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I really dont know wether to order an Eno trials freewheel

Whoevers made the change from an ACS to the Eno, what are your thoughts on it and was it worth what you payed

I really dont want to regret buying it because £80 is alot to me :turned:"

Thanks Sam

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Definately worth it. My last ACS lasted less than two weeks and if you've ever opened one up and seen the design, you'll see it's absolute crap. The ENO is a very well machined piece of kit which will last you for years. I'm tempted to get rid of my King on my stock and go front freewheel with an ENO instead...they're that good!


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They are too much really, but i would never go back to an ACS now. I recently opend mine to clean it and non of the teeth were damaged in the slightest. :S"

No one has broken one yet, feel much more solid, twice as many EP.

Unless you have the cash for a profile, get one.


Edited by JT!
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No joke.

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I cant really comment because I have a king on 26", however I would imagine that it is the same as swapping from a hope rear hub to a king.

Relatively the cost is alot more, but the riding experence is sooooo much better, if you can afford to get an ENO (20") or a king (26") then I would say by all means go for it. Once you have used a high engagement drive you wont want to go back :turned:

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Sammmmmmmm, getta profile!!!! You know you'd rather pay the extra money for 1. more reliability 2. lifetime warranty 3. smoother ride 4. no way near as much skipping 5. no more trouser munching 6. no more titghtening up freewheels 5 times a day.



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Sammmmmmmm, getta profile!!!! You know you'd rather pay the extra money for 1. more reliability 2. lifetime warranty 3. smoother ride 4. no way near as much skipping 5. no more trouser munching 6. no more titghtening up freewheels 5 times a day.



If you want to sell me youres or know someone selling one Id love to buy it but I really cant afford 1 new :huh:

Looks like its an Eno

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Are profile's covered by warranty on trials then?

Or can u just blag it and say u used it for bmx if anythign happens?

Are they genuinely more reliable? Ive heard of them breaking before, but never heard of an ENO properly breaking!

Also, whats the weight issue like with a profile?

Im thinking of getting one, but need to be a bit more persuaded first

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Profile's aren't light. They're not uber heavy, but they aren't as light as a FFW set-up.

I've only had to tighten my Eno properly once, so I don't get how it's "Tighteing freewheels loads" or whatever Joe said.

If he's strugglnig to afford an Eno, how is he going to spend the £200 it costs to Profile up your bike? Alright, it's £155 for the hub (or so), but then there's £20 for the spokes & build, then another £20 for the fixed sprocket, etc. I wouldn't really say the Profile was 3x better than the Eno, which the price tag would suggest. Anyhoo, I'd just go for the Eno, really. Mine hasn't skipped in a good long while, and even when it did I only knew 'cos of the bang. It just engages again straight away because of the 3-pawl system, it's just pretty beefy really.

As for the "Trouser munching", if you like use your shoelaces to keep your trou' under control (or just make sure they're not hanging down by the freewheel too much), it's usually OK. My BMX tore the shit out of my trousers too, and that's not got front freewheel either. In fact, almost every bike I've had has, at some stage, had a go...

I don't know how it's a "Smoother ride" either Joe?

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Ive had an ACS for about 3 months and has only skipped twice whilst pedalling from place to place. £80 or whatever it is, IS a lot of money, and I guess if you really want comfort with gaps its a good choice.

I getting a profile soon though =8¬P. Cant be Ar-didily-ars*d with freewheels because i've had a lot of problems with them. Wasnt willing to pay money on an ENO either

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Ive had an ACS for about 3 months and has only skipped twice whilst pedalling from place to place. £80 or whatever it is, IS a lot of money, and I guess if you really want comfort with gaps its a good choice.

I getting a profile soon though =8¬P. Cant be Ar-didily-ars*d with freewheels because i've had a lot of problems with them. Wasnt willing to pay money on an ENO either

You can get 'em cheaper than £80 from a fair few places. I know of quite a few around the £70 mark, and then one or two around £60-65...

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