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Sweet London Ride Pics


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Some pics I got back from Chris Killops, the guy who was there with the full on pro photographer gear! Please do not reproduce these without consulting with myself or Chris.


Me with wheelswap to manual over a strange sundial kinda thing after getting up the awkward side.


Quite a cool arty shot, me in the background doing god knows what.


John Shrewsbury with a sweet bunnyhop gap to manual.


Br3n with a monster gap, not quite pulled...next time :blink: .


Me about to drop off the aforementioned wierd sundial thing.


Me about to drop off that cage thing.


Matt 'Hermance' with a crazy line-momentum gap from the block, to up to front wheel on the platform (that you can't see).


Me getting up the easy side of the wierd sundial.


Andy P with a nice rolling gap, smooth as ever.

All pics hosted by Pinkbike


Edited by monkeyseemonkeydo
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Those are some MINT pics! they look really good in black and white too, good job!


Cheers, but like I said at the top, they were all taken by Chris Killops who is a keen amateur photographer that I met a couple of years back while riding London. I let him know when a rides happening and he comes and shoots us then sends me the pics to do with what I like! He definately has a good eye for a shot though.


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Yeah really smart pics there! Some good camera skills there! Loving the macro one of the wheel! Maybe the one where Matt was gaping and we couldn't actually see the object, a different angle could of been used but all good!

Well dont that man!

Rob (Y) :-

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Cheers action-man, lol. There are some great pics. I wondered who that guy was with all the photo gear, shame he didnt take a pic of me :) . Good to see myself in the backround though.

That was a great ride that day. :lol:

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Those are some damn nice pictures, the one of Matt really looks as if he's moving (the picture itself) :lol:

I think the best one is you dropping off the cage, it's good the way he captured everyone looking at you doing the drop, the look of concentration just fits it all nicely, everyone just seems to be doing something.

Bah I can't describe pictures very well :">

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the look of concentration just fits it all nicely

hehe, I think I was actually in the middle of a conversation with Chris about trials while doing that drop! My favourite's the first one with Chai's cheeky mug in the background!

Cheers action-man, lol. There are some great pics. I wondered who that guy was with all the photo gear, shame he didnt take a pic of me

He was a bit unsure how happy people would be if he just randomly started taking photos of them as he only really knows me and Paul. He's really sound though so if you see him around taking photo's say hi!

i didn't realise the hardness of the first move until i saw the shape of the 'sundial' thing in the other pic.  HUAGE!

I like that move, I've always taken great pleasure doing big awkward 'ups' and that's a good 'un!!

Cheers for all the comments guys, will pass them on to Chris :lol:.


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the look of concentration just fits it all nicely

Hehe, I think I was actually in the middle of a conversation with Chris about trials while doing that drop!

Hmm, a look of calm concentration really tops it off then (Y) that's good though as there's no silly face like this to ruin it:

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