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Mr Motivator

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what is the big issue about emos why does everyone hate them ?

Because 80% of them have become "emo" just because its cool.

Make your own group of people, something along the lines "be-f**king-individual-group". Don't care about wearing girl jeans, or black hair, or ear tunnels, or not smiling, or only listening to bands your peers listen to.

That is why most non-emo dislike/take the piss out of emos. Hell, maddox thinks its a stupid thing, so there for, i agree. (Y)

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Because 80% of them have become "emo" just because its cool.

Make your own group of people, something along the lines "be-f**king-individual-group". Don't care about wearing girl jeans, or black hair, or ear tunnels, or not smiling, or only listening to bands your peers listen to.

That is why most non-emo dislike/take the piss out of emos. Hell, maddox thinks its a stupid thing, so there for, i agree. (Y)

You suck. (Y)

<3 Emo music rocks

<3 Emo boys rock

<3 Emo poses rock

<3 Emo generally rocks.

Edited by Angelfish
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You suck.  (Y)

<3 Emo music rocks

<3 Emo boys rock

<3 Emo poses rock

<3 Emo generally rocks.

rocks what?

if anything its the least rockiest 'clique' in the world.

emo's should be called 'attention seekers', thats the way i see it.

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because everyone keeps posting topics that take the piss out of emos i don't see anyone posting topic about the best chav pose ey !

Sam didn't post this to take the piss. Get a clue.

Keep posting topics to take the piss out of them? All of one?

Chav piss take topics get posted every other week, why are you not defending them then?

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Of course its fine to hate chavs but not to hate emos... emos generally dont cause trouble, apart from maybe to themselves. Chavs generally f**k with everyone elses life too in their pursuit of having a good time. Chavs could listen to whatever they like, dress how they want etc, as long as they dont f**k with me, I wouldnt mind. Hence hating emos = wrong, hating chavs = right.

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Of course its fine to hate chavs but not to hate emos... emos generally dont cause trouble, apart from maybe to themselves.  Chavs generally f**k with everyone elses life too in their pursuit of having a good time.  Chavs could listen to whatever they like, dress how they want etc, as long as they dont f**k with me, I wouldnt mind.  Hence hating emos = wrong, hating chavs = right.

exactly (Y)

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So its ok to hate chavs, but not for someone to hate emo?

No i don't hate emo, i'm simply questioning your method of logic here.

Kerrie, stop reading. (Y)

Oi you, stop like reading my mind (Y) I know you do hate Emo Simon! I know you too well, lol. But the thing is, other people on the forum maybe don't....... There aren't many chave topics about now as people have got bored of them... Let the Emo's have there posts in chit chat?! everyone is aloud to have an opinion i'm not saying they aren't... I'm not emo myself but i dont see why people should get slated for who they are? but Ok, I'M gonna get slated now, so i'll stop.


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all im going to say ius that you need to grow up...

taking the piss out off emo's was funny but its just getting stupid,

do they start on you, do they steal your bikes, do they cause trouble....no?

chavs are hated for the above reasons,

fair enough alot of emo kids are for fashion so what fasions come and go just leave them too it.

stereotyping sucks, but is there any need for a topic a day about emo kids? no

just grow up and leave people to do what ever they want!

sorry if im ranting i just find alot of this crap very childish (Y)"


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but i dont see why people should get slated for who they are?

emo aren't 'who they are' though, thats why they get slated. most of them are wannabes. the majority play guitar really badly, they have shit hairstyle and they all the dress the same to be induvidual, and most of all them post pictures of themselves from stupid angles to make themself look better.

if they were 'who they are' i really doubt they would wear stupid clothes and have stupid hair. They only do it to look like other people.

Its like everything ever, If no-one did it, no one would just do it by themself.

(i ain't slating you, i'm just saying how i see the whole thing)

I personally believe i am 'myself' I wear the jeans i want, i wear the shorts i want, i wear the first t-shirt i pick up in the morning. I listen to songs that make me feel good, i chat to people that interest me and i say what i beleive is right. I try not to follow the crowd if i feel it's not the right thing for me, and i ony do things that i want to do, not becasue other people say i should.

I don't aspire to anyone's image, i only aspire to their achievments.

'EMO's' don't seem to know who they are, so they just act like evryone else that doesn't know who they are either.

At the end of the day, is wearing tight jeans comfy? is having a fringe down to your chin practicle? is playing guitar really badly fun? I can't see that it is.

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