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So, i'm currently running a BB7 with a 203mm rotor up front, but it doesnt seem to give me the power i want, i've aligned and realigned the caliper several times, both with parktools guide and with avids own. but it seems like it just dont give me the "bite" i want.

and another question, the pads wobble in the caliper, is that normal? annoying.

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Wait until its raining

Find a massive hill


Go down from the top with it half on (you may need to pedal down the hill)

Do that a couple of times and it should work

If not


Go down from the top, and pump the lever as much as you can (on, off, on, off) as fast as you can all the way down

That should do it ;)

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Go down from the top, and pump the lever as much as you can (on, off, on, off) as fast as you can all the way down

With an Avid BB7 203mm rotar

sorry if the consept of tht makes me shit myself!!!!

im usless down hills dont want to use my BB7 an eat dirt

down want to wear rear tire

oh well ill live :closedeyes:

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So, i'm currently running a BB7 with a 203mm rotor up front, but it doesnt seem to give me the power i want, i've aligned and realigned the caliper several times, both with parktools guide and with avids own. but it seems like it just dont give me the "bite" i want.

and another question, the pads wobble in the caliper, is that normal? annoying.

if the best calliper disc brake with the biggest rotor don't give you "enough power" then it's definately not bedded in properly!

here's how i bed in rotors. please note that you'll need some water ina container first.

1 - check that you still have a good amount of brakeing surface left on your pads

2 - find somewhere flat - or with a 'slight' downward slope

3 - apply the front brake enough so the pads touch the rotor, but not so much that you can't pedal forwards

4 - ride around for about a minute: it'll be like riding up a steep slope, and your legs will burn, so be prepared to sweat for it!

5 - ride to where you have your source of water (running hose/waterbottle/camelbak/cup of water!) and quickly jump off the bike and spray the rotor with water (it's even better if someone else is on standby with the water so they can wet the rotor for you). due to the friction heat you've built up, you should get a small burst of steam from the rotor.

6 - do this 3 times

i'd replace the cable as well and check that the BB7 calliper is setup properly (offset 2/3 to the inside as per the manual)

hope that helps some

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I've found out that if you heat it up too muh it goes pants.

As it was said above, drag it about ta fooook, then throw some water on it, and continue dragging it. It should naturally bed in, if you do that a few times it should be deadly (Y) alos if you use the old avid rotar, I think it is a bit better than the new ones.

IPB Image That rotor seems to be the better one...

Edited by Burton
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I had the same problem, mind you i was using a 165mm rotor. I just gave up and bought a hope mono trial. My avid was no where near as good as that.

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I think that i'll try to bed it in again, looking for a hill and some speed

Linear slic housing with xtr cable, i know it should be insane. but it has been f**king me in the ear since i bought it

i had to respace the hub (shimano XT) since the disc was too close to the disc mount- couldn't align the caliper properly. annoying as hell.

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