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Party Time

Dai the Socket

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Hosts of partys usually have a wank time neways its not worth hassle because they to busy being paranoid about anythign geting broke,u have shit party everyone just teks piss haha :sleeping: ....something always gets fcuked and parents always find out!Wunt ever have one mi sen.....

Tell people to take there shoes off they will at first later they want......


p.s food made never gets eaten.just get beer beer beer! best bet for a descent party is a warm night int garden!Once went to a new years eve party and we all slept iont garden was mad as fcuk waking up!

Edited by Mr Koxx
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I went through a stage of having about 8 partys weekend after weekend etc, i found them fun and nothing got broke.

Bad mistake to make like already been quoted never get wasted first as you'll miss out on the pussy and wont remember much either.

Also get horny people to stay away from the bathroom, you can imagine the queues lol.

I would leave your keyboard and mouse their as people may not like your style of music on there and will want to play what they like.

Dont supply booze if you dont have to and only invite good mates/fit birds and tell the birds not invite lads for the two obvious reasons .

1. if you dont know em you dont trust them.

2. And as the ludacris song goes too many niggers not enough hoes if you get the drift .

But generallly try to enjoy yourself and dont hassle people about been messy etc a lad did this at a party and it ended up backfiring , fussy bastards will get their house trashed just stay cool and calm and clean up in the morning.

You find cans, vodka money etc hehe.

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After lots and lots of thought, i've decided that i'm going to do the following.

I'm gonna go into town with a couple of my best mates. 3 - 5 of them. Then have a cracking time, have a takeaway, then all go back to mine, hav a mini party while munching on abit of food when we're back and then sleeping.

Much less damage to be done, still gonna have a v good night and i can enjoy myself.

If i get my house ready (ish) before I go out it's even better.

So yeah, anyone who is going into Halifax tomorrow night can crash at my house, in Shelf :sleeping:

Thanks very very much for all the help, i'd of gone ahead with a full on party and it'd of gone terrorbly wrong i'm guessing!

Nick (N)

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A good house party is ace :sleeping: I reckon that you should go for the garden party if you are worried about your house dude!

if its just a people you know and trust then it should be all good!

we had one in my second year of uni and and ended up with over 200 people there and our bath got smashed because some random dude tried to drop to the bath on a mini skate board


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Be sensible.  (NEVER)

Drink slowly through the night.(NEVER)

the drinking sslowly part noooo downed a big bottle of red square 800ml ish within the space of walking 2 houses :o

went to a house party last night got absoloutly slaughtered couldnt even see and the kid whos house it was was wrecked before his parents had gone out lol

there was only 5 of us and his bro and his mate but was funny as f**k

regretable i have had no sleep for like 2 days im f**ked and my make jelly legged me last nite and has like bruised the bone in my leg :ermm:

no hangover though (only 14)


Edited by FAT~DAN
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I've had bad experiences with house parties.... Basically move everything (I mean everything) that's breakable, expensive or pretty much anything thats not the sofas / music system / tv into a room which can be locked. Therefore it isnt gonna get damaged.

Like said above DONT put up signs or anything which people'll find funny when wasted.

And keep an eye out. I got my washing machine nicked  :"> . Got it back though somehow...

:)" gotta admit though.. it was the greatest 18th b day party i could of had :ermm: we ended up with over 70 people in his house at peak time. At 2am more people were arriving than people leaving.

A moped got pushed over and leaked fuel all over the driveway, as bobz said the washing machine got nicked and taken outside half way down the road we had to go and get it

A wall socket was smashed with a skateboard

Cranberry and red wine was spilt on to the cream carpet!

Cigarettes were put out in the carpet.. uhhh the conservatory was smoked out by the weed lovers.

Oh yea and not forgetting i had to put my hand down a toilet (covered in a tesco's bag) to pull out 3 bog rolls

All of this done by friends :o

Oh and then had to look after a certain few people who thought that trodden in muffin in the kitchen was weed.

haha funniest part i nearly forgot was your sister finding out someone had shagged in her bed :-p and also sleepin in your parents room with 8 other people i remember who sponge is now! hes well funny actually

Edited by Spacemunkee
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the drinking sslowly part noooo downed a big bottle of red square 800ml ish within the space of walking 2 houses :o

went to a house party last night got absoloutly slaughtered couldnt even see and the kid whos house it was was wrecked before his parents had gone out lol

there was only 5 of us and his bro and his mate but was funny as f**k

regretable i have had no sleep for like 2 days im f**ked and my make jelly legged me last nite and has like bruised the bone in my leg  :ermm:

no hangover though (only 14)


You are so friggin' hardcore!

I wish I could compete with your manliness.

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Nah dont be tight hes 14 therefore he cant get a hangover lmao, if antything it would have the opposite effect as your smaller thanyou will be when your older therefore the alcahol will effect you easier.

Also red square :ermm:" strong stuff lol

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Nah dont be tight hes 14 therefore he cant get a hangover lmao, if antything it would have the opposite effect as your smaller thanyou will be when your older therefore the alcahol will effect you easier.

Also red square  :o"  strong stuff lol

shhhh im not a lightweight :S" lol and it was all i could get really but i had a good time that all that matters


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Arghhhhh hangover!

Erm. Well it went good. I don't really remember much last night but I remember someone nicking my sister's quilt from upstairs to sleep with which I've gotta wash, 'cos she'll know if it's stinking of smoke. And not be pleased!

Nothing got broke :o Nothing got spilled. I'm tidying it all up now, putting beds away, moving my speakers back etc etc.

Woke up drunk this morning though which wasn't the best of things but since I was abit out of it last night I wasn't fretting 24/7!

Thanks for the advice :o

Nickkkkk xx

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shhhh  im not a lightweight :S"  lol and it was all i could get really but i had a good time that all that matters


Intresting this is.....

When I was 14 I got "pissed" a few times and the next day was absolutely fine. Now this bears the question, are you actually immune to hangovers when your 14 (unlikely :o" ) OR did you not actually know what being totally f**ked is....hmmm

In the last year or so Ive actually amazed myself at how longs its taking to get pissed. When I first started going out to bars and clubs, we would go out sober to the pub for a bit first, then go on to a bar/club, wasted, get food, a taxi and it would cost me £30 ish. These days We always drink in someones house first, usually polish off a good helping of vodka, go out already pretty pissed and then spend £40 when out?!??!?! Wtf went wrong! lol

Going on holiday with mates doesnt help either, last sumer went ot magalouf and theres a club. BCM which is MASSIVE (3 floors with SIX bars on each floor!!!) and it was 20 Euros in with unlimited free drinks till 6am!!!! Needless to say, came home, went out, drank and nothing was happening :S Devastated lol

Ibiza this year....only gonna get worse :)

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When I was 14 I got "pissed" a few times and the next day was absolutely fine. Now this bears the question, are you actually immune to hangovers when your 14 (unlikely  :-" ) OR did you not actually know what being totally f**ked is....hmmm

I think it's largely a metabolism thing; when you're in your early-mid teens your metabolism tends to be a bit higher so you clear out the alcohol quicker. Plus, of course, you're not drinking as much alcohol because your tolerance is lower, so you're not getting as dehydrated.

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Went to a mate of mines house and it was really f**ked, we had a food fight she was involved as well we chucked all the mattres's down the stairs and hurled our selfs down the stairs on to em, red sauce everywere:S me and a mate fort it would be funny to put all the beds ina bathroom knocked a airfreshner down the bog sum one had a fat shit it blocked, and over flowed, all over the floor my mate tried pull it out, we ended up gerrina hose pipe and cyphening(SP?) it in to a drain out side the house.

All in all a good nite.

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'A moped got pushed over and leaked fuel all over the driveway,'

And dave broke our fence... Which woke up the old couple next to us...


'A wall socket was smashed with a skateboard'

Which got nicked as well :o


'Oh and then had to look after a certain few people who thought that trodden in muffin in the kitchen was weed.'

Who was that?


'haha funniest part i nearly forgot was your sister finding out someone had shagged in her bed :-p'

I'm pretty sure people slept in my parents bed never heard anything about my sisters room though! I'll be talking to you later...

Moral of this story: NEVER have an open invitation party... Even for an 18th celebration...

Edited by echobikes
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I think it's largely a metabolism thing; when you're in your early-mid teens your metabolism tends to be a bit higher so you clear out the alcohol quicker. Plus, of course, you're not drinking as much alcohol because your tolerance is lower, so you're not getting as dehydrated.

i have no metabolism (sp?) that is why im fat



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the drinking sslowly part noooo downed a big bottle of red square 800ml ish within the space of walking 2 houses :S

went to a house party last night got absoloutly slaughtered couldnt even see and the kid whos house it was was wrecked before his parents had gone out lol

there was only 5 of us and his bro and his mate but was funny as f**k

regretable i have had no sleep for like 2 days im f**ked and my make jelly legged me last nite and has like bruised the bone in my leg  :o

no hangover though (only 14)


How does he post? he's a pre-memeber?? Not working?

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