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Riding With Glasses


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How many other people ride with glasses?

After a long ride today I was sweating like hell and had to take my glasses off and wipe them off after every move, which was annoying and cut down on my riding time.

Does anybody else have this issue? or have any solutions to it? (aside from giving up riding or anything stupid like that)

Does anybody on here ride with contacts? i thought about it today but somehow i kept managing to get sweat in my eyes and rubbing them, so i thought that might not be a viable solution

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try the contacts, my girlfriend wears them, i didnt even know she wore them till after like 4 months of going out with her lol, they invisable! :P

she said you cant feel them, so maybe try that?

Also, when the sweat starts running down from your helmet pads, it means its time for new pads (Y)

I used to get that problem ALL the time, but then i asked at my LBS and wiggle about how to stop it, and they said get new pads.. i did, its worked a treat :P

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Yeah, that happens to me when I'm riding with glasses on. It's very annoying and there's not much you can do. So I just try and remember to put my contacts in before I go out. I don't have any trouble with the contacts.

It's basically either that or get some glasses that fit a bit tighter and don't slip down.

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And you dont have sweating issues Michael?

Also, when the sweat starts running down from your helmet pads, it means its time for new pads (Y)

My helmet and pads are only a month old :P Surely they cant need replacing already?

I'm going to look into contacts i think, just for riding.

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I wear contacts.

No problems whatsoever with them really.

If you really don't want contacts, maby some sort of band holding the arms so they're secure on your head? (Y)

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I wear contacts.

No problems whatsoever with them really.

If you really don't want contacts, maby some sort of band holding the arms so they're secure on your head? :blink:

Its not that they slip down and i push them up with my sweaty hands (although they do i guess), its more just that sweat drips from helmet/hair/forehead and leaves big "pools" of sweat that mean i cant see.

Thanks btw, i think i'm going to try contacts. After trying Michael's towel technique, how gay am i going to look taking a towel on a ride (Y)

What type of contacts do you have? After looking at the specsavers website i think that the best ones for me might be the daily disposable that i can wear just for riding.

How do you find putting them in? Thats the main reason i have never considered contacts before.

What sort of glasses do you have? The thicker "emo" style ones or the slim-armed "secretary" style ones?

The "secretary" style, but i wouldn't have thought it would make much of a difference?

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Do you ever wash the pads in your helmet? That might help, but here's some more useful advice:

I don't really have an issue since I don't wear glasses, but I found my eye jacket oakleys weren't very good to ride in. When I lost them I bought some half jackets which allow the sweat to run off the bottom.

Eye Jackets: p250021nm.jpg

Half Jackets: 692108_183Prd.jpg

I don't know how practical it is to change your frames/have a set of riding glasses. I had an excuse to change mine (Y) (although my original oakleys turned up months later :blink:)


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What type of contacts do you have? After looking at the specsavers website i think that the best ones for me might be the daily disposable that i can wear just for riding.

How do you find putting them in? Thats the main reason i have never considered contacts before.

They were twats to put in at first, but a week later is was just natural. Just got to get yourself used to putting things in your eyes.

I have the monthly ones. As the daily ones cost a hell of alot more. You can get ones that you put in, and just leave them in for a month, never taking them out to goto sleep or anything. But, yeah best disscuss it with your optition.

So much better than glasses though, after a month of wearing contacts you'll realise it.

Edited by JT!
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Cool, i'll start off with this pencil (Y)


They are good though because they're never dirty, and they never come out.

When i used to wear glasses i always used to run them over after they fell of my face. Plus glasses don't exactly do you any favors in the looks department.

They only real dissadvantage i found it you can just goto sleep, you have to take them out. but that's it. Oh and the cost.

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When i used to wear glasses i always used to run them over after they fell of my face. Plus glasses don't exactly do you any favors in the looks department.



They might not no.

But the right glasses, ie picking ones that suit your face. Can make you look 10x better.

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i used to ride in glasses. did for about 2 1/2 years worth of trials. got contacts and oh my god it's 10000x easier to ride, because you can actually see what's going on. Also, you don't get blind because of foggy glasses when it rains or is sub-zero temperatures outside.

I use the monthly ones. Feels weird to poke your eye at first, but it's sooo worth it. It will feel uncomfortable the first two days, as it takes a few attempts to get them in the eye, and that makes it a bit sore. Be prepared to try 2-3 different brands to find the brand that suits your eyes better. Coincidentally, the brand that worked with my eyes best was the most expensive. :blink:

I've heard mixed opinions on the daily ones. I can't use them with my eyes because they're 'special' and i have to use toric contacts. I've heard that the daily ones are more fiddly to get in the eye, but I'm sure it's no biggie. They're more expensive, and cleaning and storing contacts isn't rocket science exactly.. Take it out, rub it with some fluid in your hand, down in the little container, fill with fluid, cap on and voila. Just wash your hands....

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If you are only going to use them for riding, it may actually work out cheaper to get the daily ones. I think you can get 10 pairs for about the same price as monthly ones (£15 ish a month), so if you only wear the contacts 10 days in a month, it's better. Plus they're a lot less hassle if you lose them (E.g. accidentally going swimming with them in).

I think I actually prefer wearing glasses for normal use (I think my eyes dry up pretty easily), so I only really use contacts when I'm doing sport or fancy a change.

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I think I actually prefer wearing glasses for normal use (I think my eyes dry up pretty easily), so I only really use contacts when I'm doing sport or fancy a change.

Thats it, i want to use them just for biking. I have friends that tried them as a replacement for glasses but had problems with them drying up with excessive computer use/tv viewing. All i can do is try though. Would be nice to get rid of the steamy glasses problem too

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