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What Do You Want To Be?

Dai the Socket

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Security trade!? you'd be great in MI5 telling everyone you've appiled.

Me , My ideas are a bit more humble ,a couple of Bike shops, offering quality products with quality service. Hopefully start distributing some parts in the not to near future aswell.

I applyed for a civilianised branch of it! not the real Top secret (not that there realli top secret when they openly make it known where there buildin is) , Wouldn't get the serious MI5 agent thing cause i not got qwalifications. So the cervilianised bit isn't realli the same.

Luke who ever you are why you slaggin people and gettin mouthy ?

Security trade!? you'd be great in MI5 telling everyone you've appiled.

No your right dickhead , However after my mrs applying there last summer. I know that they don't like you talking about your work outside of the office.  So they lay on a range of faciltys all inside the MI5 building, it has its own bar , Gym etc. etc.

Dnt be such a f**king tool!

Edited by KoxXy
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cos i've met too many snotty nosed graduates who wouldn't understand the difference between a spanner and a grease gun yet think they're God's gift to the world. Always good to get some practical experience under your belt in my view before heading up the ladder.

Sorry to have affected your views on students so much :"> :-

I pretty determined to go into engineering, I would see it as a waste of a 5yr degree if I didn't. I know that not everyone will agree with that statement from the view of being happy in your work, but there are jobs, such as mangment, that could have been obtained with shorter degrees. The benefit being that I wouldn't come out of uni with a £14k loan round my neck (Y)

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Id like to setup a large website which would earn me enough money for a few pints every week.

And as well as that as a 'real' job probably something IT related but i dont really want to be a programmer/techie so many something more to do with electronics.

Oh and for a hobby dont forget a hobby everyone restoring old cars or anything mechanical would keep me happy.

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No your right dickhead , However after my mrs was applying there last summer. I know that they don't like you talking about your work outside of the office.  So they lay on a range of faciltys all inside the MI5 building, it has its own bar , Gym etc. etc.

Erm the "dickhead" comment was unnessisary i think. Tomm was just saying a simple thing in a non-melicious way... so wots the problem? (Y)

Anyway, I would love to start up my own interior design business, and rival the "Mackie's of Lancaster" business (sorry - personal vendetta). Also, as mentioned, anything that really makes me happy is what i am aiming for. I would like to do something bike related, but not sure.

I think my riding is still improving fast, so maybe one day i will do the nationals, and the worlds - doubt if it will earn me money though.

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Don't give up on uni just cos you've made a mess of UCAS. You've always seemed like a fairly intelligent sort, what with the discussions with Joel and suchlike, and it'd be a waste to not get a degree under your belt, as it's always useful for something to show future employers that you're capable of being analytical, especially something like a degree in English, which for some reason i believe is quite highly valued in any kind of consultancy where people have already shown that they have the ability to extract meaning from a situation.

Wandered off the topic, anyway - i'm doing engineering at Loughborough. Currently want to be a technician somewhere for a couple of years cos i've met too many snotty nosed graduates who wouldn't understand the difference between a spanner and a grease gun yet think they're God's gift to the world. Always good to get some practical experience under your belt in my view before heading up the ladder.


P.S. Phil you are going to become an engineer. I'm not going to let you not be  :P  :lol:"

Oh you :">

The only thing is is that I don't really see the point in spending 3 years doing a degree I don't want to be doing (and getting in a shitload of debt too) which can only really lead into a job which I'll find shit 'cos it's something I don't want to do.

I'm reapplying to BassTech (maybe), assuming they aren't uber expensive, so it might be OK. They seem well up for me going there and trying out, and they said I can apply whenever up until when the course starts (or even slightly after...), so it seems like there's space, which is promising in some ways. It seems you HAVE to go and do the year long Higher Diploma (which is basically the first year of the degree, but they technically aren't allowed to just let unqualified people just do the degree, if you get me), then get transfered to the last two of the degree. Sounds tech, and is, but if that's what it takes, that's what it takes...

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I've got a job at Halfords now :P

John at the halifax store rang me up today when i was out riding.

Told me the interview went well and that he'd like to offer me a job there ASAP.

So i'm quite looking forwards to that.

I'm still mega unsure to what I want to do after 6th Form school. I'm definatly doing 6th form but am still thinking about the Police, missing out Uni.

I really hate revising and exam stuff, but my mate Rick said Uni was really good and doesn't seem anywhere near as bad as school, so I guess I might change my mind after 6th form?

I do like biking, obviously, but couldn't make a living out of it I don't think. It's not one of those things that would make me content for a lifetime but then again, like I said, I'm really unsure.

I go to a Grammar school, one of the selective ones not the Rich ones, so i'm 'meant to be good at exams' all because I was a little brighter than everyone else who applied at 11years old. Which really annoys me because the only thing that makes me hurl, is an exam.

I don't mind coursework, actually i'd say I quite like it compared to exams, and i'd like something new everyday. And targets, I like to impress and compete against people.

Anyone got any advice? I like Design, New stuff, outdoors i guess, Superiority :), Competition?

Thanks anyways, I'm quite impressed this topic's got so many replys. I told Danny it'd be ace :P

Nick :lol:

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well i dropped out of school at 16 :angry: CLEVER! to go into the real working world which is now panning out lovely for me, i got and currently hold a job as a website designer/admin and have just turned 17.

Managed to get the company to vouch the cost of £3000 for a 2 year CIW webmaster course over the next 2 years which should give me 5 certifications.

The plan is then for my boss to open up his own website designing company, employee more professionals and keep me as managing director.

could be 25 with a company car and my own house etc.

I love it :angry:"

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