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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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I've just started seeing this lass that is my mates ex. They'v only been split like a month and he still proper likes her. He suspected something before we got together for some reason, so he warned me saying he would be well un-happy if we got together. So basically do I tell him and run the risk of losing a mate, or just try and not tell him for a few weeks 'til he gets over her?


Bros before hoes. :) (Unless he's a willy)

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stop hitting them

oh, and you with the badger.

shag her anyway - he'll get used to the idea eventually

Don't you just love badgers? :rolleyes:

Yeah I probably will, just going to see if I can get away with not telling him for a few weeks (Y)

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Reet f**ked off, kinda.

So, i'd been chatting to this girl that lives about a mile away on msn, got quite close, known her for about 8 odd months. My friend was round, i mentioned he was there mid convo, she asked for his addy, so i gave it to her, that was about 3 weeks ago, so she's known him for only 3 weeks.

She was 16 last week sometime, she has a party, invites my f**king friend and not me, so i'm like majorly pissed off with that.

So i'm like, you absolute f**king bint, gonna have such a go at her when she's on msn.

Then, today, i find out i didn't get invited 'cos she thought i was going out friday with some of the boyos from my school as a privateish leaving meal in a restrant.

f**k. Didn't even go to the leaving party 'cos i wasn't kept informed, and i didn't go to the f**king party, f**ks sake.

Could have been a good opportunity.


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Thought you were 12?

At that age you shouldn't be using words such as f***ing as your mummy may tell you off!

Smacked bottom for you!

Anyway, have you ever actually met this girl(its a guy really isn't it ;) )? You can't really say you were close if you just spoke over msn really. Although not what that guy would say who's gone to america!

Why not arrange to meet her anyway, and basically win her over face to face sort of thing!

Just my opinion anyway

Edited by Merlin man
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Well, at the peak, we spoke like, every time both of us was on for hours on end. Also was a shoulder to cry on so to speak more than once or twice.

Dunno about face to face, I sort of doubt she likes me in that way, however, (this is gonna sound fanny but I'll say it anyway) I'm quite regularly in her MSN name, like (l) glen or =]glen x or what not. But party = drink, drink = me looking buff! lol. And we've always got the old roofies.

She is real though, I've seen her about once or twice, and web cam.

Edited by Fat Pants
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Well, at the peak, we spoke like, every time both of us was on for hours on end. Also was a shoulder to cry on so to speak more than once or twice.

Dunno about face to face, I sort of doubt she likes me in that way, however, (this is gonna sound fanny but I'll say it anyway) I'm quite regularly in her MSN name, like (l) glen or =]glen x or what not. But party = drink, drink = me looking buff! lol. And we've always got the old roofies.

She is real though, I've seen her about once or twice, and web cam.

so, yoouve got bugger all to lose and a fair bit to gain, if she dont like u face to face, then im sorry, but cyber sex dont put the notches on the bed post, so shed never ever of counted. and if she does, then great success. and merlin man, ive said it many times before,and always will say it at any given oppurtunity.

"No piece of ass is worth a friendship"

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TP, fair play, you've got a point. But as much as i have nothing to lose in reality, i'd still like to be her friend, 'cos she's pretty safe.

Her names hayley too, hayley fetish club ***?

i well dont have a hayley fetish, its a whirlpool effect i tell thee, either hayleys are drawn to me, or im drawn to them. although it probably well isnt effecting you, ive probably slept with more girls called hayley than youve slept with period.... what with you being 12 and all.

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Haha, all 3 :lol:

How about Amy?

yea, amys are popular, however, amie's are almost always cuter and fitter. depends what the stage of inolvement has to be before you tick them off ur name box, if its a relationship, then only 1.5 hayleys fill it, but casual sex, or pulling with a bit of smellfinger, and the totals are way way higher.

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Kate's are good, had a couple of Kate's, but I gotta say personally I have found any variation of the name Rebecca to be really good, mainly Becca or Becky or Bekki. I've had one of each of them, two Becky's in fact, and all of them have been scorching in the sack. The Becca was in fact the best sex I have ever had to date, bar none, by a long long long way!!!!

I like the name Lucy, congures up images of pleated mini skirts and perky boobs, no idea why!


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