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Bombers On A Pashley?


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Thinking about getting mx comps on my bike, have been for a while. Been considering NEW frame too in these posts BUT, I may decide to stay with my setup now and get sus forks on the front, not sure what length they are though?? The rigids Ive got on are 405mm I think, I dont wana cock up the geo by making the front end like a chopper.....72 headangle same as leech frame so, might work???? I know how to mod them to make them sit down a bit by swapping the springs which giv around 50mm travel rather than 85mm. Some of you will say "Sus forks for trials YYYAK! too heavy" I say "Pha, narrr" Weight is not a factor for my bike, my bike probably feels super heavy compared with these flyweight bikes out now. Im aggressive and sus forks may help soak up some of that shock my body gets when I ride

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I contribute plenty. And that isn't called talking shit, it's called sarcasm. And btw, a suspension fork, even a small travel one adds a helluva lot more life to your elbows, wrists, other joints, frame, headset. The impact is distributed through the fork, which being easier and cheaper to replace than a frame.

And, man, you made three topics about the same exact thing, when you knew from the start that you were going to come to no conclusion.

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I contribute plenty. And that isn't called talking shit, it's called sarcasm. And btw, a suspension fork, even a small travel one adds a helluva lot more life to your elbows, wrists, other joints, frame, headset. The impact is distributed through the fork, which being easier and cheaper to replace than a frame.

And, man, you made three topics about the same exact thing, when you knew from the start that you were going to come to no conclusion.

Yeah righto

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Have you considered the new style lock off forks? my mate has them on his xc bike there will light and well you can convert to ridgid whenever you like in just a flick of a switch.

I wouldnt really wana lock em out, just run em all the time...mx comps like leech, shrinked down to 50mm travel though...should keep the front down a bit

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So your keeping the pashley now then? Not after a new frame.

Well, the jury is out im afraid...I dont know. Been thinking about swapping for a long time, then went off the idea, then back.....

Most people have been saying that the new style bikes are no good for me....so..... What can I say..

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I contribute plenty. And that isn't called talking shit, it's called sarcasm. And btw, a suspension fork, even a small travel one adds a helluva lot more life to your elbows, wrists, other joints, frame, headset. The impact is distributed through the fork, which being easier and cheaper to replace than a frame.

And, man, you made three topics about the same exact thing, when you knew from the start that you were going to come to no conclusion.

So if you ride trials and land on your back wheel having forks will save your frame??? and your talking about street this is a TRIALS FORUM! Just got start a war or some thing will surley save you elbows wrists and other joints so all is good!

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In all your threads you seem like the most controversial dick ever people are trying to help nd you throw it in there face :turned:

nar, people like you butt in wid comments like that shit stirring........

I recon you should give it a go. Whats the worst that could happen? If you dont like them sell them on ebay.

yeah suppose theres always ebay to flog em if their crap huh. Might buy em off there off someone who thinks their crap already ha

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So if you ride trials and land on your back wheel having forks will save your frame??? and your talking about street this is a TRIALS FORUM! Just got start a war or some thing will surley save you elbows wrists and other joints so all is good!

When was the last time you did a drop and your back wheel DIDN'T touch the deck?

Street trials is trials.

Don't be a dick, and if you must be a dick... make a valid point in a dickish way.

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i was using it for jumps n little street and they had way too much travel for these. it seems you are set on buying them so why bother starting a thread, suspension and trials dont mix well imo

I was asking if they would work on my bike and be ok with the geo etc as I wasnt that sure

When was the last time you did a drop and your back wheel DIDN'T touch the deck?

Street trials is trials.

Don't be a dick, and if you must be a dick... make a valid point in a dickish way.

People get very shirty about street trials not being trials. What is it with these people?? Trials snobs.... Ive said before that trials is WAY more than just hopping around on rocks and riding from point A to point B through tapes in under 2 mins without putting your feet down. Trials is whatever you want you make it, in the street, woods, moors, parks...Whatever you want, theres no limit on what you can ride. Why do stuck up people insist on pigeon holing trials into strict catagories??? "Oh thats not trials" ERm I think you will find it is.....

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