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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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Right bascially. Ive like this girl for donkeys years, we dont really get to see each other too much, but chat non-stop on MSN everynight! and i drove her home the other night and it was so natural and awsome i was like fine ok ill tell her, so i did really honestly cos' im a straight up kinda guy! and she was like "urrrm" "urrr" so i didnt really push it and left it there, she got closer to 1 of my mates but fell out with him, so i was like f**k it ill move on and try to get over her

So i went on a date with this other hot girl to see Die Hard 3 on saturday, which was bloody brill but im still sitting here thinking about girl 1... and waiting her to come online.... meh hopefully going out on a date with her this weekend and aparently shes unsure weather she likes me or not... its so f**ked up! really dont know weather to move on or wait, because she is soooo worth waiting for! but the other girls hot as f**k and we get along great....

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If your thinking of one while your on a date with the other then you have no problem, its obviously the other one you like most.

Yeah i'd agree with that...

But by the reaction you got from girl 1, it doesn't seem she feels the same way.

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But by the reaction you got from girl 1, it doesn't seem she feels the same way.

Yea thats what i think but i get vair mixed signs, asked her for a date this weekend and she agreeed so weel just see eh!

and i really didnt think about girl 1 at all i dont know weather i can think about 2 girls at once.....

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Right some serious assistance needed. I have gone out with my so called "Mates" tonight. Now we were just chilling out and talking and stuff and having a chat about my lady, nothing bad or anything. So anyways. I get in. Sign on msn and two of the seven people were online who was out tonight. Then my lady signed on 10 mins after i did. So i went outside for a fag and went to talk to her when i got back. Now, i say "hey darling" and she said "WHAT THE f**k HAVE YOU BEEN SAYING ABOUT ME". I was like "f**k knows !!!!, you tell me". She said you knwo full well what, now f**k off leave me alone and get out my life" and she went offline. Now ive been thinking for ages. So i sent her this email:

Right im going to explain this the best I can. The messaging function isn’t working on myspace so I have had to use email.

About what you heard last night. I really really have no idea what is going on. All that happened last night is. I went out with Kiwi, Gater, OJ, Darby, Phraz and chris lewis. We were walking round for abit, went the lateshop then eventually made are way to the subway by Gaters house. Now on the way we were just genrally talking. I was mainly talking to Kiwi the most, then me and kiwi were talking and he just asked how things were between me and you and I was like good yeah, things are going steady. He was like ohhh that’s good to here then mate. I was like yeah. Gater then said, you done anything serious with her yet, I was like nah its to soon man, then kiwi butted in and said you atleast got off with her yet and I was like yeah man. He said ahh sound. Then I was just genrally talking and gater goes to me. “Guess what makka told me dan ?”. I goes what gater ? He goes “ well I was speaking to makka, and makka told me that he asked you (jord) if you fancied me (as in me), and you (jord) replied no haha”. I said ohh right ok gater. And left it at that. We then proceeded to all have a laugh. And talking about how we evolved as humans etc and chris was banging on about how were all imbreds because we developed from adam and eve haha. But anyways what I would like to know is:

Im guessing gater has told you whatever he has told you ? If so its gonna be bullshit, its gater, he spreads anything round he can to cause shit about people. If I had said anything I would of told you. Ask kiwi I havnt said anything.

Also. I thought we were close Jord. Im just wondering why your beliving them over me ?

I know you don’t want here all this before you go on holiday. So all I ask is that I get a reply please. I would like to sort this out because, im in the middle of nowhere here, I have no idea what is going on at all. I kinda feel a little bit shit because I havnt done anything and im getting shouted at for it.

So yeah, a reply would be nice please. If you don’t want to talk to me or whatever then don’t but I didn’t want it to end like this or end at all over something what isn’t even true. I thought we had trust jord hunni I really did.

So enjoy your holiday and have fun. If you want see me tomorrow or anything to discuss things through. You have my number. I really really don’t want this to come between us because I havnt done anything. Just think things through carefully please.

So ill leave it at that, theres not much more I can L. I love you, I really do, I wouldn’t say a bad word about you. Have fun babe Mwah xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx see you soon.

Now my question to you is. I am telling the 100% turth. Now my question to you is:

Is that email good or bad in my situation ?

Have you got any idea on what i can do to help in a situation like this ?

Im kinda on my arse cause i havnt a f**king clue whats shes heard to be honest and it's gotta be one of the two lads who were on msn who told her because they were the only two out of the seven who were online and none of them will admit it.

Help me guys. She's told me she doesn't want me in her life anymore.

Danny xx

Edited by Danny Kearns
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I'm not you, either do I know your gf, but I personally wouldn't have sent that email, and probably no email at all and just called her.

The email sounds like if you're not taking it seriously, the way you are kinda saying it in an almost arrogant way, detached from the situation. Saying it in a descriptive matter would have been better...

Also this : "So yeah, a reply would be nice please. If you don’t want to talk to me or whatever then don’t but I didn’t want it to end like this or end at all over something what isn’t even true. I thought we had trust jord hunni I really did." doesn't really cut it, once again you sound like if she doesn't mean much to you, you're considering that she could end this because your twat friend told some bullshit about you.

Anyhow, I find the email not too well composed, but then again, you're speaking in the way you feel... you seem to be like WTF and just trying to make the most out of what you can, but if she really thinks it's true, for her it could seem more like, well I maybe he doesn't give shit about me after all. I would personally have taken a stance that shows that you kinda know what's happening and are on top of things, and try to get on her side of things rather than confront her.

But I'm really criticizing way too much :rolleyes: , please note that French is my first language so there are some sentence phrasing that seem harsh to me that probably aren't. I'm really sorry, not what you want to hear right now, except if you do something really stupid, which would surprise me, things will go your way, you didn't say shit about her, damn it !

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Right some serious assistance needed. I have gone out with my so called "Mates" tonight. Now we were just chilling out and talking and stuff and having a chat about my lady, nothing bad or anything. So anyways. I get in. Sign on msn and two of the seven people were online who was out tonight. Then my lady signed on 10 mins after i did. So i went outside for a fag and went to talk to her when i got back. Now, i say "hey darling" and she said "WHAT THE f**k HAVE YOU BEEN SAYING ABOUT ME". I was like "f**k knows !!!!, you tell me". She said you knwo full well what, now f**k off leave me alone and get out my life" and she went offline. Now ive been thinking for ages. So i sent her this email:

Now my question to you is. I am telling the 100% turth. Now my question to you is:

Is that email good or bad in my situation ?

Have you got any idea on what i can do to help in a situation like this ?

Im kinda on my arse cause i havnt a f**king clue whats shes heard to be honest and it's gotta be one of the two lads who were on msn who told her because they were the only two out of the seven who were online and none of them will admit it.

Help me guys. She's told me she doesn't want me in her life anymore.

Danny xx

Havent read it all but might because you call her "Lady" and you have mates called Kiwi, Gater, OJ, Darby, Phraz . . . ?

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Havent read it all but might because you call her "Lady" and you have mates called Kiwi, Gater, OJ, Darby, Phraz . . . ?

Probably not no. Because names won't really have an affect on friendships or how they speak about others etc...

And the fact that he said 'my lady' is just something many people from stoke say.

You had my advice on msn anyway Dan :)

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Right, straightened this thing out with a girl at her party, were "just mates" now, as 'it wouldnt work anyway, i (she) cant be trusted' she says.

Thing is, she knows I still like her.

So anyway, were at her house 7pm Friday night, and there's Me, David (a close mate), Zack, Sophie, Vikki, Nikki and Jess (her). They're all drinking and shit, but I wasn’t as I had work the next morning, so I explained to David that I wanted to leave at 12 because I was splitting cab fare with him. He said that it was cool and stuff.

About 10 o clock David has an argument with Sophie as they were seeing each other but not any more, and david gets rejected. While this happened, me Jess and Zack had gone to the shop, and jess wanted a 'talk'. So she asks me about the message on myspace and stuff (see p89). I say to her that I like her and stuff, and that I keep getting annoyed with how she flirts and then ignores me the next day, and she says how she 'doesn't see it as flirting, its 'being friendly' and she doesn't mean anything by it'. Apparently. So we straighten everything out, and we are 'just friends', so we go back to her house.

So 11 rolls by, and David has got drunk with jess, vikki and zack. Im in the garden with nikki, as I have a headache and cant be arsed to drink, also because I have work. Im watching david, as the patio area where we are sitting faces the kitchen window. Vikki zack and sophie are in the front room. So anyway, david and jess are in the kitchen so I chat to nikki, and about 5mins later she goes 'oh my god'. I say 'what', and she tells me that theyre getting off.

All hell breaks loose, as nikki tells sophie, and she runs into the kitchen when they are still tonguing eachother, screaming at them (im still watching from the patio). Jess and sophie go and talk, so I talk to david. He says 'oh my god im such an idiot, sorry mate I didn't mean it' and all that, im semi-pissed off, but have a headache so I don't care much, so I tell him its okay and whatever.

Everything calms down, Zack goes home. Vikki and sophie are talking somewhere, and I find myself with nikki watching david in the kitchen. Jess walks in to change the music, and im talking to nikki. 'Theyre doing it again, I don't believe it' she says. By now im so f**ked off so I ignore it and sit with nikki. She goes home, so im talking to vikki whilst sophies upstairs. For the past 20mins david and jess have been kissing, and im really not impressed. I see david walk back into the kitchen, and he gives me a sly thumbs up through the window as if to say 'yeahhh! I got with jess!'.

So I lose it.

I storm into the house, smack him straight round the face. Hes sitting on the floor. 'willy.' I say as I leave. On the way out I see jess, sitting there on the couch, so I say 'wow jess, you sure know how to be friendly!' and leave.

I walk 3-4 miles home, david and vikki have been trying to ring me but I haven't answered. I go to bed, wake up today. I go to work and get back to find david on MSN. Conversation as follows:

Him: Sheehan i am sooooo f***ing sorrrry

Me: youve actually proper annoyed me

Me: like really bad

Him: wat i do

Him: i dnt even no

Me: what you think?!¬!@!

Him: jess?

Me: everything

Him: wat though

Me: well

Me: the fact you got on jess when you know i like her, then apologized, then f**king got on her again

Him: fuk sake

Me: and when i said to you its okay, d.w you f**king get on jess AGAIN

Me: so i walked the f**k home

Him: fuk

Me: so to be honest

Me: i hope you feel like a right nobber

Him: i do mate i feel like a right wanker i really do ,you are one of my best friends and i done that to you i ahhhh im sooo sorry you dont no how bad i feel i f***ing hate all of them girls im never talking to them eva agian i hope they all die !!! and im gonna tell them i dont even no how the fuk i got home ! sheehan im really sorry man :(

Me: i know your sorry and everything, but i did tell you not to drink so fast, then when i was trying to get some sense out of you, you were still getting on jess after apolpgising :S so yeah, i wasnt exactly gonna watch that all night with a headache

Him: i no man i would of done the same

Him: im such an idiot i am

Me: to be honest yeah im annoyed about jess, but also about the fact you didnt take my advice, made ME look a fool, but more importantly yourself

Him: i no

Him: fuk sake y i go !!!

Him: and i smelll right now of sick

Me: have a shower

Him: i am but i had to say how sorry i am

Him: i no

Him: i would of never done it if i was sober u no that dnt u

Him: i cnt belive i even done it

Me: but yeah, whats annoyed me is that you KNEW i like jess, but still felt the need to tongue her after sophie didnt want you

Me: so i looked a willy

Him: i no , i no i aint bothered about sophie its just that ive upset you

Him: sheehan u dont no how f***ing bad i feeel though i dont even like jesss and i cnt belive wat ive done im NEVER drinking again !

Me: well neway

Me: im going out, ive got shit to do

So yeah, should I be annoyed at him? And jess?

Am I the willy for hitting david, or was it justified?

And whats the wittiest thing I can say to jess. :P

Edited by sheehan
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I think you made yourself look sooo f**king stupid! just becuase you like a girl and she doesn't like you doesn't give you any rights over her and her night, its like say im having a night out and i know a girl likes me and she dont feel the same. or i like a girl and she doesnt feel the same then thats it man, you can't stop her enjoying her night out!! i think you should be a lili bit pissed at your mate but hey hes drunk they do stupid things. In the end who do you think looked more of a willy

Him being drunk and getting on another girl than he was only seeing

Or you sober and smacking your mate becuase your so jelous hes having the girl that you cant have

Its just petite get over it, smack him leave feel pissed off yea, but dont feel hard done by

Well 1stly id start banging your mates heads against the walls if you really do like her, found out who said what and when, and then you can of least try and defend yourself, its useless saying you didnt say anything, when you dont know what shes been told that you said. Some mates are right jelous cocks, so do that before you send an e-mail id say.

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I think you made yourself look sooo f**king stupid! just becuase you like a girl and she doesn't like you doesn't give you any rights over her and her night, its like say im having a night out and i know a girl likes me and she dont feel the same. or i like a girl and she doesnt feel the same then thats it man, you can't stop her enjoying her night out!! i think you should be a lili bit pissed at your mate but hey hes drunk they do stupid things. In the end who do you think looked more of a willy

Him being drunk and getting on another girl than he was only seeing

Or you sober and smacking your mate becuase your so jelous hes having the girl that you cant have

Its just petite get over it, smack him leave feel pissed off yea, but dont feel hard done by

well to be honest, it wasnt just that, it was because he said to me on the way to hers that he knows i like her

and the fact that he got on her, apologised, sobered up a bit and then did it again.

Its also the fact that he did it because sophie rejected him, so he put our freindship on the line to make some girl jealous.

Edited by sheehan
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I don't know how old you are, but when your mates know that you and your bird are "going steady", and they still ask "have you got off with her" it don't seem like the most mature relationship with your mates and/or friends.

The fact that you are emailing your bird is worrying too....

f**k emails. They're for work and selling things. The voicebox is for the bird.

Go talk to her...

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As much as i agree with what Simpson said, i know i probably would of done the same, if a 'best' mate did that to me i'd be proper pissed off, and probably do something similar to what you did. And after a while, the whole "i was drunk thing" just gets old, its always everyones excuse.

I mean it's true about the not wrecking her night 'cause you like her and all that, but then your mate doing that (i wasn't there so i wouldn't know how drunk he was) twice, knowing you like her, and making no real effort to hide the fact takes the piss.

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Yeah sorry lol, i didnt make that clear, i wasn't saying you did, but i was just saying generally, and wrecked was the wrong word to use.

Either way i won't sit here and lecture you about what the right thing was to do :P , 'cause like i said i probably would of done the same.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ffs!!! just been out because its carnival night...met up with a girl iv known for a long time and no that she likes me/i like her.....but the whole night she's off with me?then as we walk back towards town i turn around and see her with my best mate?? wtf!!!

so i leave and bugger off down the pub and meet somebody else and go back to hers :P and now this first girl is all regretful and thinks im in the wrong for what i did as she really likes me??

great way of showing it....

pissed off really

hope that made sense!

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HELP. Been with my girlfreind for like 4 weeks and its going reely well. Good mates and gt on realy weel. But shes 14 and im 16 so the hole sexual issuse is iffy. And ive jus spent the hole night flirting with a uni girl ive got in about a few times and am really temped to go with her to satisify my needs if you get me. But i amint sure on if i want to cheat/ dump my gf. what to do?

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