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Happy Slap


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was walking down the road with a few mates today.. and 2 kids got out of a car.. the passenger recording me and the driver walking towards me in a very threatening way.. (these kids where both older than me as they where driving) (i'm only just turned 16)

anyway the kid came up to me and twatted me in the side of the face... i don't know what came over me, my blood just boiled.. so i nailed the kid back.. he stumbled and i decked him another two times.. the boy then fell to the floor with a bloody nose.. i am posting this because its pissed me off to such an extent.. townies are sick bastards and i'm glad i took a stand because its the only way its going to ever stop

take a stand to them !!

aust :turned:

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Well done you!! My friend got happy slapped today and got a nosebleed from it... Its so pathetic feeling you have to go round watching everyone incase you get slapped by some random stranger!! Someone came and smacked me round the head a few days about it (Year 11 boys :turned: ) Im glad someone has twatted them back, two can play at this :)


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Happy Slaps are quite funny, when you do them to your friends, but not when people just walk up to you and slap them. Although I imagine the video the guy had on his phone of you beating his mate would have been pretty funny :turned:

bet the kid is a bit pissed... can't be good for his street cred :)..

unfortunately my eye is a lil bit swollen.. ah well he came worse off.. shows him

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if the police find peopel with hapy slaps on there phone u can get a £50 fine for withholding evidence :turned:

happy slaps are outright asult or gbh whichever u want to get some1 done for :S"

edit: the only respectable happy slap involves nakedness salmon an the new mini :) :P :P :-"

Edited by mark-399
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Thank you, thank you, thank you! Finally, someone gave those chavs a piece of their own medicine! Happy slap is the latest thing to go around my school....I was walking down the stairs in school today, and some random chav just came up to me, tapped me on the shoulder and pushed me down the stairs, and I whacked my head...ow....stupid no-brained f**kwits....they should all just feck off and die....grrrr....

Liss xxx

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It's called "happy slapping happy slappers". It the art of happy slapping people who happy slap you.

2 rights do make a right in this case, well done.


Edited for reasons said below.

Edited by JT!
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