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Bike Nearly Robbed!


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Now then people ill tell you the real story, it wasn't just a random attack. i was out riding with nick last week ,and this asian lads were looking at him so as he does, ( hes very cocky) he said "what you looking at you stupid p****s" so thats why they beat him. as i'm a good boy i just kept my self to my self and just kept riding. so it was %100 his own fault really :) .


snowy :blink:


if thats true then its was asked for, racism has no place in this country and the only people who can get away with calling asian's 'pakis' are other asians...

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could be stupid p r i c k s ?

yeah but whatever a white lad shouts at a group of asian lads is going to be seen as racism even if it was one of the many other p****** words i'm sure they would have seen it as racism...

anyhow, waiting to see response off thread author to get the whole story :blink:

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we'll soon see hes due home from school, in about 3 hours lol lets see what he has to say for him self. ben (magura) was also there he knows exactly how it went.



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yeah but whatever a white lad shouts at a group of asian lads is going to be seen as racism even if it was one of the many other p****** words i'm sure they would have seen it as racism...

anyhow, waiting to see response off thread author to get the whole story  :)

so if the asians went what you looking at you stupid pricks would that be classed as racism

I think not :blink:

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I put my arm through the frame and held on, they bent all my magura booster, and bucked my back rim, it happened in leicester, on uppingham road.


SHIT!! I live in leicester. I'm so sorry that happened mate, I've been in this kinda situation before.... admittedly i chose to chase after two guys who'd robbed my mates phone, but i got the phone back and left them with sore noses. I don't often get many people try it on when i'm riding though (maybe being 6'5" has got summit to do with it), mind you i'd never go down uppingham road.

maybe we should go for a ride sometime if ur around leicester again.

definately don't carry a knife though. If someone got it off you they could use it against you... definately makes things more dangerous.

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we'll soon see hes due home from school, in about 3 hours lol lets see what he has to say for him self. ben (magura) was also there he knows exactly how it went.



Oh rite, i do go riding with you guys, sorry i didn't know this was you conner.

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so if the asians went what you looking at you stupid pricks would that be classed as racism

I think not  :blink:

When I used to live in Lewisham and I got random black people coming up to me and saying "Oi whiteboy, gimme your phone or I'll stab you" (on way more than one occasion), would that count as rascism? Not really, because I'm white.

Thing is, in Leisham, Caucasian (white people) are an ethnic minority, and are outnumbered by black people, asian people, etc, but it still isn't considered rascist. Its normal practice for an attack on a black person by a white person to be automatically considered, "a racially motivated attack"

Thing is, in the end, it's not white peoples fault, or black peoples fault, or any normal citizen, it's the crappy government and political correctness. Guys living in posh houses who don't know what its like to be attacked by chavs, immigrants who decide whats best for them.

It still makes me sick that an old peoples home was closed down in Ashford to make way for a home for young male immigrants, most of the old people who needed the home are now dead because of it, and these immigrants are regularly seen in town dealing drugs in broad daylight, when police walk past (they turn a blind eye), and most disgusting of all, they hang around in the local secondary school playground during lunch and break times, calling at the girls and trying to take them away. There has been a few reported rapes from them too. And the most annoying thing is that they never work! They have expensive trainers, fancy phones, gold jewellery, and they can barely speak english!

Silly x1000

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Thing is, in Leisham, Caucasian (white people) are an ethnic minority, and are outnumbered by black people, asian people, etc, but it still isn't considered rascist. Its normal practice for an attack on a black person by a white person to be automatically considered, "a racially motivated attack"

Thing is, in the end, it's not white peoples fault, or black peoples fault, or any normal citizen, it's the crappy government and political correctness.

The stupid thing is that all of this political correctness is brought in to try and make Black and Asian people feel equal to the caucasians, but then they say it isn't racism when the exact opposite (attack) happens....

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yes i was there, and apollo 13 (nick) did call them that, lol but there was no need on them beating him that bad.and you was there (connor) juicy fruit.and they said im next to be beat up :) .and all i did is said pack staring at me, they really look at you as if to say you white piece of shit.

ben :blink:

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yes i was there, and apollo 13 (nick) did call them that, lol but there was no need on them beating him that bad.and you was there (connor) juicy fruit.and they said im next to be beat up  :) .and all i did is said pack staring at me, they really look at you as if to say you white piece of shit.

ben :blink:

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yes i was there, and apollo 13 (nick) did call them that, lol but there was no need on them beating him that bad.and you was there (connor) juicy fruit.and they said im next to be beat up  :P .and all i did is said pack staring at me, they really look at you as if to say you white piece of shit.

ben (Y)

I never said it wasnt unprovoked, but the full story is that 2 of the lads were there when we were out riding that time, and they were stareing at me, so i stared back, then they sed what the f**k are you looking at, thats when i shouted that name, but there was no need for all the other lads to come, and it wasnt just because of that, it was because they thort i beat up there little brother ages ago, and yes you did call them racist names aswell, so it will be your own fault, and there the trouble causers anyway, they started all this when they started on alex and all them, anyway it wasnt the people that i called names that beat me up, they gave me a warning, it was the people that was with them, the ones who wanted my bike were the ones who did it, the guys that i have never even seen before.


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haha sounds to me like you got whats coming to you. what do you expect calling them racist names, haha.

if your big enough to give it all the lip then you should be big enough to take the beating.

it sounds like the classic little scally tale. he can give lip to the biggest hardest f**ker in town but when he gets mashed he goes and complains that it was unprovoked and unfair. then goes on to say i will sort him out.... get my brother on him... lob a brick through his window..... why do people never learn?

sorry to hear you got brayed but you have no reason to complain at it.


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to be honest an im gonna sound like a dick here roll over and take the beating and leave it at that . if it happens again then seek police help.

its happened to me many many times so noones to go " you dont know shit about this "

my point is in reality nothings going to happen , you spend a few days plotting but you'd be very stupid to carry any of it out . you could carry a knife , but

a. only if you knew how to use it


b. only if you were willing to use it and face the consequences of the injuries involved .

the plotting is normal its just a way of venting anger it happens almost every time , let the bruises go and let the injuries heal and if you see them again just ride past and ignore them .

if you had any sense you'd ride in a group from now , but dont let it get to you go about things as usual but stick in a group and hopefully stay safe .

edit : you called them packi's sounds like you deserved it

Edited by daahnhillaaaa
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it sounds like the classic little scally tale. he can give lip to the biggest hardest f**ker in town but when he gets mashed he goes and complains that it was unprovoked and unfair. then goes on to say i will sort him out.... get my brother on him... lob a brick through his window..... why do people never learn?

ha, how true that is....

In school it's the perfect example, bunch of little chavs giving it all of the lip shouting and swearing at you calling you pussy's etc, you go and do something or go up to them and its like ''you f'in touch me and ill get my brother and all his mates on you then you wont be so hard will you'' and its like (Y) well your the one just shouting abuse at me.

My mate in school was walking down the corridor and this Year 10 see's him and just barges straight into him and tells my mate to watch where he's f'in going and my mate goes and punches him in the face :P quite harsh but oh well , then after that he was going around saying how he is going to get beaten up etc, not by him but by his older friends etc....

Very pathetic really, some people need to grow up.

Oh well sorry to hear you got a beating but by the sounds of it, its partly your fault, you said they were staring at you....well your doing trials :P they might have been wondering what the hell you were doing on your bike and found it impressive.

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ha, how true that is....

In school it's the perfect example, bunch of little chavs giving it all of the lip shouting and swearing at you calling you pussy's etc, you go and do something or go up to them and its like ''you f'in touch me and ill get my brother and all his mates on you then you wont be so hard will you'' and its like  (Y) well your the one just shouting abuse at me.

My mate in school was walking down the corridor and this Year 10 see's him and just barges straight into him and tells my mate to watch where he's f'in going and my mate goes and punches him in the face  :P quite harsh but oh well , then after that he was going around saying how he is going to get beaten up etc, not by him but by his older friends etc....

Very pathetic really, some people need to grow up.

Oh well sorry to hear you got a beating but by the sounds of it, its partly your fault, you said they were staring at you....well your doing trials  :P they might have been wondering what the hell you were doing on your bike and found it impressive.

Well when i saw they were staring at me, i started to stare back, thats when they asked me what the f**k am i looking at, so then i shouted, shut up you daft P****, thats when they had the grudge on me, but before then, they have started on my mates tec, but at the end of the day, like the police said, no matter what uve done to them, there was still no need for that.


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They might have been wondering what the hell you were doing on your bike and found it impressive . .

. . . sooo decided to kick him in - sounds like chav logic to me (Y)

Anywho, sorry to hear about that, though you probably knew that staring back at them, and playing them at their own game's not going to do any favours at all.

Makes me feel lucky to live where I do, as everyone around my area knows everyone else, they're all generally friendly, albeit there are a large bunch of rude boys, but they won't start on you unless you actually did something to really piss them off. Like I'll be out riding and they'll just comment "That looks pretty fun dunnit lads! 'Ere mate pull a 360 . . ." Though I'm sure if I said something offensive back they'd not be too pleased.

Get well soon :P

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Now I dont want to be too racist, BUT does anyone notice how the crime levels have gone up, with the amount of imigrants/asians etc coming into this country.  Dont want to offend anyone but I can see a connection.

VOTE Conservative, only way.


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But... if you do get revenge, there is a chance that they might not retailate towards you.

I go to an all boys' school and one day i was walking to school and this random woman came out of her house and called me a'puff', i just ignored her and walked to school. Later that night i went to her house and keyed her taxi (estate) across 4 panels, good and proper (big 'S' shapes all over the panels).

About 4 days later, i see a police car parked outside her house and i shit myself a little bit..... but as i looked next to the panda car, there was their next door neighbors car with a dented roof and a cracked window screen (Y)

I couldn't believe it!

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Yep I got done by 4 asain lads abit ago, Bastards! took my phone, but they didnt realise that I would just get it blocked, and that I knew what they looked like, and thier car reg. lol Pitty Id forgot it by the time I got home to tell my mum.

But any ways I got the same phone back through insurance so tis all good now :P I hope (Y)


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But... if you do get revenge, there is a chance that they might not retailate towards you.

I go to an all boys' school and one day i was walking to school and this random woman came out of her house and called me a'puff', i just ignored her and walked to school. Later that night i went to her house and keyed her taxi (estate) across 4 panels, good and proper (big 'S' shapes all over the panels).

Well aren't you really cool. I wish I was cool enough to scratch the hell out of peoples cars because they were a little confused about my sexuality!

Hmm, sorry, just because your post happens to be the last one in this subject that has irritated me you've received my slightly irked response that others are far more worthy of.

This seems to be another great oh-so-tolerant TF topic, with the ubiquitous subjects of revenge and racism. I started to reply to this earlier and ended up wanting to quote and reply to about 15 posts from here, but I just get the feeling I've gone over all this ground so many times before.

You know, I thoroughly support everyones right to hold any opinion they see fit, but that doesn't stop your opinions making me sick.

Oh yes, starting a sentence "I'm not racist, but..." in no way makes the following sentiment any less prejiduce. Come on people, I didn't think anyone was actually foolish enough to use those 4 words seriously anymore!

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