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New High Drop For Me


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The 'art' of dropping (not that i can drop (Y) ) is getting your bodyweight, and your bike, as low as possible befor you let gravity do it's thing. And make the impact of the landing as long as possible to 'spread out' the impact.

When your on the edge about to drop, your aim is to get your arse on the back tyer, and your body and bike as low as possible. So that when you pedal kick and start to drop you extend your legs out as much as possible, to the extent of what feels right. By doing this your back wheel could be about two feet lower than if you were to drop normaly, making the drop effectivly feel 2 feet smaller. So you could do two feet more. :D

On the landing you need to perfect taking the impact with your leggs, theres no real rule to this you just need to practise it and go with what works best. However it's still very important.

Give me a shout if any of this dosn't make sence.


Edited by JT!
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Does anyone drop without kicking of the edge??

I've been thinking about this for ages and ive come up with two arguments:

1. If you dont kick then there is no speed to start off so you should drop slower and land smoother.

2. If you dont kick you may risk not getting the back wheel from beneath you and landing pretty much two wheels and doing some damage.

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Does anyone drop without kicking of the edge??

I've been thinking about this for ages and ive come up with two arguments:

1. If you dont kick then there is no speed to start off so you should drop slower and land smoother.

2. If you dont kick you may risk not getting the back wheel from beneath you and landing pretty much two wheels and doing some damage.

Fatmike does drop while booning, it's ugly, don't do it, please...


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The 'art' of dropping (not that i can drop :lol: ) is getting your bodyweight, and your bike, as low as possible befor you let gravity do it's thing. And make the impact of the landing as long as possible to 'spread out' the impact.

When your on the edge about to drop, your aim is to get your arse on the back tyer, and your body and bike as low as possible. So that when you pedal kick and start to drop you extend your legs out as much as possible, to the extent of what feels right. By doing this your back wheel could be about two feet lower than if you were to drop normaly, making the drop effectivly feel 2 feet smaller. So you could do two feet more.  :D

On the landing you need to perfect taking the impact with your leggs, theres no real rule to this you just need to practise it and go with what works best. However it's still very important.

Give me a shout if any of this dosn't make sence.


now go and do 325 feet! lol! nice drop mate, keep going bigger, but dont hurt yourself!

joE! :)

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1. If you dont kick then there is no speed to start off so you should drop slower and land smoother.

I think the speed you gain from cicking wont really amount to anything at the end of the day.

now go and do 325 feet! lol!

Nah thanks. :turned:

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Fatmike does drop while booning, it's ugly, don't do it, please...


Nah, it's not that bad, especially on smaller stuff, when it can be very smooth, and even on bigger stuff too (done 6ft booning :turned:). It's also a very usefull skill, especially on natural! (Just ask matt burrows, today after our ride at braken; swap - boon up a very steep slope - get to the top - side hop. It would've been very difficult without sufficient boonage)

I've seen a lot of people recently boon off stuff instead of pedalling.  Looks really awkward and it's really harsh too.

Being very contradictory to the first part of my post, I have a video that will prove this. :) I'm just awaiting Steve-a to capture/send footage.

And yeah, drops can be cool, just work your way up slowly from a small height, and be 100% commited to it. It's only when you're shitting bricks mistakes are likely to happen.

Another technique to try is when compressing back, cock (backpedal) your pedals more than you would normally, although you don't actually kick harder, and more, it allows you to compress lower. (Y)

Mike. ;)

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Not a bad drop, but you need to work on pulling the bike steeper in the air, this gives a much better landing as you seemed to land flat nearly. Basically hop right to the edge, lower the front wheel, lightly pressure the pedals and kind of roll of the edge smoothly then pull the bike quite steep in the air and make a nice landing on the back wheel, abosrbing the impact with your legs.

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What i meant was does any one get right on the edge of something so when they let go of the brake the back wheel automatically comes out beneath you ready to land.

Booning of stuff is well dodgey!  :turned:

Yeah, I know what you mean. I sometimes do, but it can be pretty unpredictable as to how the backwheel will 'pop' off the edge of what you're going off. I usually just do what someone said earlier and cock the pedals back pretty far to mean I can get lower, plus it looks styleeeeeeeee like kyyllieeeeeeeeeeee.

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