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Mothers At 12,14,16


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Front page of the sun theres 3 sisters(I think there sisters)

have had children at ages 12, 14, 16, thats appauling!!, i cant belive it, im sure it was some 18year old for the 12year old girl as well.


Edited by Davetrials
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thts quite sick, girl at 12......having sex at 11, thats horrible, and can you or mod change title so AT is not ATE, just for understanding purposes :P

LOL yeah, I looked at the title and thought What?! Mother ate 12,14,16?! :)

It is QUITE disgusting to say the least! (Y) :)

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things like that, along with the f**king immigrants who come in illegally makes me wonder why i bother paying tax

everyone who pays tax should stop paying tax and then the govenment would soon have to 'actually' listen to us...


Edited by inzane_2
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everyone who pays tax should stop paying tax and then the govenment would soon have to 'actually' listen to us...

So you'd never buy anything again, never earn any money, and not have any hospitals, police, etc, just so show those people whose country isn't as fortunate as ours "who's boss"?


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This is absoulty Disgusting! I cannot see how they get away with it, It is illegal to have sex under the age of 16 anyway, so instead of getting a benefit sentence they should get a prison sentence. The boys get blamed but to be honest it is Just as much the girls faults, if not more! Things like this make me feel sick, I could go out, get pregnant, have a baby, Not get in trouble and get money for it! (Not that my mum would actually let me live!) But argh, Disgraceful. People also blame the parents, but the parents can't be there with the children (Thats all they are, Children!) 24/7 to make sure they don't do anything they shouldn't be doing, maybe they could teach them better but i think you can only blame the girls. I can't beleive that people are still having so much unprotected sex anyway, what with all the STI's going round, AND the risk of pregnancy at such a young age....

Rant over. :">


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