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Riding In Fareham At Weekend?


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If any of the fareham riders (or any oneone around the area) are up for a ride on sat, and it's not pissing down!!!! i'll roll out of bed and be down at the colleage at about 12ish if any one is up for a ride???

And i'll be off to hayling island on sunday to ride the rocks if u'r up for challenge...

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would go but I will be in wales riding.

ffs take me to haling island sometime. why is it everyone rides the good places when i cant go!!!

Let no when when u'r free and i'll take you down there, me and iain go all the time at the mo as all the rocks are realy exposed.. we took alex, james, and nathan last week, it was good :)

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If any of the fareham riders (or any oneone around the area) are up for a ride on sat, and it's not pissing down!!!! i'll roll out of bed and be down at the colleage at about 12ish if any one is up for a ride???

And i'll be off to hayling island on sunday to ride the rocks if u'r up for challenge...

il be there with few m8s il see you at the college then m8

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my mob is 07966142217, my real name is tom and i ride a python, once you guys meet up give me a ring!

tom tom

no we wont we don't want u there tom cos u ride a mod isn't only joking mate of course we do

ill see u all down there then as long as it isn't raining and if my brake isn't pissing me about.

ill give u a ring near the time dave mate.

oh n i'm up for rocks on sunday if i can get the lift.

they were great fun last sunday cheers dave.

thanks again for sorting my brake out dave, much appreciated.


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no we wont we don't want u there tom cos u ride a mod isn't only joking mate of course we do

ill see u all down there then as long as it isn't raining and if my brake isn't pissing me about.

ill give u a ring near the time dave mate.

oh n i'm up for rocks on sunday if i can get the lift.

they were great fun last sunday cheers dave.

thanks again for sorting my brake out dave, much appreciated.


will see you there thirsty m8

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How do you get there? Do you ride or drive? If you drive make sure you take me too, when I have my bike of course.

We drive.. it's the only way to get there without kill youself trying to get there on a bike.......

when you can go i'll we can sort out lifts and ect. as i can only fit 3 people and 3 bikes in my car.....

To be honest.... ash!! you!! ash!! you!!...erm..... i'll take you just to watch ash cry :D

Jokeing aside i'll find a way.... i allways find a way.....

anytime you want to ride and learn and need help i'll allways try and come out/ help.. and that means anyone..

ill be there on saturday with dan doing some filming so,

tom tom

EDIT: make it the station at 11

Me out of my pit at eleven on a sat :sleeping:!!!!!

i'll buzz you when get up i should be awake by then. but all else fails i'll be at the coll at 12 and we can go from there..

see you then (Y)

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Always is..... B)

can't wait

We drive.. it's the only way to get there without kill youself trying to get there on a bike.......

when you can go i'll we can sort out lifts and ect. as i can only fit 3 people and 3 bikes in my car.....

To be honest.... ash!! you!! ash!! you!!...erm..... i'll take you just to watch ash cry :D

Jokeing aside i'll find a way.... i allways find a way.....

anytime you want to ride and learn and need help i'll allways try and come out/ help.. and that means anyone..

Me out of my pit at eleven on a sat :sleeping:!!!!!

i'll buzz you when get up i should be awake by then. but all else fails i'll be at the coll at 12 and we can go from there..

see you then (Y) any cance of a lift on sunday to the rocks please dave ??p.s its liam with saracen with rear king :unsure:

Edited by spindl3
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im up for riding fareham and riding hailing island


oh yer ........ 'I would but me, Adam S, and Chris are riding around on our own just to let chris get used to his new bike, talk to us if you see us but we wont go riding in a group, just us three if people dont mind'

i do mind so just come and ride with us and your mate chris can get used to his new bike when he is riding with us lot.... how about that then.......

Edited by identitijudge05
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no we wont we don't want u there tom cos u ride a mod isn't only joking mate of course we do

ill see u all down there then as long as it isn't raining and if my brake isn't pissing me about.

ill give u a ring near the time dave mate.

oh n i'm up for rocks on sunday if i can get the lift.

they were great fun last sunday cheers dave.

thanks again for sorting my brake out dave, much appreciated.




tom tom

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hmmm could be tempted as i have never ridden farham before (Y)


Not as good as it used to be but there's lots of good lines and most of the fun is hanging out, learning new moves and having a laugh, which is always good....

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