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Underground Closure


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I agree with MrMike, It seems a bit selfish to start saying that British Muslims are the biggest victim. I would have to say that the people who died and their direct families are the biggest victims.

Yes, well obviously apart them. Noz has a point, you have to agree. Even if you can tell the difference between muslims and terrorists, not everyone in this country can (/want to).

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Yes, well obviously apart them.  Noz has a point, you have to agree.  Even if you can tell the difference between muslims and terrorists, not everyone in this country can (/want to).

The hook and eyepatch, and vast quantities of explosives in jacket form usually give it away (Y)

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Interesting theory, odd how all my jewish friends in London live in  edgware and that their local tube station is Edgware road station. Funny that. :-"

I'm not saying it was a direct attack on the jewish community in Edgware but I reckon it was probably a small bonus.

Look it up on a map :op

What's confusing is that Edgware road (the road, not the station) runs from central london all the way out to Edgware town (which is so far out it doesn't have a London postcode), yet the Edgware Road station is right down near the bottom of Edgware Road (near the centre, not Edgware town).

I didn't mean to say that there isn't a Jewish population in Edgware, but it's definitely not an area particularly known for it's Jewish population.

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Edgware itself is way out in zone 6, Edgware Road station is in central london. If your friends live in Edgware then they live near Edgware station, not Edgware Road station. It's pretty confusing, but I can tell you for a fact that it's correct. I lived in Burnt Oak for a year, which is in zone 5, one stop in from Edgware.

I didn't mean to say that there isn't a Jewish population in Edgware, but it's definitely not an area particularly known for it's Jewish population. As I said, the main Jewish area in London is around Golders Green way, which is about 5 stops down the Northern Line from Edgware. Edgware's not a particularly affluent area, which is typically not the sort of area which would have a high Jewish population!

So basically edgware road station isn't in edware. (Y) WTF you Londoners on sommat? :)

You'll find that initially once a group of jews move into a new country they will have very little or no money, normally having fled for their lives and all, so will move into a poor area of town. Then they work, and work some more and eventually move out into the suburbs.

Happened all over Britain, however there are exceptions one of them being in brooklyn new york.

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dont mean to complain but this thread was started as a means to leave thoughts regarding the casualties and to discuss the incident...

no matter how intelligent any of you are, there's no way you're going to be able to figure out the who and why question and it's clearly causing arguments so it'd be nice if you stopped or opened your own 'who did it and why' thread.


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A reporter asked the fuzz that, and they said that that wasn't the case...

EDIT:  Oh yeah, weird how at first there were "At least 7 explosions", but the Police are only saying there were 4 explosions.  Hmm.  I thought that was a bit sketch earlier (Y)

Everyone in london heard that rumour.... Don't belive for a minute it was true.

If you look at the map of where the bombs went off its quite clear there was only 3 on the tube network. Aldgate , liverpool street and moorgate are all slap bang on top of each other.

Same with kings cross. I'm sure people thought they would of heard things as the sound would of travelled around the tube network like crazy....

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On the AIDS topic: its not contraception thats the problem, its people that've got aids from having intercourse with monkeys originally (aparently(Mr Monkey (Y) )) and then who go around pillaging and raping women/girls who then get the disease and have children who also contract it.

On the London bombing topic, yes the emergency services shone. But.....there have been so many mixed messages from them (or the Police anyway) saying, like has been said before, that there were seven explosions to start with, then after a while changing it to four. Then someone being interviewed and asked "does the police department think it has links to Islam" or something with the answer no, or we have no proof of this, and then on the news last night and this morning saying "It has all the hallmarks of an Al-Quada bombing" and that they think it was an Islamic group with supposed connections to the Al-Quada network, who are Islamic freedom fighters or whatever. Also....not to be offensive to those dead, but they said it was hard to tell how many people on the top deck of the bus were killed, when it was blown to pieces and blood spattered all over that building so surely they were all blown to pieces as the bus was?

Thats my few pennies worth and my thoughts, RIP to all of those who died so tragically and thoughts are with families of/those who are injured.

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On the AIDS topic: its not contraception thats the problem, its people that've got aids from having intercourse with monkeys originally (aparently(Mr Monkey :) )) and then who go around pillaging and raping women/girls who then get the disease and have children who also contract it.

ACTUALLY, it was mainly killing monkeys and mixing of blood, I doubt very much that many people had sex with me..... I mean monkeys. (Y)

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On the London bombing topic, yes the emergency services shone. But.....there have been so many mixed messages from them (or the Police anyway) saying, like has been said before, that there were seven explosions to start with, then after a while changing it to four.

I think the Police didn't actually say there were that many, they just said there were at least 3 confirmed explosions underground, so they were technically right I guess (Y)\ Plus, having heard some of the eye-witness reports, people were shit confused so I guess it must've been hard actually getting what had happened out of people, so they wouldn't have been 100% themselves. Then, in that emergency services press conference in the afternoon they were getting asked loads of questions that they wouldn't really have known the answers to, such as:

"does the police department think it has links to Islam" or something with the answer no, or we have no proof of this,

Which they simply didn't have the answer to. During that conference, they were only talking about the response time. The guy rep'ing the police force wasn't part of the counter terror/bomb unit, and wouldn't have been briefed on that sort of stuff simply because that wasn't what was at hand. Also, they just wouldn't have known who'd done it by then, hence them saying "We have no proof of that", which they basically didn't.

Pretty much :P

EDIT: New official figures are that there are 50 people dead with more still being found, and that there have been 700 people injured altogether :)\ Pretty crazy. Still pales in comparison with the Madrid train bombings, but it's still shit. Seems strange that 700 people and their families had to suffer purely to try and fuel the cause of some random group of sympathisers of Al-Qaeda. Ah well, terrorist's minds work in funny ways I suppose.

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On the AIDS topic: its not contraception thats the problem, its people that've got aids from having intercourse with monkeys originally (aparently(Mr Monkey (Y) )) and then who go around pillaging and raping women/girls who then get the disease and have children who also contract it.

Thats the 'far out' theory.

The more likely one is that when killing monkeys for their meat the blood got into open cuts on their fingers etc, which was then passed on in the normal sexual way through the population.

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