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Hampshire Comp, Burley

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Was a good comp, I made the decision to change to red on the day. I may have only got out of 4 sections but the sections challenged me a lot more than blue route. I think I finished on 79 in the end and I was fairly happy with my riding.

The event was run very smoothly, we had to ride two groups of three sections as separate laps (We rode sections 1, 2 and 3 three times then rode sections 4, 5 and 6 three times), I thought that this helped control the ques really well and this method could possibly be a good thing if used at other events.

I was surprised that the heat didn’t mess me about too badly; I did get through a good 3 1/2 litres of fluids today though! Sunburn wasn’t really a problem as most sections were fairly shady however the large number of insects around the venue did get annoying!

Overall a great day, I expect I will see many of you at the next event on the 9th of July.

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Yeah, i thought it was a really good comp, everyone seemed to be having a laugh and a nice time.

Sections were good, the ones the sand/stoney banks up the far end were a bit annoying, you would get a perfect line, and the next time you went there the whole thing would be completely different!.

I was surprised that the heat didn’t mess me about too badly; I did get through a good 3 1/2 litres of fluids today though! Sunburn wasn’t really a problem as most sections were fairly shady however the large number of insects around the venue did get annoying!

Same as man, i dont think the heat affected me that much, apart from sweating stupidly loads, i different really suffer with exhaustion, until the very last section.

I think i got through 2 drinks bottles and a bottle of lucozade.

The thing that ruined the day was the journey home. It should of taken us about 2 hours............. instead it took us 5!!!!!

Some accident/crash/ufo landing or summin.

BUT i did see the legend ROB WARNER on the motorway, we followed him for a while and the cruised next to him, he looked at me!!! Wooooo hahaha. made my day haha.

So yeah, was a good day,had a good ride, finished on 14 in expert, so done ok.

Will see y'all at the next one.

Peace out

Scott (Y)(Y)

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