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My Mates Home Made Frame


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The frame is T45 Steel which he cut and welded himself. The bike is called "The Bridge" as it's supposed to not only take on trials but also technical (some heavy) free ride, skate park and aggressive street. I'm not sure about exact design measurements but you can check out his website www.bungalow-bikes.co.uk I think he's making a vid of the various styles of riding it can do so expect that soon. Cheers for any feed back guys
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Looking good, i love custom made frames, that looks simalar to the 'waynio mk1' think some one on the forum has it now as it got sold, iv got waynes other custom frame, love it but it needs a new downtube as the one on its snapped in half, pics in my gallery i think..

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I met a guy with a bungalow frame in Bangor ages ago. He'd made it out of a bmx frame i think. Probably same dude. small world lol

Yeah that was "The Bollard" which was his 20inch machine, more for practise I guess it's better to mess up welding on an old BMX frame than on your nicely purchased T45 :-

That be Lawrences bike from Warwick then :D

Are you part of the Cov mountain bike club? Loz did tell me about a guy who had a curtis frame.

it l;ooks fooking lovely but the front ends far too high to be nice as a streety tials bike...

Yeah but like I said he didn't design it to have 125mm of travel on the front :D He has just let me know he's going to make some changes soon so I'll keep you posted ^_^

By the way this is how the geometry works with the rigid forks me made

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Yeah that was "The Bollard" which was his 20inch machine, more for practise I guess it's better to mess up welding on an old BMX frame than on your nicely purchased T45  :D 

Are you part of the Cov mountain bike club? Loz did tell me about a guy who had a curtis frame.

Yeah but like I said he didn't design it to have 125mm of travel on the front :D He has just let me know he's going to make some changes soon so I'll keep you posted  :- 

By the way this is how the geometry works with the rigid forks me made 


that looks well better, i have changed my mind about changing the geo, it is nice as it is!

joE! ^_^

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The Creator speaks!


I'm no expert Yet! i'm still learning so im happy to be corrected! (be nice)

How very exciting thanks for posting it up here beigemaster,travis or tyler or what ever you call your self on here phil! (of Kill Phil Vol.1 fame that is.)

i started proper on redesigning the geometry today i think the changes so far will be

The Bridge mk1 mk2

rear end length 375mm 400mm

head angle 65 degrees 70 degrees

also stand over will be higher to enable a slightly better seat height for peddling up hill

apart from that i think most things will stay the same im guessing the longer rear end will be matched by the shortening of the front end due to head angle steeping thus similar wheel base

other things im thinking of most likely first is:

*MTB bottom bracket (think i might have to get some middelburns!)

*A bolt though axle mounts (think i might need a Chris king)

*Possibly magura mounts as well as disc tab (mono trial maybe)

if i do all of the above i will have nearly enough components to build a second bike out of mk1!!!!

I'm quite aware that the above changes in some cases will horrorfie some of the hardcore trials elite well fare enough the truth is try as i might you can't make a frame which pleases everyone

The frame was designed for me and the type of riding i enjoy and thats pritty much anything which envoles 2 wheels (although i have had a go at uni cycleing - would recomend to any rider -might help with your balance but you will!!!!! find it fun.-)

I get just as much of a buss dropping of a wall as i do hucking off a cliff which is why i designed the bridge. It aims to give you the ability to do both in reasonable comfort

the design is not meant to be competitive in anyway its just for fun although i guess it would be ideal for an event like the bike battle.

what the bridge is trying to do is be a platform on which a rider will have the ability to have ago at anything

hopefully my next video will help explain this but that won't be released for a while due to my rubbish pc! (want a mac.)

in summary 'The Bridge' is a frame i made because i like street, trials, downhill, park, free-ride, dirt jump, etc... and couldn't afford a bike for each discipline

In response to some questions ask by people already:

"Did i weld it myself" Yes very easy everyone should have ago a making a frame i got as much enjoyment out of designing and making the frame as i do riding it!

"Front end height" Yes it is quite high could easily be a lot lower with different fork, stem, spacer, etc. But I like high bars, what can i say it makes me feel BIG!

"Gussets around the head tube" When i designed the fame i intended on putting some open end gussets on it but in the end i decided not to the thickness of the tubing is quite enough (18 gauge for those in the know which in comparison to curtis 20 is thicker) the fame has been given a fare amount of abuse (anyone who has seen me ride will agree) and is still in one piece.

"Make an aluminium frame." Well, i like the idea of a nice light frame but alloy has a fatigue life expectancy which basically means it will break eventually how ever smooth a rider you are. but im not ruling it out for a future project!

Just before anyone says the magic word of TI it would be a nice solution to the strength weight problem but its very difficult/expensive to weld!

Oh and the www.bungalow-bike.co.uk on masking tape at the bike show was my idea of low buget advitising!

As you may have noticed i like talking bikes so anymore questions don't hesitate to ask, email me at loldotxxx@aol.com or just put in a post.

Thanks for posting Laurence xxx

ps a human on a bicycle is the most energy efficient thing on the planet!

Thanks again for the feed back!

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