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Bush And Blair's Overheard Conversation...

Mark W

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Quite interesting. Not least 'cos he says "shit" on the news OMGZ :o

But yeah, thought some people may be interested...

Slightly better transcript of it:

Bush: Yo, Blair. How are you doing?

Blair: I'm just...

Bush: You're leaving?

Blair: No, no, no not yet. On this trade thingy ...[inaudible]

Bush: Yeah, I told that to the man.

Blair: Are you planning to say that here or not?

Bush: If you want me to.

Blair: Well, it's just that if the discussion arises ...

Bush: I just want some movement.

Blair: Yeah.

Bush: Yesterday we didn't see much movement.

Blair: No, no, it may be that it's not, it may be that it's impossible.

Bush: I am prepared to say it.

Blair: But it's just I think what we need to be an opposition...

Bush: Who is introducing the trade?

Blair: Angela [Merkel, the German chancellor].

Bush: Tell her to call 'em.

Blair: Yes.

Bush: Tell her to put him on, them on the spot. Thanks for [inaudible] it's awfully thoughtful of you.

Blair: It's a pleasure.

Bush: I know you picked it out yourself.

Blair: Oh, absolutely, in fact [inaudible].

Bush: What about Kofi? [inaudible] His attitude to ceasefire and everything else ... happens.

Blair: Yeah, no I think the [inaudible] is really difficult. We can't stop this unless you get this international business agreed.

Bush: Yeah.

Blair: I don't know what you guys have talked about, but as I say I am perfectly happy to try and see what the lie of the land is, but you need that done quickly because otherwise it will spiral.

Bush: I think Condi is going to go pretty soon.

Blair: But that's, that's, that's all that matters. But if you ... you see it will take some time to get that together.

Bush: Yeah, yeah.

Blair: But at least it gives people ...

Bush: It's a process, I agree. I told her your offer to ...

Blair: Well ... it's only if I mean ... you know. If she's got a ... or if she needs the ground prepared as it were ... Because obviously if she goes out, she's got to succeed, if it were, whereas I can go out and just talk.

Bush: You see, the ... thing is what they need to do is to get Syria, to get Hizbullah to stop doing this shit and it's over.

Blair: Syria.

Bush: Why?

Blair: Because I think this is all part of the same thing.

Bush: Yeah.

Blair: What does he think? He thinks if Lebanon turns out fine, if we get a solution in Israel and Palestine, Iraq goes in the right way ...

Bush: Yeah, yeah, he is sweet.

Blair: He is honey. And that's what the whole thing is about. It's the same with Iraq.

Bush: I felt like telling Kofi to call, to get on the phone to Assad and make something happen.

Blair: Yeah.

Bush: We are not blaming the Lebanese government.

Blair: Is this...? (at this point Blair taps the microphone in front of him and the sound is cut.)

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Seems weird how everyone's saying Blair is a total pussy and shit like that when it doesn't really sound like he is. I think if people didn't think that conversations like this happened, they were pretty naive in the first place...

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Seems weird how everyone's saying Blair is a total pussy and shit like that when it doesn't really sound like he is. I think if people didn't think that conversations like this happened, they were pretty naive in the first place...


call him a smarmy, lying little twat if you like, but you don't get to run the country by being a pussy.

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At the end of the day bush and blair are fighting the same battle. Infact they are good friends outside of politics, its just idiot do gooders seem to love voicing their opinion on anti war etc who try and portray them differently. Bush and blair both know where the trouble lies with whats going on in israel. Top and bottom of it is the iranians are causing all the trouble at the end of the day. In the near future we will more than likely see a direct attack on the iranians .. they are literally mental and need a good sorting out. Israel fought off 4 other countries during the 50/60's and have always been damn awesome at catching the enemy off guard. This week is going to be pretty good if you're in to watching some bombardment, they wont have any messing. They sent the egyptians running within a couple of days back in the 60's whilst fighting everyone else (Y) .

I dont understand whats so shocking about the transcript.. how did people think they talked? its not as if they arent human, maybe it will infact make people realise that the job they have to do is f**king tough. They are literally like everyone else, but have to make stupidly hard decisions every day. For all the people who think bush is a retard.. he knows who is f**king about in the east and hes given israel a week to sort the f**kers out for a reason. If they dont let israel fight then everyone around them are going to think.. ahh what a push over lets all kick off like we did before. The country is literally surrounded by a bunch of retards too, the syrian governement and lebonese government are weak as shite. The terrorists call the shots and theres nothing the country can do about it, being supplied weapons by the iranians once again they arent a push over. (map for people to see how f**ked israel is: http://ec.europa.eu/comm/external_relation...israel_w600.gif )

Stupid religion.

Edited by Spacemunkee
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In fairness, Bush relies f**king heavily on his advisors and so on. I'm not expecting him to have in-depth knowledge about everything America's involved in, but he himself appears to be on the "thicker than shit" sied of the intelligence spectrum...

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In fairness, Bush relies f**king heavily on his advisors and so on. I'm not expecting him to have in-depth knowledge about everything America's involved in, but he himself appears to be on the "thicker than shit" sied of the intelligence spectrum...

Who doesnt rely on their advisors? thats what they are there for. As you say its practically impossible for one person to make every decision for a country but when things need to get done hes the first one to stick his neck out and tell people whats going to happen. The war on terror etc.. all him... if england stopped pussying around with the IRA that would have been long over before it even started. The french are the worst for it, sit back on their arses all day and then once the dust has settled they start giving their opinions on what should happen next. They are fine they get their oil and everything else they need the dirty f**kers. They even had the cheak of making us pay reperations up until the 90's for the damage we caused trying to save their sorry arsed country during the world wars whilst their military were giving the germans blow jobs in paris.

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Who doesnt rely on their advisors? thats what they are there for. As you say its practically impossible for one person to make every decision for a country but when things need to get done hes the first one to stick his neck out and tell people whats going to happen. The war on terror etc.. all him... if england stopped pussying around with the IRA that would have been long over before it even started. The french are the worst for it, sit back on their arses all day and then once the dust has settled they start giving their opinions on what should happen next. They are fine they get their oil and everything else they need the dirty f**kers. They even had the cheak of making us pay reperations up until the 90's for the damage we caused trying to save their sorry arsed country during the world wars whilst their military were giving the germans blow jobs in paris.

Completly differant story, not worth even going into it really, but the hassle could have been avoided if the English hadn't of come over in the first place, so it's their own fault anyway?

Who care's, this is turning into too much of a politricks thread, it's just for taking the piss out of two of the most powerfull men in the world.

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Taking the piss out of what? a conversation about the east? ... :mellow:

The hassle wouldnt have come about if people didnt get so damn pathetic over religion. Its not as if the english started the terrorism, ira took it to the next level. We went over in the 1920's i think it was, to help out the RIC . The IRA up until recently seemed to be just a bunch of idiots trying to act under a name which they certainly are not. Terrorism is different to civil war.

Edited by Spacemunkee
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Taking the piss out of what? a conversation about the east? ... :mellow:

The hassle wouldnt have come about if people didnt get so damn pathetic over religion. Its not as if the english started the terrorism, ira took it to the next level. We went over in the 1920's i think it was, to help out the RIC . The IRA up until recently seemed to be just a bunch of idiots trying to act under a name which they certainly are not. Terrorism is different to civil war.

Religion has f**k all to do with it, religion teaches one to love their neighbour and such, had the IRA been religious, they would not have murdered people would they?

When the english/scots invaded ulster it was a larger place than it is today, 9 counties I beileve, they then came to an agreement to downsize, and thus northern ireland was born.


Had the english/scots never came here and tried to take over in the first place, there would be no hassle, Ireland would be governed by itself entirley, and many people would not have lost their lives.

This goes back further than 100 years.

I don't really care, I live here and havn't actually been directly affected myself, so it's not all that bad.

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Religion has f**k all to do with it, religion teaches one to love their neighbour and such, had the IRA been religious, they would not have murdered people would they?

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh, that's why the Protestants and Catholics get on so well. It all becomes oh-so-clear...

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Mark, come on man, I'd have thought you'd have got it.

Catholisism and the protestant equivalent, do not teach their followers to kill.

Those who are geniune followers of their faith, be it catholic or protestant, simply wouldn't entertain thought's of killing off the other side.

Ask any other member from here, if the problem here is actually as simple as religion.

It's got nothing to do with it now.

Anyway, I wanted to make my point that in effect, the english/scot's did start this, no-one from Ireland decided to invade scotland/england/wales did they?

Of course, that's not to say that if the british government hadn't come here that someone else wouldn't have had their try at f**king shit up, British just got here first.....

It's not catholics and protestants fighting. It's loyalists (to the queen) and nationalists, it just happens that most nationalists are 'catholic', while most loyalists are 'protestant'. Many people here who call themselves catholic or protestant havn't been to a church for anything other than an important ceremony.

Try and remember here that at one time there were no protestant's, they only came about when a king wanted to get a divorce and protested - hence protestant.

Another main factor in the reason as to why this has been going on for so long, is that there are many many people sitting in stormont, not achieving anything, but earning a f**kin' good wage.

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They're citing religious grounds for their conflict though, aren't they? I thought that even on the graffiti they do they have religious implications (can't think of the words...). Either way, you can't seriously tell me that religion has nothing to do with it? It may not teach people to be violent towards each other (although you may say that there's underlying negative messages in a lot of the Bible if you look at it closely and think about it), but people still use their interpretation of it to try and justify whatever they do. In that even Christians seem to say that the Bible's all loose and open to interpretation and that it's all metaphor, that kinda backs them up too. Same way that Islamic extremists use their religion to back up them doing suicide bombings and so on.

But yeah, meh...

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They're citing religious grounds for their conflict though, aren't they? I thought that even on the graffiti they do they have religious implications (can't think of the words...). Either way, you can't seriously tell me that religion has nothing to do with it? It may not teach people to be violent towards each other (although you may say that there's underlying negative messages in a lot of the Bible if you look at it closely and think about it), but people still use their interpretation of it to try and justify whatever they do. In that even Christians seem to say that the Bible's all loose and open to interpretation and that it's all metaphor, that kinda backs them up too. Same way that Islamic extremists use their religion to back up them doing suicide bombings and so on.

But yeah, meh...

Yeap.. and atleast these terrorists actualy still have their religious beliefs (suicide bombers). Unlike the IRA... who infact.. had to rename themselves so many times due to randoms pretending to be them and randomly killing people for the fun of it. Even better their choice of names have actually been a tad funny.. one of which.. "The Real IRA".... pure f**king genious!

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Yeap.. and atleast these terrorists actualy still have their religious beliefs (suicide bombers). Unlike the IRA... who infact.. had to rename themselves so many times due to randoms pretending to be them and randomly killing people for the fun of it. Even better their choice of names have actually been a tad funny.. one of which.. "The Real IRA".... pure f**king genious!

Im glad I forgot about this post, yes mark, they do basically say that their shite is in the name of religion.

With regard to the marches on the 12th and such which usually are the main cause of trouble, there wasn't much hassle this year at all, on the street, the marches are probobly the single most likely event to cause conflict. People want to celebrate a tradition, other people are getting sick of it and don't want it shoved in their faces or marches outside their front door.

besides like I said, there isn't really any trouble here on a large scale anyway and hasn't been for years.

Way to hi-jack a thread even managed to lure the starter in too.... (Y) good job lads

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