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Teenage Angst Communal Agony Aunt Thread

Has anyone seen my shoe?

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see fat pants, your making her feel awkward god some people theese days :P dont worry fat pants will try it on with anyone, trust me. but jeez just cuz one girl is on forum everyone jumps at her like a bat out of hell give her a bit of respect lads come on.

Aha, no worries (:

Besides, I thought this thread was about girl trouble, not guys making passes on female tf members (:


Well I've got a guy problem if anyone feels like helping me...

Basicallyyy, an old best friend of mine confessed he has feelings for me, known him since i was about 4, and he only just told me and now i'm abit like oh goddd, so how can i let him down gently, without crushing him? He's dead sensitive, but i just don't feel for himm...

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Aha, no worries (:

Besides, I thought this thread was about girl trouble, not guys making passes on female tf members (:


Well I've got a guy problem if anyone feels like helping me...

Basicallyyy, an old best friend of mine confessed he has feelings for me, known him since i was about 4, and he only just told me and now i'm abit like oh goddd, so how can i let him down gently, without crushing him? He's dead sensitive, but i just don't feel for himm...

This isn't the relationship thread, this is the mother f**king Girl Trouble Thread... Get out.

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This isn't the relationship thread, this is the mother f**king Girl Trouble Thread... Get out.

Some people just don't like me do they.


You seee, I try to talk and look what happens! I came on here and replied to some lad called Jack and I helped with his 'Girl Troubles' and i just asked, and as for it not being a 'relationship thread' half the posts on here are about alot of guys troubles in relationships.

Hey ho, whatever, I'm not here for an arguement, just being friendly...


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Some people just don't like me do they.


You seee, I try to talk and look what happens! I came on here and replied to some lad called Jack and I helped with his 'Girl Troubles' and i just asked, and as for it not being a 'relationship thread' half the posts on here are about alot of guys troubles in relationships.

Hey ho, whatever, I'm not here for an arguement, just being friendly...


I'm only messing, although if you do talk about anything periody I'll get glen on you.

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not all girls are that baddd! :(

some guys... well... (:

they're just as bad sometimes yanoo! (:

And Jackkkkk! -

Seriously, being a girl (funnily enough) i know what her brains saying (: she could be trying to make you jealous by trying it on with that other lad, but then alot of girls will do that for attention, like, alot of them will flirt over msn and stuff, and sometimes yesss, it does go furthur, although you say you love her and stuff and you always take her back, maybe she just doesn't feel it and want's someone else to make her feel how you should make her feel (if that makes sense at all...) and maybe she just wants the male attention. But then you have to kinda ask yourself why she's talking to him? Does she feel for him? Or is he simply just a friend? I know it sounds odd, but like, all of my friends are males cause i just find alot of girls are backstabbers and arent worth much to be honest! (: I constantly turn to my male friends for support be it over msn, text, phonecalls or actually meeting with them. Plus, about the cuts on your ex's arms, it's understandably hard to take in that she's self harming and it's very upsetting of course, but alot of people do it just because it's their way of coping, I mean, stupidly enough, I've done it before, not because I wanted to but because I felt it was the only thing that I could control. I would cry and stuff and because I couldn't control anything else I would cut myself in order to feel in control again. It sounds so strange, because people always ask why you'd cut yourself for control... but it's all in the mind really, and unless you've experienced being so depressed and challenged you do turn to self harming it is incredibly hard to understand. I think you really have to ask yourself if you two together could try to make it work, or if you'd rather leave her behind and try to move on? Obviously, being with this girl for a year and a half it's going to be hard to let go, and i understand that as much as most people would. I know what it feels like to 'wait around for someone you love' and seeing as she hasn't 'done anything' since you've broken up it also sounds like she doesn't want to hurt you anymore either, perhaps she's realised how much she hurt you and she wants you to realise that deep down she does have a heart and she does need you.

Perhaps I've rambled on a little, but the real question is; do you really need her? or are you telling yourself you need her just because she's been a big part of you for so long? Talk to her, properly, no arguements or quizzes about this other guy, try to ask her how she really feels and if she thinks you two can make it work. If you still love her as much as you think you do then surely trying is worth a shot?

Sorry for the long endless reply by the way.

It actually made me cry writing that cause I'm experiencing the same kinda thing right now, girls are so emotional aha!

But anyway, hope that made sense in some hopeful way...

-Hannah (: x

(Oh, and trying to make her jealous with someone else will make her worse, trust me, it hurts even more seeing someone you love in the arms of another girl; it really wouldn't work in getting her back if that's what you want :/ )

Thanks that was acctully very helpfull i know what baz and andy are trying to say but i still have feelings for her and i don't wana crush her and plus as andy said/saw her best mate isnt my type (not being shallow.)

Scince dumping her she has begged for me back non stop and seems to keep promising me shes sorry and she just wants me ect and sure its beliveable..... but so were all the other times i have a mate that iv been kinda talking through everything from the start and he's met her a few times and seems to think shes a lovly girl but has caused to much damage. Im not sure weather im doing this for me or other people as i do miss her sometimes but others its just so nice to be single and go riding with out bein text every 2mins there's so much to say its frustrating to get out. She has done the hole risk thing loads befor and i have tryed so many things to stop her iv spoken about it nicely iv asked her how she feels and she basicly said exacly what you desribed but the thing is.... shes got nothing to be upset with i know her possably better than anyone else i know what she dose daily and i know what happens and theres nothing remotely that bad she is very emotional but her life isnt half as bad as mine has been this year iv had alsort go rong but i wont go into that yet my wrists are scare free i take it out in other ways i guess but she has nothing to take out and if she did i would hope she would want to talk to me about it but instead she turns to my friends, she used to talk to me and its not like i don't listen most people that know me i would hope know im always around for my friends/girl friend and will do what i can to help if they are having hard times. i think some of it is attention buth how can i give her more attetnion than seein her when she wants, textin 24/7, msn, myspace, phone calls, yet she still turns to someone else after what hannah said i can understand a little better and i know exacly what she is trying to say how ever why she's doing it all makes no scence. Iv been invited to her best mates fanncey dress party tonight were shes going and my so called 'mate' was going and i said i won't be goin they knew why and made a point of asking him if he was still goin and he said he can't as he has somthing else planed still a little unsure as to weather to go or not as the chances are i will ether end up getin back with her in a drunken state or argue and storm out so im still tryin to deside if i should or not i mean i probly shouldn't let my friday night go to waste hmm very confussing id like to just run away and hide but hasn't really worked for other stuff i tryed that with hmmm.

Thanks for everyones help by the way much apreciated to have someone listen for a change :)

Aha, no worries (:

Besides, I thought this thread was about girl trouble, not guys making passes on female tf members (:


Well I've got a guy problem if anyone feels like helping me...

Basicallyyy, an old best friend of mine confessed he has feelings for me, known him since i was about 4, and he only just told me and now i'm abit like oh goddd, so how can i let him down gently, without crushing him? He's dead sensitive, but i just don't feel for himm...

Ohh dear iv had that with girls befor were iv been good friends and its been very inocent and i thought nothing of it then out of the blue there like yeah i like you..... i just say what was said above basicly i just make it abit more long winded and say how much of a great friend they are and say how im not sure what i want maybe in the future if somthing is differnt but i dont want to risk our relationship as friends and that seems to have worked for me as there left with the feeling that i still care and im not goin to treat them differntly as they like me and they havnt been let down in a horrible manor nor are they left thinking they have a chance if done correctly thats what i would do anyway. He may just think your a nice person if youv been friends all this time you clearly get on and from what people have said your attractive possable hes just put two and two together and convinced himself he likes you it maybe genuine as thats what he belives but might not have thought about what happens if it go's wrong as many people don't when they first like someone or get together.

This isn't the relationship thread, this is the mother f**king Girl Trouble Thread... Get out.

I do hope your joking.... yes shes a female but its not like she's some little chav clogging up this forum with crap is it? iv not see one post of hers thats not constructive and to be fair people come on the girl trouble thread for advice and thats exacly what shes given me. It also helps as we can now see from a girls prospective why they are being how they are being as we now have someone to explain it all i think its good to be honnest and she's been a big help.

Just like to say im not attepting the jump in her pants thing im not a huge fan of females right now and im thinking about taking up byrons offer haha (kidding.)

But yeah essay over. :)

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I too love you.



seeeee, we lasses aren't all that bad! (:

Half face.. :S

Fatty will be in love with you in no time.


' h annah, :) says (02:00):

i dont want a 20.

' h annah, :) says (02:00):

they feel too small.

- anyone up for leefest on the 30th? whos going seone? FAT PANTS ™ says (02:01):


- anyone up for leefest on the 30th? whos going seone? FAT PANTS ™ says (02:01):

usually have that problem? :P

- anyone up for leefest on the 30th? whos going seone? FAT PANTS ™ says (02:02):


' h annah, :) says (02:02):

that was quite pathetically the worst sexual remark i have ever heard (:<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< FAILPANTS

1. i dont openly discuss my sex life

2. you are practically telling me i sleep with alot of people.

3. i have never had a problem with the size of my ex's penis thanks (:

damn lads (:

EDIT: Boyeddd (:

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I do hope your joking.... yes shes a female but its not like she's some little chav clogging up this forum with crap is it? iv not see one post of hers thats not constructive and to be fair people come on the girl trouble thread for advice and thats exacly what shes given me. It also helps as we can now see from a girls prospective why they are being how they are being as we now have someone to explain it all i think its good to be honnest and she's been a big help.

Was I the only one that could tell fish was joking?


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Thanks that was acctully very helpfull i know what baz and andy are trying to say but i still have feelings for her and i don't wana crush her and plus as andy said/saw her best mate isnt my type (not being shallow.)

Scince dumping her she has begged for me back non stop and seems to keep promising me shes sorry and she just wants me ect and sure its beliveable..... but so were all the other times i have a mate that iv been kinda talking through everything from the start and he's met her a few times and seems to think shes a lovly girl but has caused to much damage. Im not sure weather im doing this for me or other people as i do miss her sometimes but others its just so nice to be single and go riding with out bein text every 2mins there's so much to say its frustrating to get out. She has done the hole risk thing loads befor and i have tryed so many things to stop her iv spoken about it nicely iv asked her how she feels and she basicly said exacly what you desribed but the thing is.... shes got nothing to be upset with i know her possably better than anyone else i know what she dose daily and i know what happens and theres nothing remotely that bad she is very emotional but her life isnt half as bad as mine has been this year iv had alsort go rong but i wont go into that yet my wrists are scare free i take it out in other ways i guess but she has nothing to take out and if she did i would hope she would want to talk to me about it but instead she turns to my friends, she used to talk to me and its not like i don't listen most people that know me i would hope know im always around for my friends/girl friend and will do what i can to help if they are having hard times. i think some of it is attention buth how can i give her more attetnion than seein her when she wants, textin 24/7, msn, myspace, phone calls, yet she still turns to someone else after what hannah said i can understand a little better and i know exacly what she is trying to say how ever why she's doing it all makes no scence. Iv been invited to her best mates fanncey dress party tonight were shes going and my so called 'mate' was going and i said i won't be goin they knew why and made a point of asking him if he was still goin and he said he can't as he has somthing else planed still a little unsure as to weather to go or not as the chances are i will ether end up getin back with her in a drunken state or argue and storm out so im still tryin to deside if i should or not i mean i probly shouldn't let my friday night go to waste hmm very confussing id like to just run away and hide but hasn't really worked for other stuff i tryed that with hmmm.

Well since she's beeing literally begging for you take her back it kinda suggests to me that she really does need you, or, she just needs someone fall back on, however, i personally think that if she just needed anyone in general she would have given up with you and tried it on someone else (given her apparent past experience...) Since I broke up with my lad I've seen him once, and it hurts to see them and know that you're not theirs, i understand that perfectly well, and although I still think he's a nice lad, he did alot of things that hurt me, but deep down I still love him cause I'm a forgiving person, but it's all how you view it, I mean, if you still think she's a nice girl, especially after the 'other guys' sitatuations that surely that shows you kinda do forgive her, thus, you do still feel something for her, no matter how small. I personally hate being single aha, just because I hate not having that support behind me when I need it most, but I understand what you're saying about having freedom, for example, my ex used to ride whenever he wanted really, and i let him because it's his hobby and sure, sometimes I got abit stressy about it, but i learnt to live with it, it's not like your ex used to take you away from riding all the time is it? did she actually used to stop you from riding or just force you not to go out? The fact that you used the terms - 'she's got nothing to be upset with' tells me that you don't actually understand what she's going through, number one, she will feel so full of regret for the fact that you though/think she had something going on with another guy, and if she did, then she's going to be blaming herself for breaking up with you because of that. number two -oh come onnn! A year and a half of having someone behind you all the way and now not having anyone...that's terrible! A year and a half is a long time when you're young, a very long time, and all that time she's had you to talk to, you to turn to when she needs you most and now she doesn't have anyone... It's clear that this girl hasn't told you all her true feelings or you would be able to understand exactly what she's going through, exactly what she HAS got upset to be about. Perhaps her year hasn't been as bad as yours, but people handle things on different levels, take your ex... she's 'lost' the one person she needs, she just has a different perspective of things and is probably being incredibly pessimistic about the situation, i know, when i lost the one person i needed most i went into complete and utter turmoil, and to be honest, she sounds like she's doing what i'm still doing. The fact she turns to your friends also has some kinda resemblance I do suppose, I mean, I am best friends with my ex's best friends, and I talk to them about it all the time because they understand my ex, if that made sense... so it makes it easier for me, because I can discuss the problems with my ex with someone who knows him just as well as i do, the fact that she's talking to your friends just makes me think that she's still trying to be as close to you as possible, because she's holding onto your strings as well as hers in the hope that you might actually get back together. I personally wouldn't go to this party tonight, if you know you're just going to end up arguing in a drunken state then it isnt really worth it, because it will only escalate your troubles with her when you let slip something you know you can't take back or you end up drunkenly flirting with someone else, which will just upset her. My honest advice about seeing her would be to meet up with her in private, just you and her, because a girl can't open up to someone they still love with others around. I can guarantee right now all that's on her mind is you, because she feels guilty for losing you and angry because she thinks you dont want her back, so just let her come to yours, or go to hers, and just sit with her and talk, seriously, watch her face light up when she hears your voice, hear her tone of voice change when she talks to you.

It'll all make sense, eventually, why things are the way the are with you and her.

Whatever's meant to be, will work out perfectly.

-Hannah x

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Erm WOW you'v done this before lol after all that i kinda feel silly about not takin her back almost like im doin somthing stupid i duno weather i need time to get over her or im just kidding myself and should go back out with her but as you say she dose need to open up and tell me stuff boys are a little more simple minded than girls if somethings getin to me i come out and say it or i let her know clearly and no girl iv ever met will do the same. Kinda thinking i should go back out with her but there has been so so so many things i don't think ill ever let drop i mean this is just in the last month or so there has been many other things that have pissed me off and im sure i have i just don't do things on the same level as her and she know'd that. I duno if i can forgive everything but i duno if i can let her go sometimes it feels like this relationship has run its course other times it feels wrong and like i should be with her if that makes any scence at all.

Thanks once again :)

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