, the atmosphere they created on that game is amazing.


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John Carpenter's "The Thing" with the virus that mutates stuff that infects a polar ice cap station and its crew. I thought it was a comedy B movie, by the title. Boy was I wrong.

That film was messed up.


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I aint really seen a film that has scared the Ba-jeeb-ers out of me.

I like the sound of the grudge though, I'll have to get a copy of that i think!

The ring was quite scary too going to see the hollywood sequal when it comes out soon.

I love watching horror films with a lady! its pure entertainment! :)

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i once watched a si-fi/horror film called 'alien invasion : the macphereson story' i was alot younger. Real creepy film.

candyman was pretty nasty film too

i had nightmares when i watched gremlins...the bit about the spider gremmer...nasty stuff

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as someone said before IT scared the shit out of me :) but i was about 10 :- so maybe if i re-watch it twill be a bit crap :P ....dont you hate it when that happens, you have memories of films/programs from when you younger, then you re-watch them, and they turn out to be really bad :P

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