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Couple of photo's i've taken. I'm a bit of a newbie to photography, doing it for a-level though, should be good fun.

Taken with a manual SLR, and scanned in.







Mike. (Y)

Edit: Damn, they look so dull and lifeless when uploaded + compressed. Either way, i've got the full size originals to enjoy.

Edited by Fatmike
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Its annoying my scanner wont work on my new pc, something about not liking XP :angry: I really want to post some of my stuff up now, don't know what you'd all think though :)" Everyones stuff is looking really good though (N) Go go trials-forum art gallery exhibiton :("

James (N)

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nothing to crazy but its ok, something im kinda working on at the moment.. (N)


Sorry, but I feel this has to be said. You are 17 years old and you've submited what can only be described a childs scribble :angry: . You're right, it does need working on!

Go on, flame me. If I had a scanner I'd put something good up.


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He said that craigdavies' work looked like it was scribbled by a child. Look at this sample picture drawn by Quentin Blake (a professional artist by career):


See what I'm getting at? It's not about the look, it's about what went into it and how it's percieved.

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See what I'm getting at? It's not about the look, it's about what went into it and how it's percieved.

But Quentin Blake is shit. He's only famous through roll Dahrl. He's a childrens illustraitor, not a master artists... lol

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he's not shit he's sylised (sp?) he's a very very good artisit its just all of his illustaion work is for childrens books so they have been done to suit...

I don't think they're very good at all. One of the Modules I did at A level art was on artists styles and aproaches to art... I just think he's a medeocre illustator who happened to illustrate a very big selling book... I fail to see what makes him good at all. He has no tallent in colour, no tallent in line placement, emotion, or anything really. He just appeals to children wit his bold, slightly silly drawing technique.

It's ludicrous to call him a very very good artist, i'd save that catagory for the masters like Turner, Michelangelo and Braque... I doubt there are very few people alive today who can work to their standard. Not some crude childrens Illustraitor...

I see nothing special in his work. I could replicate it for one, I couldn't dream of replicating the artists I truely admire.

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Art is subjective. I like Quentin Blake, his pictures appeal to me and i wish i could replicate them. There are pleanty of "classical artists" that i don't particually like, Botticelli for one, but i understand why people see him as a good artist. At the end of the day, to me, good artwork is something that causes an emotional response, and wether that is down to an association, the technical ability of the artist or a combination of the two is irrelevent.

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i much prefer quentin blakes work to van gogh's (SP) and yes i've done an art course. does that mean quentin blakes a better artist? well in my oppinion yes but in your no, thats the whole thing about art, its personal and you cant tell a person they're wrong because of their oppinion (even though my art teacher always did)...

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