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What Is Trials Based On % ?


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Firstly, I'd like to say well done to identitijudge05 for setting up a good constructive thread. Nice and interesting to hear different peoples views and opinions.

I personally don't think you can pinpoint different aspects to different percentages for general trials. As pissin_on_the_fence showed, different aspects of trials require different levels of strength, mentality, technique etc.

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yeah me and simp. choose them statistics hope you like them, also i think its personal preference aswell some people may not be able to gap very far but the can drop

practise is the key, when you have one move sorted try something new, this way you are bound to enjoy trials alot more as you are practising all the time

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Mentality definately plays more of a part than most people think.. Why do you think one person can do something another person can't: its not just because one person has more strength than the other, its not just because this person has a more dialled technique, its probably because one person has done it before therefore this rider knows he can do it whilst the other person is stil unsure and that 1% of uncertainty can make all the difference.

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Don't know about which bike, more like a bike you can trust. I can ride just as well if not smoother on my old skool GT as I could just before I snapped my mad trials frame because I trust it.

For me its almost all mentality, say 80%. If i'm not thinking straight I can't ride but with the right mindset I can do way bigger stuff - across, up and down. Other 20% is physical condition - not necessarily strength but thats included.

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Trials is about balance. Without the physical ability to lift your bike, pedal hard, brake hard and so on, you'd be up shit creek without a paddle. Similarly, if you didn't know how to ride up a 4ft wall, you'd be f**ked even if you did have a lot of muscle.

JT!, I've lost count of the amount of threads where you STILL haven't got the idea that trials DOES take strength. Someone who is 'strong' by most standards wouldn't be better off, simply because a lot of the muscles used for trials can't really be exercised by lifting weights. It's all about slow and fast twitch muscle fibres. Weight training typically trains the slow twitch fibres, whereas you need more developed fast twitch fibres. Therefore, just riding loads WILL make you stronger. If you ride a lot, your fitness and strength DOES improve, simply because it has to.

As you ride more, and start going bigger and learning other moves, you will become stronger as it's a gradual process. For example, when you first backhop, it canes your back/wrists 'cos they're not developed. However, you gradually overcome that, and the muscles develop to facilitate hopping. This extends into backwheeling, gapping, dropping and so on. Without strength, you can't ride.

Therefore, it's a balance of physical and mental. It's impossible to actually say "43.65% strength 56.35% mental" because it just doesn't work like that. Different moves require different amounts of strength and skill, as does different riding terrain. You ride differently in, say, a comp to when you're just out chilling riding street.

Anyway, it's just a balance. There's really no more to it than that. Without strength you can't do anything, and without the technique you can't do anything either. More refined techniques breed more confidence which leads to bigger moves.

The end...

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